The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 268: false peace

As soon as Eitrigg started talking, the two people who were still amiable just now spoke together and interrupted him very impolitely.



In order to show their own justice, Vanessa and Old Fording also took Eitrigger to visit the Undercity.

"Come, come, look at this, this is the magic area, look at these skulls, the skulls here are not only human, do you see if this skull looks like an orc's head?"

"Come on, take a look at this. This is the alchemy area. There is a big secret buried here. Have you seen the green solvent barrel more than ten meters high? This is the undead plague recently researched by the Forsaken."

"Look here, the bones on the shelf here are all their plague experiments, can you tell by looking at the bones? There are humans, dwarves, gnomes, orcs and tauren here. The goals of the Forsaken are not only It's us humans..."

There are many things that cannot be refuted at all, and the piles of white bones are not planted by humans. You can tell from the traces that it has been a few years old.

Eitrigg, who had a sense of justice in his heart, was very angry, and left the Undercity to find Sylvanas to make a theory.

The Banshee Queen's acting skills were a little exaggerated, she shook her head to express that she didn't know, and those people from the Royal Apothecary Association made it up without telling her.

The Royal Apothecary Association was also ruthless enough. A coup took place that night. Stratholme was extremely chaotic. More than a thousand people died in one night. Even Eitrigg helped kill two Forsaken with a big knife. The demon king was even shot with an arrow in the shoulder by a traitor.

"Sylvanas can hit the arrow? This is too fake, I don't believe it!" Eitrigger returned to the capital of Lordaeron again, explaining the Stratholme rebellion and Sylvanas being deceived Vanessa didn't believe a word about it.

Eitrigg ran back and forth like a microphone.

Later, both parties seemed to think that he was riding too slowly, so they directly got him a temporary portal. After leaving the capital of Lordaeron, it was Stratholme. After leaving Stratholme, he arrived at the capital of Lordaeron.

The warchief advisor was confused by them, teleporting back and forth, and the dizziness in the body was also reflected in the head.

That is one word, dizzy!

Here we talk about free will, and there we talk about royal duties. One says they kill civilians, the other says that the Forsaken experimented with intelligent life.

Eitrigg found this fact too difficult to reconcile.

In the end, he didn't care about Cirvanas' exaggerated summation conditions, but expressed Thrall's wishes.

Stop the war and reach peace. The two sides will use the current area as the boundary to complete the truce.

Vanessa and Old Fording exchanged a tacit look.

"Well..." Vanessa pretended to hesitate.

Eitrigg saw that there was something going on, and immediately persuaded him: "The great chief hopes that both of you will put aside the dispute for the time being and go all out to the outside world. The Lich King is our great enemy. We can discuss the rest of the issues within the framework of the alliance and the tribe. We The two sides should not be enemies."

Old Fording is not very good at talking nonsense with his eyes open, and Vanessa is responsible for these matters.

Vanessa and Eitrigg have been arguing for another two days. She can't back down, and Cirvanas won't back down. Eitrigg can't persuade either party to give in. But if no one backs down in this negotiation, then there's no way. We had to talk, and in the end, as an intermediary, he ran back and forth several times before reaching an extremely fragile verbal agreement.

Lordaeron and the Forsaken do not recognize each other's status, do not sign any written treaties, and do not make any formal statements.

It's just a simple truce. As for the future, we will talk about it later.

Their peace agreement is extremely fragile, but it barely meets the expectations of the tribe.

The two sides even used Eitrigger's mouth to pass on the information they wanted the other party to know.

The Forsaken said that the Queen was seriously injured and was currently recovering from her injuries. The Civil War had severely consumed the Forsaken's military strength. The remnants of the Royal Apothecary Society were still rioting in the city. Eitrigger alone had witnessed three rebellions.

Vanessa and the others also said that they were repairing the city, welcoming Calia Menethil to go north, and preparing for the official coronation ceremony.

She also showed Eitrigg her blueprint for the layout of the future city. She planned to build a new palace from the Isle of Fenris above Lake Lordamere, and then build her own residences on the three surrounding islands.

The planning has been done, and then Calia will live in the North Sea Garden in the north, Jaina will live in the Zhonghai Garden in the middle, and she will live in the South Sea Garden in the south.

To be honest, this plan to build a palace really surprised Cirvanas. Are human beings so greedy for pleasure? But Eitrigger explained in great detail, and the various building plans were very organized. If it wasn't for the human beings' detailed plans, an orc wouldn't understand these things.

Humans are trash! Cirvanas was full of contempt for Vanessa.

"Dear Your Majesty, I don't think the Undercity is very important to the Forsaken, but it is the capital of Lordaeron and the center of human civilization. It is impossible for humans to return to the king of Lordaeron. The chief hopes that The Forsaken make appropriate concessions, don't get entangled in the issue of the capital, and the tribe is willing to provide some assistance."

It was the fifteenth time Eitrigg talked about the capital of the kingdom with Cirvanas. The symbolic meaning of this capital is too great. He believes that humans will not give up. On the contrary, the Undercity is not the core interest of the Forsaken, let alone The core interests of the tribe, there is no need to hold on to a ruined city. Eitrigger thinks that Stratholme, which is now occupied by the Forsaken, is a good place. The strength of the army cannot be defeated at all.

Stratholme is even closer to Quel' of the blood elves, maybe it can pull these elves into the camp of the Horde.

Thrall wants the Forsaken to hold on to Stratholme.

Cirvanas sneered in his heart, still showing a dissatisfied look on his face.

She insinuated and asked what the human soldiers were doing, focusing on what Vanessa, Old Fording and Jaina were doing.

When I heard that humans were cleaning up the ruins of the city and preparing to welcome Alsace's sister back to the throne, my heart was full of joy.

In the end, he reluctantly agreed to the tribe's mediation on the grounds that his injuries were too serious.

Eitrigg went back to report, and behind the surface of peace, the two sides were secretly mobilizing soldiers and horses to prepare for another battle.

Unlike Old Fording and Jaina, who still had such fantasies in their hearts, Vanessa didn't believe in Sylvanas' peace agreement at all, not a single word. Thrall might think that the prestige of her tribe could be suppressed The queen of the banshees, in fact, people took his reputation as a fart, and didn't take it to heart at all.

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