The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 144: Before God vote and duel before God

The duel place in front of the gods, that is, the multiple deep pit areas next to the peach grove, where the authentic products of the sacred wooden cup are placed. If the orcs fight here, it means that it is a duel in front of the gods.

They believe that God will pay attention to this duel, noting the strength and courage of the duel.

The wooden cup is just an ordinary wooden cup, but after it is tainted with the power of faith, it becomes indestructible.

Dillon brought the Orc Prophet and the Totem for the Dead.

They moved the orc who was hit by the Wind Feather Curse to the No. 1 pit in the duel before the gods.

The orc prophet's left hand was placed on the orc's forehead, and some kind of evil will came, and then, the pain was transferred from him to the specially made substitute for the dead soul.

Dillon glanced at the prophet's back, kneeling on the ground with his head and eyes wide open. This ancestral spirit gave him a particularly uncomfortable feeling.

It's as if you smelled an uncomfortable smell.

This ancestor's spirit was covered with tiny cracks, like a delicate earthen jar that would shatter at any time.

The orc prophet noticed the unusualness of the dead soul, and exclaimed: "The magic of the elves is more powerful. This spell is so terrible, even if it transfers the pain to the spirit of the ancestors and part of the magic will, it actually makes the dead soul close. Shattered."

"Horrible magical power."

"Dillon, I have used the'Replacement Totem' according to your request. Well, don't be surprised, the'Replacement Totem' is not the same as the normal totem, but are they all totems? Don't worry, the ancestral spirit will Fix your own."

"Ah, he woke up."

The orc prophet changed the subject in time.

The orc on the ground opened his eyes, and he raised his hand. "I...I feel so comfortable now. It's like a breeze blowing through my body, I feel particularly relaxed."

"Ah, Lord Chief, and the Prophet."

"You are here."

The old prophet narrowed his eyes and nodded at him. "Yeah. Honorable warrior, I used a totem for death to divert your pain, but your injury is actually not getting better, and it's getting worse. The Chief and Lord Marlini hope you can be at the last moment of your life. To die meaningfully, rather than dying in a coma."

"Honorable warrior."

"This is Pit No. 1."

"It means...this place is under God's gaze!"

"So it's like this, I understand." The orc got up, his face was solemn, he bowed to the direction of the wooden cup, and then looked at Chief Dillon, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he laughed: "If this is my life. At the last moment, then I must choose Chief Dillon as my last enemy."

"Chief, you are an undefeated legend."

"If I can challenge you, I won't suffer."

Dillon smiled and raised his fist. "Be careful and think a lot."

"I won't keep my hands."

He became serious and stared at the orc. "You should know that your fate will die soon? So, I will kill you in this battle."

The orcs are not afraid. "Please fulfill me."

Marlinni and the orc prophet left the pit. The two of them stood in the pit, looking down at the battle in the No. 1 pit.

Fist to the flesh.

Hook kicks, elbow kicks, knee kicks, straight punches, and uppercuts are criss-crossed. The stones stepped on their feet can be crushed, and the fists are fierce. When they go out, they can hear a rush of wind.

This kind of battle is dazzling and direct and fierce.

Marlinie couldn't keep up with them a little bit, only to see a trail of blood falling with their fists, splashing in the air.

The orc prophet glanced at Marlinie, and he saluted Marlinie.

Seeing this, Marlinie had to pay him back.

The Orc Prophet squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Hiding the blood and courage between the fists, through the contact of fists and fists, communicating with each other, it is possible to come back and defeat the opponent at all times, and the unyielding will appears before the Father God."

"The orcs are very fond of duels."

"No matter how nice it is, it is better to use your fists. I think that in the future of the orc society, this cultural factor may have to be taken into consideration."

Marlinie showed a surprised look. "Prophet, are you thinking of the future orc society?"

She pursed her mouth, frowned, and showed a strange expression.

The orc prophet thought about such a far-reaching topic, which was very different from the orcs he knew. Looking at his independent back, how could there be an illusion that he was a wise man.

