Su Luo walked out of the house and came to the vacant spot in the middle of the castle.

This is for security reasons.

If when the castle is upgraded, there is any accident, and people are accidentally smashed to death in the house, it will be unjust.

After a busy day, the goblins who were resting in the shack saw the island owner come out, and they all came together curiously.

This also saved Su Luo the trouble of calling them.

“Lord of the island, you are…”

The old goblin asked doubtfully, interrupted by Su Luo, “I’m going to upgrade the castle, and you’re going to dig out those ogre trees.” ”

“Wow! Upgrade the castle, the island lord you are too powerful! We’ll go right away. ”

The old goblin turned green and red with excitement, and led the goblins out of the city to dig trees.

After a while, the ten goblins carried all the Ogre Trees to Su Luo’s side.

Then, all of them looked at Su Luo with expectant eyes.

Su Luo didn’t have time to take care of these little guys.

He directly opened the floating island interface and found the castle upgrade option.

【Floating Island System: Does it cost 5000 gold to upgrade the castle?】 】

Yes/No? 】


Su Luo is sure.

[Floating Island System: -5000 coins].


A muffled thunderous sound echoed through the castle.

With this sound, a thick black fog appeared out of thin air and enveloped the surroundings.

The ground trembled slightly, and there was a rumbling sound around it.

At this time, the black mist surged outward like boiling porridge.

As the black mist moved outward, Su Luo’s original house was revealed.

By this time, it had changed into a big shape, not so much a house as a small castle.

Surrounded by high stone walls, the middle is still a Gothic spire house, with a tower at each corner and a stone bridge connecting the main building.

Outside the stone walls of the small castle, the thatched shacks of the goblins have been transformed into elaborate log cabins, arranged in an orderly manner.

The black fog slowly dissipated.

The surrounding walls gradually revealed.


Thoroughly exposed to broad daylight.

The towering walls blocked almost half of the sky.

People stand under it, only to feel as small as ants.

And the extent of the city wall, also withdrawn far away.

Not to mention planting a few trees, even planting a small forest is no problem.

Looking at the changes in the castle, Su Luo was also full of joy.

He never imagined that five thousand gold coins would be worth so much.

The upgraded castle far exceeded his psychological expectations.

The goblins were even more stunned, and one by one they were stunned and did not move.

“You planted trees here.”

Su Luo then returned to his senses and instructed the goblins to plant the ogre tree in the middle of the clearing.


This ogre tree is quite tenacious, transplanted twice or very spiritual.

“That’s safe.”

Su Luo was very satisfied and was planning to go back to see his new home.

At this time, a prompt pops up.

【Reconnaissance Crow: Discover the enemy!】 】


Su Luo was slightly stunned and switched to the crow’s vision.

At this time the scout crow was standing on the branch of a large tree.

Surrounded by an open meadow.

There were two or three hundred giant gray wolves scattered lazily around the grass.

One of them was a giant black wolf, one-third larger than the other wolves, covered in black hair, and looking forward to it.

Su Luo stared at the black giant wolf and emerged with information.

[Race: Wind Blade Giant Wolf (Leader)].

[Rank: 3 levels].

【Qualification potential: C】

[Skill: Wind Blade Spit]

He looked at the other giant wolves, all of them were below the third level.

“It’s less than three miles from the castle, and keeping them is too much of a threat to the goblins!” They must be killed as soon as possible! ”

Su Luo was about to exit the field of vision when he inadvertently glanced at the grass.

However, I saw that in the grass, several rabbit heads with long ears and furry suddenly appeared, and when they looked around, they immediately shrank back.

“Hey, there’s a rabbit here!”

At this time, Su Luo carefully examined the grassland, but he found the secret.

There are many caves in the meadows that are covered by weeds.

At a glance, it was dense, and there were several caves a step or two apart.

“This is a rabbit field, and the giant wolf is here because it guards the food.”

Su Luo was overjoyed.

If you kill this group of giant wolves, harvest this rabbit nest.

After that, the meat has continued to flow.

Thinking of this, he ordered the Scout crows to continue their exploration, and he withdrew from view to gather the four xenomorphs.


The xenomorphs were summoned to Su Luo’s side.

“Lord, command!”

The four xenomorphs knelt respectfully on the ground for instructions.

On the ground next to it, there was also a huge bison carcass.

This is what A Lin met on the road and brought it back with him.

Su Luo nodded, examining their information.

The A Pro and the A Soldier are already three levels.

The Armor and Armor are also upgraded to the second level.

“You guys will take a break first, and when you’re done replenishing your energy, I’ll have a task for you!”

When Su Luo looked at the information, he found that their energy values were only about half, not enough to annihilate the giant wolf in one fell swoop.

“Yes, Lord!”

The four xenomorphs agreed, floating motionless in the air, like four small dark clouds.

This is how they absorb energy from the air, and the body will spread out and recover faster.

Su Luo summoned the old goblin to hand over the bison carcass to him.

At this time, the reconnaissance crow found it again.

Su Luo immediately switched his vision.

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