The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 234: The truth 10 years ago

The flames of the palace on Zet Island were extinguished. After worshipping the feathered snake god, the murloc soldiers began to clean up the mess and under the command of the murloc prince Mistockli, they captured the soldiers of the island.

Mistocki, the murloc prince, arrived very alertly, Bashir and the others, like a servant following them, carefully serving.

Bashir and the other two elves, along with Captain Joseph, found the orc mercenaries and orc sailors.

At this time, the orc mercenaries had stopped fighting.

Thirty orcs stood together and talked happily.

Seeing Bashir and others coming, the leading orc mercenaries saluted Bashir and other elves.

"Everyone, since our employer is dead, we don't need to fight anymore."

Captain Joseph's face was ugly, he sneered angrily, held his chest, and said nothing.

But in fact, he still looked at the orc mercenaries. He especially wanted to know why the fleet led by Atoman lost track ten years ago. The orc prophets thought they were killed, so they dared not start a new fleet to explore the Murloc Islands before technical advances in shipbuilding technology were made.

Bashir asked this question for Captain Joseph.

He politely asked the orc mercenary. "Strong orc warrior, we are your allies."

"It's a strange thing to have orcs appear on this land, so I want to know, why are you here?"

The orc mercenaries babbled to explain.

Finally put together the main deeds of the fleet led by Atoman in the past ten years.

At first, Atoman's fleet went smoothly and successfully discovered the Murloc Islands, and on the twenty-fifth day, they attempted to land on an island.

But during that event, there was an accident.

The leader of the orc mercenaries said: "We were not landing on the foamy rock-rich Zet Island and the barren Sky Island, but an island with very strange currents and wind directions."

"The current and wind direction of the sea near that island are all around that island, so when we got close to this island, we found that we couldn't leave that island."

"Thirty three-story wooden paddle boats and more than 1,500 orcs are all trapped on an island!"

"We encountered a major lesson."

"We may have adapted to life on land, but on this sea, we are still a group of apprentices who don't know anything."

Speaking of this, the orc hires remembered bad memories, and they all looked sad.

The orc sailors felt this emotion, and they also felt a sense of sadness.

The orc mercenary said: "We stayed on that island for two full years. The famine soon found us. One by one the heroic orc warriors died. There were more than 1,500 orcs, and only 700 people were alive. ."

"But, fortunately, a group of murlocs ran to this island. We took the opportunity to catch them and used them to take us out of the ghost island."

"The ghost island was unable to get out of it again because of the current and wind direction, but the murloc did not use the current and wind direction to move in the sea, so we got out of the island by virtue of the murloc."

"Later, after we learned the murloc language, we learned that the murlocs went there to pick a root called ironwood fern. The sap of this kind of vegetation can heal diseases, but unfortunately only on the island of death. There is growth on this island."

Hearing this, Captain Joseph questioned: "Since you have left the island of death, why don't you return to the orc kingdom and report the information about the Murloc Island to the prophet."

The orc mercenary sneered, the scar on his face even more hideous.

He looked at Captain Joseph, and said, "You are here. The prophet sent you here? I don't see it. Otherwise, you wouldn't just have so many people, and even bring..."

He glanced at Bashir and other elves, and did not say anything.

"The reason why the Atoman Fleet chose to continue to stay may be similar to that of your private exploration of the Murloc Islands."

"When we discovered that there are still so many island groups overseas, and each island group has a murloc society and prosperous trade, Captain Atoman chose to explore this island group."

"In this exploration, he discovered a big secret."

The leading orc mercenary lowered his voice, looked left and right, and finally fixed his eyes on the murloc prince Mistockli standing at the end and the civet wagging his tail next to him.

The civet has been translating to the murloc prince.

Of course, the translation of many things has been hidden. For example, when the orcs said their purpose of exploring the Murloc Islands, the civet automatically translated it and just came here to travel.

When the orcs talked about their casualties, the civet translated as the orcs themselves took the initiative to sacrifice to their compatriots, scared the murloc prince who had heard and seen the power of the green demon gods, trembled all over, and lowered his head deeper.

The orcs can't care about the civet, and the elves have no intention of interfering with the civet, so they can only let the civet do the trick.

Captain Joseph glanced at the murloc prince, and he said, "Just tell me."

"Everyone here is my own."

"This murloc is now the king of the island of Zeter we support, and at the same time loyal to the alliance formed by the elves and the orcs."

"This civet is an elf person."

The leading orc mercenary then went on, "The Murloc Islands still hide many secrets, and there are some things that even the Murlocs don't understand."

"There are some things that only a few murlocs know."

"While we were exploring the Murloc Islands, we encountered a murloc princess who was hunted and killed by the murlocs due to court politics. She was so down that no island dared to take her in, even if she went to another murloc islands. On the one hand, no one knew of her identity to the island, and she was also rejected by the local murlocs because she was an outsider."

"At this moment, she met us. At first we treated her like a strange pet, and sometimes we fed her. But then Lord Atoman saw her value and helped her regain the country. She too She told us the secrets her family had inherited from generation to generation."

"And that's why Lord Atoman has stayed here!"

At this time, all the orc sailors held their breath and waited quietly for the leading orc mercenary to speak.

Bashir felt that the news should be reported to the Senate.

After listening to these news, the murloc prince Mistockli felt that today's shattered worldview could not be repaired.

The matter of a ‘country’ is as simple as drinking water to eat in the mouths of these green devil gods!

A dignified murloc princess, even a pet raised by these green demon gods.

The old orc mercenary continued, and he whispered a secret. "That murloc princess, now the common queen of twelve murloc city states, tell us..."

"There is a core island in the Murloc Islands. On the 15th of each month, if there is no living creature on that island, the island will reveal its true features. This reveals its true features. This island allows guests who visit this island to see the way to realize any wish!"

"That is, tell you how to realize any of your wishes."

"Because of this, Lord Atoman thinks that if it is true, then he should get this island for the orc kingdom."

"So, we chose to stay here and look around for this island that sounds particularly powerful."

"And now Lord Atoman, he has found this island!"

"This island is real, and it is now the 13th of this Soon, the 15th will be ushered in. At that time, we knew the Murloc Queen Tell us whether the legend is true."

"As for the king of Ski Island, we will help the King of Ski Island, only because the King of Ski Island has secretly alliance with us. Now that you have killed the alliance, the alliance is gone, but it doesn't matter, it's just a murloc."

The old orc mercenary said: "The murloc queen who was helped by us has turned his face with us now, and now leads the army to fight with us for the island where people's wishes can be fulfilled. Damn it, if it's not because we are not good at water. Zhan, she was grilled into dried fish by us."

"That woman incited many murloc city-states, letting these city-states join forces against us."

"Because of insufficient manpower, we are not good at water warfare, so we fell into a passive position."

The old orc looked at the three elves. "Ah, the Father God of Yongsheng is here. I just thought that our true ally is here, and we happen to have something tricky. Let us return to Captain Atoman's fleet together to defeat the army of ignorant murlocs. All right."


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