The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Freshmen's 4th main race

The oasis under the shining golden sun seems to be a touch of green jade dotted in the yellow sand. The lake water formed by the underground water is crystal clear and more transparent than ordinary water sources. The precious water sources in the entire oasis form a crescent-like lake. .

Vigorous aquatic plants are attached around the Crescent Lake, showing the beauty of life in the long desert.

In order to improve the maturity speed of their race, the spirit of creation directly enlightened their wisdom, allowing them to have a language suitable for their vocal organs.

A little guy, cleverly spoke first, and asked the spirit of creation. "Who are we? Who am I?"

The rest of the little creatures are watching.

Shen Fanyu swept over him.

This is a sturdy young man with horns, feet and legs, and long ears. He has strong abdominal and pectoral muscles. The muscles on his arms are as sharp as a statue carved out of marble, full of masculine masculinity. beauty of.

And when this new life was speaking, his eyes kept looking left and right, his ears turned dexterously, and he was observing the surroundings.

All other newly born spirits are basically like him.

However, none of them were uneasy, because they felt so warm and relaxed in front of the spirit of creation.

The current environment is safe.

The God before him is their creator.

The spirit of creation said to him softly: "I am the spirit of creation, the **** who created you."

"I created you, which means that I hope you can thrive on this land, and even turn this sky full of yellow sand into a fertile black muddy land, creating more possibilities for me and your brother race. Land used."

"As for you, you, from today, you are the Panyang Clan."

"The race of the God of Saturn, the protector of the land, and the maker of the contract, but now you are only a primitive race. Over time, your race will become a powerful civilization."

Pan Yang looked at each other, the way they looked at each other, very cleverly comparing their own appearance from the appearance of others.

"Are we Pan Yang? Pan? Pan Shen?"

"Your horns are so funny."

"You also said mine. The horns on your head are also crooked."

A Pan Yang looked up at his god. "The spirit of creation, our creator, you will also live with us, right?"

Other Pan Yang looked eagerly towards the spirit of creation.

"We are still so weak, don't leave us behind."

"We need you."

The Spirit of Creation looked at them and smiled. "Cunning little things, you are the first race that wants to drag me to live with you, but this won't work. Because I have absolute confidence in you and believe that you can survive on your own."

The figure of the spirit of creation disappeared into the sky.

With the disappearance of the spirit of creation, the vicious sun suddenly shone on everyone's faces. The original warm environment became extremely hot, and the original refreshing shadow disappeared, leaving only the yellow sand in the sky and the narrow oasis under their feet. .

After the Creator left, these little guys were very sad. They were not orcs or elves. Since they didn't have a slow mind, could ignore sudden situations, and didn't have a perfect character, they could be calm, so they stamped their feet in a hurry.

Some Pan Yang wanted to go out of the oasis to find their creator, but they didn't go far, so they ran back obediently.

Because in the desert, water is easily lost.

They rushed to the water of Crescent Lake in the oasis, took a sip of the lake water, and drank.

Some Pan Yang asked his companions.

"What is civilization?"

"Are we the only one who has this civilization, the Creator will come back here, and we can see the Creator again?"

"So is this civilization in this green land? Or... in that yellow sand sea?"

"As long as we can pick up this ‘civilization’, we can see God again, right?"

No matter what, they have to live on.

This group of newly born beings will soon discover that it takes a lot of thought to survive in this desert area.

They soon felt thirsty and hungry. A group of pan sheep drank water in the lake and found some sand pine trees, tamarisk and cycads with pine nuts in the green grass next to the lake.

They ate some pine nuts to fill their belly.

Then, they spent the day in a muddle-headed state. Each Panyang tribe was either sitting under a tree to enjoy the cool, or sitting next to the lake to play in the water. At night, the temperature dropped sharply.

Everyone felt extremely cold and hid behind the vines of tamarisk, hoping to keep warm.

The hard and cold night finally passed, and a new day came, and the sun illuminated the earth.

At this time, Pan Yang, who was clever and cunning, realized that something was wrong.

They shared their doubts with each other.

Because now everyone has lost their gods and fell into a place that seems to be not rich in material things, no Pan Yang is so stupid to hide the problem in his heart without telling everyone or cooperating with everyone.

"We are trapped here. There is dry sand on all sides, only here is water, food, and some bare rocks. Before we can find ‘civilization’, we must first find a way to enable us to survive."

"The food and water here are limited and will run out one day."

"What shall we do then?"

The other Pan Yang thought about it. "This lake is alive. I noticed that there is a stream of water gushing upwards. If we dig down, we can definitely find some water."

"There are still a lot of pine nuts here. As long as we have a stable water source, we can survive, and we can eat the grass."

A bunch of Pan Yang began to think about how they should live here.

The spirit of creation who has been observing them in noticed that among the seven oasis, Pan Yang, who already had an oasis, began to think about how they should live better.

"Very good, this is the beginning."

"They will soon discover super-powered seeds and magical crops."

"At that time, they will be able to find, change and overcome the environment."

"Pan Yang is still a primitive civilization. Although I gave them language and accelerated the progress of their civilization, now I will focus on the elves and orcs."

The spirit of creation looked at the Elf Plateau again.

The elves on the plateau have lost their government for four full years, and now their senior leaders are arranging a large-scale worship ceremony in seven days, preparing to announce the birth of a new kingdom.

At this time, the orc prophet had already brought the elite orcs, riding in a wooden cart pulled by a ceratodon, entered the Elf Plateau, ready to participate in the celebration of the elves.

During this time, he always wanted to enter the lowland territory of the elves, and even wanted to live in the pigman city-states in the lowland.

He told the elves that he felt that the pig-man city state there made him feel more cordial. It was his hometown, so he wanted to live there.

However, Pericles flatly refused his request.

After all, everyone knows that the old prophet is trying to pry the elves into the corner again.

What he said, Pericles was a word, and he would not believe it.

After a long wait, the elves, orcs, and pigs are about to usher in the most solemn ceremony of worship on the plateau, and this ceremony is the beginning of a new life in the mainstream society of elves.

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