The orc prophet looked down at the duel at the bottom of the pit, with a deep tone. "Of course, the orc society can't stay the same."

"We have to make progress ourselves."

"It's as if you abandoned the king's government and chose the head of state system. The tribal alliance system of the orc society can't continue like this."

"The orcs will have a new system."

The orc prophet said nonchalantly: "Master Marlini, let's not talk about this. Dillon has now officially started a war with the elves. He recklessly defeated the elves’ steel fortress, Creek, and some people on the elves have also destroyed them. In the three cities of the orcs, the war has to be fought. Even if the elves are willing to cease the war, Dillon stubbornly must regard the elves as their imaginary enemy."

The orc prophet's eyes darkened, and Marlinie was a threat to him.

As long as Marlinie is still here, the elves and Dillon will still be in contact, and they may not really be completely disappointed in Dillon.

So he wanted to test Marlinie.

"Master Marlini, if the elves and the orcs really had a full-scale war, how would you choose?"

"I..." Marlinie looked worried.

She looked at Dillon in the pit and frowned. "The Senate will definitely order me to return to the Elf Territory, so that I can only go back. Besides, the Beast... never..."

"He doesn't necessarily want me to stay here."

The orc prophet said with a smile: "Dillon said that his body and mind have been dedicated to the Father God and the race, so he only cares about these two. He also told me that in the future he will marry the strongest orc and give birth to the most Great offspring, inherit his seat."

Marlinie was stiff and her eyes were extremely sad.

The orc prophet satisfactorily found the result he wanted from her eyes.

It was a broken look in the eyes.

Marlini said softly: "If Dillon and the elves go to full-scale war, then I will have to return to the elves territory."

The orc prophet immediately said: "No matter what, you are our most honored guest."

Below, in Pit No. 1, Dillon hit the orc's face with a fist.

As the orc's body weakened, Dillon hugged his body.

"Goodbye my friend."

Lights and shadows are intertwined, dreamy and blurred, the setting sun, wine-red sunlight shining in the No. 1 deep pit, the deep pit seems to be the most beautiful wine pool, so charming.


The civic assembly is held in the civic hall, the huge circular arch building is still magnificent, the milky white column is elegant and chic, and the statue of the Father God is majestic and majestic.

All citizens of the Elven Kingdom, elves, orcs, and pigs, gather together.

Every vote has been cast by wind magic.

As long as they write the words and throw them in the air, they will all automatically fall into the collection box of the citizens' assembly.

Moreover, afterwards, as long as a wizard mage casts a spell on these paper strips and activates the wind magic in it, these paper strips will automatically gather together according to a certain classification.

For example, all supporting votes are together and all negative votes are together for easy classification.

After several rounds of speeches declaring war on the orcs, everyone began to vote.

The result of the vote was passed.

Then came the proposed speech that banned one person from holding multiple positions.

In the auditorium, an elf serving as an elf councillor of two city-states secretly took an illegal operation and collected three blank papers for voting. He wrote all objections on the three blank papers.

He threw these three blank papers into the air and exhaled, "Want to pass this bill? Where can you be so easy!"

"It's impossible to stop it, but it's okay to have a bad breath."

The two white papers in the air suddenly caught fire and turned into a white-gold flame, disappearing.

Only a piece of white paper danced back in the air and fell into the collection box on the high platform like a butterfly.

The elf blinked, this...

Although he doesn't think it can prevent the passage of this bill, but it won't work if he finds more trouble.

The elf beside him saw it and walked over to explain: "The city-state spells unfolded by the Philosopher's Stone in the capital have always been sacred votes."

"After the Holy Voting City-State spells are used, we can no longer vote more, vote less, or deceive."

"Don't forget, this is the vote of God."

"Oh, in fact, prohibiting heavy duty is an inevitable process of development, how can you stop it?"

"Okay, you are right. Cough cough cough... I just want to try the power of our city-state spells."

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