The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Make a wish

In the almond blossom forest, Diana walked into the silver forest. She looked up at the ancient tree of life.

The ancient tree of life bent down and stretched out his hand to make Diana walk up, and then let her stand on its canopy.

Diana said, "Bally Creek, your people just need you."

"From the elves on the plateau, to the pigmen and orcs in the lowlands, we are all waiting for you to give orders after the war, sum up our failures in the past, give speeches to the dead in the battle, and reward you for gaining in this battle. The people of merit, and tell us, what should we do next?"

The ancient tree of life raised its brows, and many branches rose up.

"Yeah, there are really too many problems."

"Hundreds of waste awaiting prosperity."

"But we always win, so we are qualified to sit down and deal with the problem slowly."

Little Augustus interrupted at this time: "Diana, don't listen to my teacher say that, now he can't restore the appearance of an elf."

"What!" Standing on the branch, Diana was stunned. She glanced at the ancient tree of life, dexterously passed several branches, and landed firmly in front of Little Augustus. "Son of King Augustus, little Augustus, what do you mean?"

Little Augustus said everything.

Knowing the truth, Diana was silent. She bent down to Boly Creek and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't find your current problem before. I'll remove the magic for you."

Before Pericles had time to speak, Diana held up her bare hands, her robe radiated with a light blue light as if the wind returned to snow.

"The magic is lifted."

There were several strong cracking noises in the air.

Obviously nothing was broken, but there was still a broken sound.

This is the shattering sound of the magical power of the ancient tree of life, the shattering sound of all the natural energy in this area.

The entire huge tree of life is shrinking.

The branches turned upside down, from thick branches to small buds, the trees kept getting shorter, the crowns of the trees were shrinking rapidly, and the positions of little Augustus and Diana were getting lower and lower, everything was in. It changed so rapidly that the two of them seemed to be sitting on a lift.

Little Augustus shrank his head, avoiding the branch that was rapidly shrinking and passing by like a bullet.

"Sister Diana, this is too dangerous."

Diana smiled silently. She gently avoided all the branches that were shrinking fast to prevent them from scratching herself.

Worthy of being an ancient tree of life, even the magic that dispels the ancient tree of life is so dangerous.

Then, the enemy who fought against the ancient tree of life must be miserable.

Twenty minutes later, Bally Creek straightened his gray plain robe, and he looked helplessly at Diana and the others who had fallen on the ground. "Diana, my good partner, good sacrifice, let me rest for a while under this beautiful almond tree, what about this?"

Diana glanced at Little Augustus. "No way."

"You are the leader chosen by your father, and your people are still waiting for you. As a leader, you can enjoy many special treatments, but this also means you don't have time to rest. Come on, Pericles."

Pericles sighed. "Ok."

Facing the sun, he just turned around, and his peaceful eyes became sharp, as if he had changed himself.

"I must say that thanks to this war, we were able to avoid further division. Without the invasion of the Swarm, the gap between the ordinary elves and the upper elves would grow larger and larger, so that they would split themselves."

"Of course, the invasion of the swarm must be evil, because they invade us, but they are not meant to help us unite."

"However, Diana, we who have experienced this war have solved many problems, but there are still some problems that have not been solved."

"There are two main problems."

"First, there are some elders and young children in our elves. These elves must find a way to change them. If they can't, it can only guarantee that they will not affect others anymore."

"Second, our relationship with the orcs is still precarious, and the future is unclear."

"So, first of all, we have to announce the establishment of our new government."

"I remember, we just commemorated the dead compatriots scattered in the previous six months, then I hope you will invite all the elves and the orcs and pigs of Dylan in the Lowlands to mourn all of them. In the name of the ceremony of the dead soldiers and the first joint sacrifice ceremony to worship the Father God, they were invited to come and participate in our activities."

"At the same time, I will take this opportunity to announce the reorganization of our new ruling institutions and declare to them that our country is reborn."

Diana understood that this was to announce to all the orcs and elves through a major ceremony that the government led by his Beli Kerry officially ruled the country.

Pericles looked at little Augustus. "My little assistant, I'm going to give you the first task. I need you to go to the land outside of Corcilins, find Dillon and the Prophet, and try to invite them to our ceremony."

"Invite them in the name of commemorating all the soldiers who died in battle and worshipping the Father God."

Little Augustus' eyes lit up. This task is a bit difficult. The orcs can deal with common enemies with the elves, but they may not be willing to participate in large-scale activities of the elves.

However, he likes difficult things. "Okay, I also want to see Sister Marlinni. I heard that she is the first elf to give the orcs a good impression of elf. She is a powerful elf druid."

Pericles smiled and said: "Yes. Some things rely on power alone to make things worse. Marlinie has won the trust of the orcs by her own ability. Now Marlinie has nothing to do with power, she is An archdruid."

Pericles looked at Diana. "Old friend, please invite my students over. The new ruling institution must have its own army. Although it is just in case, I still need to confess some trivial matters to them."

"In addition, you have to contact Severus and other elven generals and the elders of the elven commune. We need to discuss together how the new government should be formed."

Diana nodded, and then left here with little Augustus.

After they left, Pericles was alone again. He leaned against the ginkgo tree, sat on the ground, and stared at the sky full of almond blossoms. "Father, I didn't let you down."

The gentle breeze blows, and the rain of apricot blossoms is falling, beautiful, like dreams and illusions.

Amidst this beauty, a universal being descended, "Yes, my child, Pericles, I am proud of you."

"In the kingdom of the elves, the elves and the orcs are like water and fire. You can turn the tide and save the tower, but you are not relying on force and troops, rather than your wisdom, which is even more valuable."

Pericles stood up in surprise, and hurriedly saluted the spirit of creation. "Great Father, please forgive me for not saluting you in time."

"Father, I have completed the task you gave me. You can let the king of your choice rule this new country."

The spirit of creation did not speak.

Pericles waited for a long time and saw that God the Father did not speak. After all, he braved the guts to look up at God the Father.

Shen Fanyu smiled softly: "Bolicli, the elf leader I choose is you."

Pericles panicked: "I can't do it, Father God. I..."

"Because of this, I actually think you can." Shen Fanyu said: "Winning the war is only the beginning. The next time is the time to test you, Pericles. How should the future of the elves develop, how should you get along with the orcs, from From now on, it's all up to you."

"I believe you, you will be able to hand over an answer that satisfies me."

Pericles did not dare to reject God the Father again, so he had to say to the Creation Spirit very seriously: "Okay, God Father, I will not let you down."

"Although I may not be competent, but I will do my best."

Shen Fanyu nodded, the warm light made everything resurrect. "It’s okay to let me down occasionally. Humans, you always make mistakes, as long as you can learn from the mistakes of the past. Okay, I want to commend you, Pericles. You who won this war can ask I make a wish."

"Let's talk ~ what you want, this is the reward you deserve."

Pericles thought for a while, and he said, "Father, I have received enough honors, so I don't want to glorify myself anymore."

"If the Father God can grant me a wish, I hope that the druids can get more magical animal companions and make this forest more prosperous, please grant us more animal companions to our high elves."

"Other than that, I can't think of what I need."

When he raised his head again, the spirit of creation had disappeared.

"Father God?"

He scratched his hair. "I shouldn't have angered God Father. I knew that I should just make a wish related to myself."

"No, to deceive God the Father is truly disrespectful to God the Father."

"I'll better do what God the Father wants me to do first, so that even if God the Father gets angry, he should forgive me to some extent."

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