The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 248: learn from each other

The three families should be about the same, but it is a pity that the tauren's druid inheritance was cut off midway, but as the tauren participated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, they regained the druid knowledge from the archdruid Malfurion.

Vanessa chatted with her cheap brother Niu and found that the druid way passed on by the night elves to the tauren was somewhat problematic. Night elves are more suitable for night elves, relatively speaking, not so suitable for tauren.

The stupid senior brother Niu only knows how to practice hard. Vanessa estimates that the demigod Cenarius taught students according to their aptitude. The druid inheritance of night elves, tauren and Drust should be slightly different, which is suitable for night elves. It may not be applicable to tauren, nor may it be applicable to humans.

Vanessa has this problem now. If she practiced according to the method of the night elves, it doesn't mean that she can't get promoted, but it's very awkward and unnatural. She was like the mold of an elf, and when she came to Drustvar, she wanted to ask what knowledge Cenarius had taught the ancient Drust people.

If the other party doesn't meet her, she has a solution.

Sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the cave in a very unladylike manner, she was the first to speak: "This withered place of yours is actually not a dead place, but a part of the Emerald Dream. Do you know about the Emerald Dream?"

The Drust in the cave was obviously taken aback by the question, he hesitated for a long time: "What is it?"

Vanessa Barabara talked about the Emerald Dream, and then told about several research results of the night elves on the Emerald Dream, and then she asked again: "When I send the force of nature to the arm, why is there always A brief stagnation?"

This time, the Drusts in the cave answered quickly: "It's because of the influence of the bones. You only need to create a small circulation at the elbow, and there will be no such problems in the future. It is recorded in the ancient books that there is one in the moon. Why can't I sense the existence of a powerful person?"

Vanessa smiled: "You mean the moon **** Elune, right? That form of existence is difficult for us mortals to understand, but his real body is definitely not in the moon, and there is not much extraordinary power in the moon. Then It's more of a spiritual sustenance, how do you control the power of the wild?"

They asked and answered questions across the cave. Vanessa wanted to find a Druid way that was more suitable for humans, and the other side wanted to make up for the part of knowledge that she had lost. Although he was the only one left in the entire group, he still With a kind of spirit of hearing the road and dying in the evening, Vanessa and Vanessa confirmed each other's paths.

The other party is a little higher than Vanessa's level, but it's not at the legendary level in the usual sense, it's just very close.

Her druid "Sandor" who can teach apprentices is not fake, and the two of them can talk on an equal footing, no problem at all.

"My name is Vanessa, how about you?"


After the two parties simply named each other, the thorns in the cave retreated automatically. Vanessa walked into the cave and saw a giant bear covered in thorns in the open space.

This guy is as tall as a three-story building even if he is lying on the ground, and his body is huge, like a hill.

Vanessa took a few glances at the opponent's form.

"Although my path ahead is not very clear, I know that your path must be wrong. This is not the path of druids!"

The giant bear said: "But the previous teacher thought that the druid should be integrated with the natural creation."

As he spoke, he raised his front paws. The paws were covered with the texture of hardwood, which looked sharp, but actually there was not much flesh and blood left.

The ancestors of these guys did this to resist the curse of flesh and blood, right? As a flesh and blood being, Vanessa was completely unable to understand the psychological activities of the ancient Vrykul from a state of steel to a state of flesh and blood.

This can indeed be called a curse for them, and these Drust people on the evolutionary chain implanted wicker and tree roots into their bodies, probably to delay the process of flesh and blood, right?

Vanessa had a realization in her heart, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she turned into a flaming cheetah. A bear and a leopard squatted in the cave chatting, learning from and discussing each other.

You ask a question, I try to answer it, and then I ask another question, and you answer it. They started a strange conversation in this unremarkable mountain range.

Temporarily throwing away Lordaeron, money, money, and concentrating on the way of druids, Vanessa worked hard to learn the knowledge of Alfa, trying to blaze a new path that can be used by humans.

It wasn't until Old Fording's communication sounded that she said goodbye to Bear De Alfa, the Thorn Whisperer. Vanessa flew back to Hearthglen first. Old Fording had already left Quel'Thalas and was returning to the east. On the way to the Plaguelands, the netting operation against Stratholme can begin.

Eastern Plaguelands, Marris Farm.

This area is small and inconspicuous in the entire Eastern Plaguelands, but this is the farm of the human ranger lord, Nathanos Marris.

This land has a very special meaning to Nathanos the person he loves the most, Sylvanas once stayed here for one night before his death, and that night changed a lot of things .

The oath to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the honor of human beings, and everything related to morality were abandoned by Nathanos. His subsequent life will only bloom for one person, and only for that person.

Originally, Nathanos didn't dare to face up to this feeling. He is a human being, and Cirvanas is a high elf. When his lifespan reaches the end and his head is covered with white hair, the other party will still maintain the same appearance as yesterday . Originally, I thought that this would be the end of my life, but I didn't expect the natural disaster of the undead to break out.

Even the only ranger lord among humans, he couldn't resist the tide-like undead army. He was killed by the undead, and his body was controlled by undead magic, turning him into an inconspicuous servant of the Lich King.

After Sylvanas came back from the dead, she immediately found him and recruited him into the ranks of the Forsaken. Now Nathanos Maris is renamed Nathanos Blightcaller. He is proud of being a warrior of the Demon King and is willing to sacrifice everything for it.

It's a pity that his body is too broken, and the skills he was once proud of can't perform 30% at all.

The Blightcaller rejected the task of being an instructor in the Undercity, and he wanted to continue fighting for his queen.

The Forsaken's troops were limited, so he returned to his former farm alone, centered here to investigate the movements of all parties, and then reported a lot of information to the beloved Banshee Queen.

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