The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 310: Piracy Convention

The newly rising king of Crete led an army to attack the [Island of Iss]. His army was invincible. The overwhelming murloc soldiers jumped onto the river bank with their naked chests, and turned their flesh into shield swords to attack without fear of death. On the Isle of Iss, a killing began.

The banquet originally used to wait for the viewing of alien fish was destroyed, flowers, fruits, and food were knocked over on the ground, and the ground was covered with blood.

And this new king's notorious method has long been known to everyone - black magic.

In the Murloc Islands, black magic has another name, which is witchcraft.

The murlocs combined concepts from their cultural tradition with black magic to form the concept of witchcraft, representing the murloc's awe and fear of mysterious and powerful evil spells.

Everyone knows what the new king of Crete is relying on to rule. If he hadn't relied on the witchcraft of the adult, he would have been overthrown long ago, and his wife went to the gallows with him.

The new king of Crete is just doing business for the mages in the castle.

Soon, the murloc soldiers brought a fiery red fish to the new king, and the old king returned triumphantly, with a grand party and a festive ceremony to invite the evil magician in the castle to accept his gift.

"Mighty Master Mage, I will meet all your requirements." The old king said excitedly: "I still remember the first time you saw me, you said you wanted to help me become the most powerful king, I was young then, Ignorance, I actually misunderstood the good intentions of the evil mage."

"Now I know that you are so kind."

In front of Hook, the old king flattered: "Master Mage, the ability you gave me to control the soldier's heart is really useful. Since then, I no longer have to worry about a strong murloc soldier who will build merits. And take my place with a call of arms, their heart is with me, and they must do whatever I want them to do, no matter how much power they have!"

"You are my teacher."

"I am your student."

The old king kneeled respectfully at Hook's feet and even kissed Hook's toes.

Hook's face is expressionless. When a person's heart has no warmth, even a smile and a anger are extremely tiring.

Hook was neither disgusted nor delighted by the flattery of the old king.

He looked at the old murloc king with a stranger's eyes and said, "You have done a good job. After this time, you have become the most prestigious murloc king on the nearby islands."

After all, he focused on the red fish behind the fish people.

Before he walked in, Hook felt an unusual heat blowing towards him.

'Of course it is impossible for a few fish to cause astronomical changes. They are not mythical creatures and do not have such great abilities. ’

Hook quickly judged: "There is an abnormal power contained in the fish, and the level of this power is very high, so the problem should be that in the sea area near Death Island, there is something in that sea area. , causing the nearby fish to mutate."

"Okay, I've seen them." Hook waved his hand and ordered the murlocs to carry the big fiery red fish away. "Take it, it's useless."

All the murloc soldiers and generals were stunned.

They did everything they could to conquer other city-states, risking the lives of their wives and sons, and what they got, but after just one glance, Master Hook asked them to take it as if they were garbage. go.

A murloc general blushed. He was unconvinced and said, "But... but, our lord, we worked so hard, we thought that the lord wanted it, that's why we worked so hard... isn't it?"

Hook, who had turned around halfway, suddenly turned around and looked at him coldly.

"This is your king's business, not mine."

The murloc king quickly slapped the general on the head, and put his foot on his chest, "Presumptuous!"

"Do whatever the Master wants to do, it's none of your business."

"Yes, yes..." The murloc general was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt down, like a grandson.

There is no way, now his heart is still in the hands of others, he has no dignity, like a cow and sheep to be slaughtered.


Inside the castle, Hook quickly wrote two letters in proficient Elvish language, which were also invitations.

A letter will be sent to Captain Joseph in the southern part of the Murloc Islands, informing him of the changes in the Murloc Islands, and that the abnormal weather may cause droughts in the world. It is believed that Captain Joseph will personally enter the waters of the Dead Island to investigate the abnormal changes in the sky.

A letter is sent to the pirates of the Murloc Islands, and it will be sent to the heads of the most powerful pirates. The letter says that a huge amount of gold ornaments have been found around the Dead Island. Those who believe in the daring and timid The dead pirates will inevitably be unable to withstand the temptation, and will enter the deep sea to explore the source of the changes in the Murloc Islands.

After he wrote two letters, he sent them out immediately.


Among the many islands in the southern part of the murloc archipelago, it has become a place where fish and dragons are mixed. There are murloc islands with pure native residents, islands occupied by orc pirates, and murloc city-states supported by the official navy of the orcs. These city-states A sea coalition that jointly supports an orc.

Previously, Maiev of the stigmata elf visited various countries, and it also provided convenient conditions for the exchange of navigation technology in various countries. one of the foundations.

On an orc pirate island flying a black flag, the island is full of ships.

The orc pirates gathered here, and they shouted loudly, just because a big pirate said today that pirates should also have pirates' They want to set up a pirate king!

This made the orc pirates who were drinking unhappy.

An orc smashed the wooden cup in his hand. "Why do we have to listen to you fooling around here?"

"Yes, we are all pirates. Who dares to say that they are good people? Why are good people still on this island with a black flag?"

"After leaving the Orc Kingdom, we are all just pirates."

"Being a pirate is because of freedom. What rules do you want! If we want to pay attention to the rules, we might as well abandon the ship and live ashore now."

The big pirate [Maxwell] who presided over the event stood up with a smile and said, "You misunderstood. I'm not trying to set rules for you, but... I'm going to tell those guys who always like black and black, someone's boat you. No looting."

"We're going to sign a pirate convention and a pirate code."

"Otherwise, the kingdom can disintegrate and disintegrate us at any time, and an era of great pirates will come to an end."

"The Sea God's crossing the sea has nothing to do with you from now on."

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