The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 235: Lor'themar Theron

After arranging a residence for Old Fording, Liadrin hurried to the Tower of Sunfury to meet her lover, Lord Regent Lor'themar Theron of Silvermoon City.

Lor'themar Theron is a tall male blood elf with a stern face and a head of silver hair. His body is full of strength, which can be seen in every movement of his hands and feet.

Before the undead Scourge invaded, he had been serving as Cirvanas' deputy, and he had great respect for the ranger general. After Cirvanas died, he took over the other party's duties and led the remaining elf troops to continue fighting against the undead. .

During the battle, his left eye was permanently blinded. To an elf, wearing an eye patch would be very rude and reveal scars. It is also difficult for an elf who pursues perfection. Lor'themar struggled with this for a while. But now there is no need to worry about it, troubles come one after another, he has no time to care about his appearance at all.

He and his two advisers, best friend Halduron Bright Wing, and Archmage Rommath discussed several issues that most needed to be resolved in the kingdom. While talking, the guards came to report, and Liadrin returned.

"The Regent." Even though they were a well-known couple, Liadrin still strictly abided by many laws of Quel'Thalas in public, and she bowed solemnly to say hello.

Lor'themar Theron also responded very positively: "Thank you, what did the human messengers say?"

Liadrin did not relay the conversation between the two about the Holy Light. She took out the letter that Old Fording had handed over to her, which was an official letter from the leader of Lordaeron's regent to the leader of Quel'Thalas' regent.

"Here is the letter." She handed over the sealed silk, stamped with Lordaeron's ink pad.

Lor'themar checked the stamp as usual, and after there was no problem, he opened the letter and read it carefully.

The letter was very long, and it was the crystallization of Vanessa after practicing calligraphy for a while.

She can't write Jialiya's particularly elegant font, which requires a long time of hard work.

There are also calligraphers and writers in Azeroth, and the culture here has been spreading at a higher level. For example, Illidan, the son of light and darkness, even coded and wrote when he had nothing to do. Have you ever written a book...

On the human side, Bolvar's handwriting is very good, and Duke Leoric von Zeldig, who leads the 7th Legion, is even a contemporary calligrapher. Vanessa has no time to practice calligraphy, and she is too lazy to spend that time , She directly writes her understanding of nature into the text, which is flamboyant and enthusiastic, and at the same time fits perfectly with nature.

This letter would reveal her druid identity, but she never planned to hide it from the beginning to the end, let alone hide it.

Lor'themar read the letter again. Vanessa's letter did not mention the alliance from the beginning to the end. She just explained the friendship accumulated by Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas for two thousand years. The idiom with dead lips and cold teeth, but there are similar proverbs, she used them directly.

Vanessa is quite proficient in Elvish language. This kind of credential must be written in the native language, but a few sentences of Elvish language between the lines can also improve the relationship between the two parties.

Che Jilu wrote a lot of words, but the core meaning is only one. We, Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas, should not be enemies. Now the two sides have great differences, but we can try to resume dialogue. Maybe we will become friends after a while. Are you friends?

Back then, the Quel'dorei were exiled by the night elf Kaldorei because they admired arcane magic and didn't want or bother to learn the ways of druids. In the inherent values ​​of Quel'dorei, they were hostile to druids. Yes, this is purely an ideological dispute.

If they agree with the Druids, why would they give up their eternal life and come across the sea to the Eastern Continent? From Dath'Rema Sunstrider to Anasterian Sunstrider, in just 7300 years, they have experienced four generations of kings of the Sunstrider family. If you count the current Prince Kael'thas, then That is, five generations, on average, one generation is more than 1500 years old. These elves would rather give up eternal life than learn the way of druids!

For them, druids and enemies are equated, which is the main reason why Vanessa huddled in Hearthglen and dared not come.

The paradox of druids is one aspect.

Arthas led the undead to break through Quel'Thalas, killed the elf king Anastrian Sunstrider, and desecrated the Sunwell, which is the source of magic for the whole family. This is the blood elves' anger against Lordaeron. .

In the end, the alliance commander Garrisus commanded the army to resist the natural disaster of the undead. The blood elf prince Kael'thas took his tribe to support him, but all he encountered was suppression and suspicion. In the end, all the blood elves were thrown into prison. It's the blood elves' hatred for the Alliance.

Druids, Lordaeron, Alliance! Vanessa, the three major hatreds of the blood elves, is full...

Lor'themar read the letter again before passing it on to his advisor.

While the adviser was reading the letter, he asked Liadrin.

"What kind of person is that human messenger, Tirion Fordring?"

In order not to affect his judgment, Liadrin put her position relatively fairly: "Lord Fording is very wise and decisive. Frankly speaking, he is the strongest user of the holy light I have ever seen."

This evaluation is very high. Lor'themar thought about it for a while. He knew that Prince Kael'thas had sent back a creature of the Holy Light from Outland. Archmage Rommath proposed to extract the energy of this creature and create paladins among the blood elves. They named them After thinking about it, it's called the Blood Knight.

Liadrin's conditions in several aspects are the most suitable, and they are going to make Liadrin the first blood knight.

Lor'themar was very hesitant. The current experiment was still in its infancy, and they didn't know anything about the creatures of the Holy Light.

But in order for the clansmen to have the power to resist the Liadrin goes to participate in experiments every time, and often gets herself covered in bruises.

Lor'themar knew that his lover was very uncomfortable when he extracted the energy of the holy light creature. The holy light creature gave them the holy light, and at the same time passed on his own pain. Grit your teeth and insist.

Lor'themar felt the same way, and it was fine if he couldn't help it. He would sacrifice himself for the sake of his people, but if there was a way, he certainly didn't want his lover to suffer this crime.

I don't know what the regent of Lordaeron who has never met before is thinking. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, the arrival of the legendary paladin Tirion Fordring made Lor'themar's originally firm idea come true. Shaken a little.

He respected Cirvanas, and he respected Cirvanas even now, but his personal perception couldn't override the group.

He didn't have a choice before, but now that he has a choice, he must be more cautious. Personal likes and dislikes are not the criterion.


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