The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 203: is it wrong?

Jaina nodded. She abandoned everything she was acquainted with and came to Kalimdor to join the war. She followed the guidance of the prophet and tried to save the world. This was the thing she was most proud of all along.

The old lady looked at her fiercely: "But is this really the case? Do you think you are irreplaceable?"

Looking at Jaina's firm gaze, the old lady smiled: "In the face of time, no one is irreplaceable."

Frowning tightly, Jaina felt that there was a crack in her outlook on life: "You mean what I have done is meaningless? The night elves can delay time on their own without the help of Thrall and me. Is that the final battle?"

The old lady neither nodded nor shook her head, because she couldn't say for sure.

The background of the night elves is too deep. They repelled the invasion of the Burning Legion twice. Which race can do this now?

According to her observations, the second invasion was indeed very dangerous, forcing the night elves to sacrifice the world tree that gave them immortal life to kill Archimonde, but did they run out of cards? Hard to say.

The old lady knew that in Valsara on the Broken Isles, the priestesses of Elune there kept a treasure that was enough to activate the power of creation. Could this treasure be able to hurt Archimonde? The old lady didn't know if there were similar arrangements in other places, and she didn't know either.

She only knew that the high priest Tyrande Whisperwind had foreseen the invasion of the Burning Legion long ago, and had prepared for it for tens of thousands of years. Perhaps she could defeat the Burning Legion even without her stupid son running for her.

"Whether what you do is meaningful or not depends on the result. Now it seems that it is meaningful." Aegwynn and Medivh, mother and son, are proud people in their bones. She will not interfere with her son, and his son will pretend to be her Not here, I'm usually busy with my own business, it's inappropriate to openly dismantle the stage, the old lady said a few words from her heart.

She hastily changed the embarrassing topic: "What happened today? Look at your face so badly?"

Gianna said a little depressed: "It's Vanessa..."

She paused for a moment, she guessed that her consultant lady didn't know this person, and wanted to explain.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Aegwynn still remembered this person. The image of Vanessa wearing a murloc leather case and hiding away to cheer for a lot of monsters immediately appeared in her mind.

The old lady had a sullen face, afraid that she would laugh out loud.

"That little girl who can talk? I remember her. What happened to her?"

Jaina was a little puzzled, the tone was wrong! The old lady can ask someone "what's the matter with her", judging from her aloof style, this is a relatively close expression.

"She said she was going to revive Lordaeron." Jaina was very entangled.

The old lady waited for ten seconds, but found that there was nothing to say.

She was a little puzzled, her eyes seemed to be asking, that's all? Her old man thought that girl with a sweet mouth was dead!

Angrily, the old lady picked up the magic book that she read as a storybook, flipped through it casually, and said indifferently, "Then let her do it."

Jaina couldn't help but speak out the question in her heart: "But this will trigger a war between the Alliance and the Horde."

"Those undead occupy the homeland of Lordaeron, why don't they worry about triggering a war between the Horde and the Alliance, but need you to worry about it? Lordaeron has always been the land of humans, why should it be occupied by a group of undead What? Just because they are poor?"

The old lady continued to ask back, her position is undoubtedly on the side of human beings, and not participating does not mean that she does not have her own views.

"Give in when you can, and never back down when you can't. Even if everyone tells you to go away, you must stick to your bottom line...Although that little girl is messing around, she is more in line with The traditional definition of a hero in the human kingdom, and you, Miss Jaina Proudmoore, you are an excellent mage, but you are not as good as her in this regard."

The old lady has witnessed the rise and fall of too many dynasties, and has seen countless heroes. She didn't care about this matter, and expressed her own opinions, and then started reading books on her own.

Depressed, Jaina returned to her bedroom, and later she put on her cloak again and walked alone to the seaside of Theramore.

The sea breeze blew, and the remains of Kul Tiras' warships were scattered on the seashore, with a few scattered masts protruding from the water. Although the hull sank to the bottom of the sea, they still stubbornly showed the traces of their existence to the world.

The water surface was extremely calm, but the female mage seemed to be able to hear the roar of the wind, as if the Kul Tiras fleet was still there, their artillery was still roaring, and the soldiers' swords were still sharp, as if her father was still there. Did not leave myself.

"Father... did I really do something wrong..." Jaina stroked the Daelin Proudmoore saber that Vanessa gave her back. She couldn't face this weapon before, She wanted to send the saber far away, preferably without seeing it for the rest of her life, but after turning around, the saber returned to her hand.

People cannot be resurrected after death, so Daelin Proudmoore will naturally not jump out.

But Jaina was still too sad to breathe, and there was a huge crack in the high wall she built for herself in her heart.

Old Mrs. Aegwynn's words were sharp, but she was right about one thing.

I care about the relationship between the alliance and the tribe, and try to resolve the conflict between the two sides, but do the tribe think so too? If so, why did Thrall accept the Forsaken as a member of the Horde? Isn't he afraid of causing conflicts and wars?

For a moment, Jaina even felt that only she cared about the peace between the alliance and the tribe, and the rest probably didn't care.

Vanessa doesn't care, Bolvar doesn't care, Thrall can't Sylvanas doesn't seem to care, do you care?

She would say that she cared a lot before, but now that she analyzed her heart, she found that she didn't care much either.

Once the war broke out, how many orcs and humans would die, would she feel sad about it? It will be sad, but it will not affect your life.

She was born in a noble family and had experienced war since she was a child. If someone died, she would feel sad for a long time. She would have died long ago.

After three wars, she cherishes the preciousness of peace, but she will not be afraid of war.

She cares more about the sacrifices she has made for peace, and she wants those sacrifices to become meaningful. In essence, this is a fortress built for her past behavior. If everything made sense, her sacrifice was right, if everything didn't, then her previous actions were wrong!

Jaina hugged her legs and let the sea breeze blow her hair. She sat on the reef, staring blankly at the saber left by her father, and sat all night.


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