The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 183: The ancient city under the sea and Severus refused to serve as a veteran

On the coast of the Orc Territory, due to the previous wars between the elves and the orcs, the civil war between the orcs, and the magic wars, the orc cities and orc villages on the coast have completely disappeared, leaving only some destroyed stone houses and barren fields. .

On this day, the sky suddenly turned into a plump color, and the dark clouds were overwhelming.

There was a wind on the seashore, and the waves slapped on the uninhabited rocky shore. The sound was loud and mixed.

All I heard was the sound of ‘crashing’, and the waves and waves seemed to have turned into black sea water, cracking and surging upward.

A series of ancient figures appeared in the offshore waters.

They walked slowly on the beach.

These monsters are very huge. They have a hard rust-like carapace, two tongs, and their body resembles a rust-red lobster, but their head resembles a huge octopus.

These monsters can be integrated with the surrounding environment.

They walked on the shore, leaving trails of footprints on the shore.

If someone came here at this time and saw the inexplicable footprints appearing under the impact of the rough black waves, they would be frightened by this strange scene.

And when he heard the voices of these five monsters emerging from the bottom of the sea, he might feel as if he had only heard some kind of tsunami sound.

But in fact, these five awakened ancients are just communicating.

They mock the civilizations in this world, appearing one crop after another, and then destroying one crop after another.

A giant prawn said: "These civilizations are like boneless chordates on the bottom of the sea."

"They appear, and then they are destroyed. This is the first time we have been awakened by those humble civilizations, and then climbed the coast to destroy civilization."

Another giant prawn said: "We are the ancient city under the sea. In order to survive the last mass extinction of creatures, we asked the king of gods and monsters [Suleiman] to build it together with our allies."

"This time there are only five of us recovering."

"What happened? According to the truth, we will recover from the long sleep in the reincarnation of each era, and we have been stagnated for 50,000 years to taste the flesh and blood of these nearby civilizations."

"After finishing these, we will return to [Ancient Undersea City] and sleep deeply."

The third giant prawn said: "We seem to have awakened about five thousand years in advance."

"But if we don't choose 50,000 years of long sleep, we won't live that long at all. As long as a thousand years, we will turn into inanimate matter and drift with the wind."

The fourth giant prawn reminded them. "Everyone, don't forget why we chose to enter the ancient city under the sea."

"Have you forgotten those terrible enemies that fell from the sky?"

"The people they come are stronger than ever."

"We can't fight against them, as long as they are allowed to destroy our era of monsters and monsters, and then the remaining us, enter the ancient underwater city and fall asleep, avoiding the mass extinction of life again and again."

The five-headed giant prawn suddenly fell into silence when he thought of the visitor from the outside world.

They smelled the breath of flesh and blood from the pigman/orc society, and they showed their desire and greed one after another.

A giant prawn said: "In order to avoid those enemies from unknown places, we must taste enough flesh and blood, and then return to the ancient city under the sea to complete a ritual cycle. This cycle is affected by the lord of the ancient city [Sulaiman] protection of."

"This means that another civilization is about to be brutally slaughtered by us. This is also their honor."

"According to previous experience, we have awakened five thousand years ahead of schedule, so this civilization should be still in the new stage of development, maybe they have just discovered bronze." A giant prawn gloated: "We have destroyed one lowland after another. The pig civilization on the coast."

"Every time a little bit was left for them."

"Just want this pig civilization on the lowland coast to become the blood food of Suleyman's ancient underwater city forever!"

"It will always be the food in our ritual."

A giant prawn took its words. "I have smelled the familiar smell of pigs. But why did we wake up five thousand years earlier? What exactly happened that would affect the ancient city under the sea and wake us up early? "

"Could it be that there has been a fierce battle here?"

"A group of primitive people throwing stone spears at each other can be considered a battle." A giant shrimp said ironically: "That way, even if a snail fights a snail, it can be said to be a war."

"There is no need to think about why we wake up in advance, let us first devour the civilization on this lowland, and let this civilization return to the initial period again."


In space, above the Space Temple, Shen Fanyu's eyes lit up.

It's really sleepy giving pillows.

The souls and bodies of these five gods and monsters can all be used as materials for creation.

And by killing them, you can recover some brilliant points.

I just lacked the power of creation, and I didn't expect to have five silly lobsters, so I delivered them to the door by myself.

"Ancient Undersea City..."

Shen Fanyu swept across the sea on the lowland coast, but there was a fog of war, making it impossible to see what was under the sea.

"What blocked my gaze was the fog of war released by the ancient star Gaia, not the power of a mere monster."

"However, things have become more complicated."

"What happened to Gu Xing?"

"Visitors from the sky, the ancient city under the sea...It seems that during the stage when the guests from the sky are gradually controlling the ancient stars, some of the creations created by the ancient star Gaia escaped, and the way they escaped was to choose to build an ancient city under the sea together in the deep sea."

Shen Fanyu thought: "If I can find the entrance to the ancient city under the sea, I can capture a batch of monsters and recover them."

"You can also know from their mouths some things that happened to the ancient stars in the past."

"It's just that only if that ritual succeeds, the entrance to the ancient underwater city will be opened again, but that ritual will inevitably fail."

"How can these five-headed lobsters be the opponent of the current orc civilization."

A hundred years ago, they might have defeated the orcs, but now they are delusional!

never mind.

Shen Fanyu said: "According to the Lobster Soldier, after five thousand years, the ancient city under the sea will naturally open by itself, and all the gods and monsters will appear."

"And then, of course I can harvest them."

"Although the aliens are powerful, but I don't know why, they are limited by certain rules, they can only gradually come over one by one, and they can't destroy the ancient stars. If they were to be destroyed, they would have been destroyed."

"So, things are going well now, I just wait for the opportunity."

Gods and monsters, he doesn't care.

Because from the perspective of oneself, heavenly father, **** king, main god, true god, evil god, and demi-gods (gods and monsters), the gap between the two is too big.

Take the spider queen last time, it only took ten thousand years to confuse the spider-man race and transform itself into a half-god and half-god. That method is no longer comparable to ordinary gods and monsters.

So this time, even if he discovered that the five-headed gods and monsters invaded the orc territory, Shen Fanyu thought about the strength of the orcs today, and felt that he didn't need to take care of it.

As far as the gods and monsters are, it is still the level of war between the mortal races.

The strength of these five gods and monsters is inferior to those of the breeding gods and monsters that were caught by the swarms of insects and used to make their creation materials.


Steel Fortress Creek.

The veteran of the orc Dylan is known for his diligence. Now that there is no war, he concentrates on handling the city-states in the lowland territory for the kingdom.

Severus also came to this city. After the War of the Swarm, he changed his prejudice against the orcs and became a confidant with Dylan.

When Dylan ran to Severus’ room, found Severus, and wanted to discuss with him whether he wanted to prepare for the election of the elders.

But I heard an amazing news.

Dylan raised his eyebrows, his voice terribly loud. "You said you want to give up the position of veteran!"


Severu’s room was full of books and scratch paper. With a wave of his hand, all the papers flying in the air all over the room returned to their original positions.

Severus took a piece of paper full of mathematical formulas and said: "Because I don't have that time."

"I'm doing another more important thing..."

Dylan stood at the and said: "What else is more important than holding a high position in the kingdom and defending the city for the kingdom?"


Severus said: "Trapdoor function."

"I'm studying a preservation spell that can preserve objects well. Only a special arrangement of elements can dispel this spell."

"To accomplish this, I need to use the trapdoor function to follow the easy calculations, and against the difficult calculations, use large integers to decompose the calculation amount of the prime factors, and make an encrypted saved spell. This can even be applied to On the concealment spell developed by Sives."

"For example, a person with the correct password can enter the place hidden by the concealment spell without being affected by the mana of the concealment spell."

He said to Dylan who didn't understand: "In other words, in order to put all my mind on this research, I am going to give up the position of veteran."

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