The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Battlefield at night

  The horn of war blows to every corner of the plateau, and the swarms of insects are rushing towards the army of elves and orcs like an overwhelming carpet. Amidst the rumble of magic bombing, the giant Tyrannosaurus and wolf cavalry troops, Always moving forward.

  In the middle of the night, they were already under the siege of the insect swarm, rushing to a distance of five kilometers.

  The Feathered Serpent Unit has been wandering in the sky, looking for any place where the wisdom insect might hide, while the Demon lizard unit burrowed into the jungle to search for the possible hiding swarms one by one.

  Above the giant Tyrannosaurus rex, Severus used fire magic as a beacon.

  "Night is the most dangerous time."

  "At night, our efficiency in searching for wisdom bugs will decrease, and the eyes of the swarm have been proven to be fully adapted to the night, so we can only slow down the pace at night."

  Severu said to Dillon, Dylan, Wendini, Kungu and Diana, among others.

   "We can't stop. Because we have a sharp knife that cuts into the swarm, and once we stop, we will be surrounded."

  "All we have to do now is to force the swarm to retreat."

  "According to the news of General Kun Gu's battle against the wisdom insects, the effective command diameter of the wisdom insects is about 10,000 meters."

  "Assuming that the wisdom bug has been hiding at the back of the swarm to command the army, then we are still five kilometers away from it, and of course it will retreat. But it doesn’t matter, Pericles has its own Arrangement, we are attacking on two fronts."

   "In other words, what we have to do now is to continue to attack, force the swarm to retreat, and find wisdom insects as much as possible."

  Severu added. "If you can find it in advance, of course, if you can't, you will enter the second phase of the plan."

   Diana nodded and said, "Thank you for your clear judgment, General Severu."

   "Our people are setting up a barrier to detect evil. Although at night, we cannot see as clearly as during the day, but with this spell barrier, we can also deal with it."

  People discussed some more content.

  At the end of the impromptu meeting, the orc Dillon suddenly raised his fist and shouted: "Father God has given us a victory."

  There were roars of orcs around.

  ‘We must win! ’

  ‘We must win! ’

  The elves were stunned, because in their opinion, Dillon's behavior was a bit sudden and a little embarrassing.

   Diana coughed and whispered: "This is the tradition of the orcs. Before and after the war, they will shout loudly for the Father to grant them victory. They seem to think that this ritual has some magic, perhaps It's really magical too."

   Wendini blinked and smiled bitterly.

   "It turns out to be like this." Severus opened his mouth and tried to move. Finally, with a slightly quieter voice, he said in the strange eyes of the elves: "The Father has given us... a victory. "

   Faced with everyone's strange eyes, Severu's face turned red. "Do as the locals do."

  A series of blue magic enchantments are spread out at the feet of the elven troops. These magic arrays flashing with complicated patterns and symbols are large or small, and they are all spells used to detect enemies. The enchantment will turn red, and it will be passed on to all nearby allies, the enemy’s position, height, and size.

  The elves rely on the [Detect Evil] barrier to accurately bombard the insect swarm in the dark.

   However, in the face of a large number of insect swarms, these barriers are often destroyed, so they still need to be repaired.

  While moving slowly in the dark, Severu and Diana heard many exclamations from the left, followed by the sound of some large objects falling somewhere, but it seemed a little bit Not the same.

  The dark night makes it impossible to know the source of the scream and what happened.

  Severu uses wind magic to amplify his voice. "what happened?"

   "Did the insect swarm hollow out the ground again?"

   "Where is the problem?"

  Some elves use wind magic to reply. They don’t know what happened. Some elves set up Severus and ordered a temporary halt to advance, and they will make judgments after investigating the situation.

   Severus gritted his teeth, in the dark night without starlight and moonlight, it was pitch black, and every elf could not see his fingers.

  In this dangerous environment, the large and small detection evil enchantments surrounding them frequently turn from blue to red, which aggravates the critical situation. At this time, they actually encountered New situation.

   is to detect that the evil enchantment is not sufficiently covered, so that the swarm found a spell bombing gap, and got in?

   But it doesn't look like it now.

   Severus used wind magic to amplify his voice and said: "Don't be afraid, I will immediately organize personnel to investigate."

  "Keep the integrity of the detection of evil enchantments. The time has come for the elves to test us against the Father God. Please don't relax and use magic to prevent the insects from approaching."

  He was a little worried about the orcs and wolf cavalry being mixed by giant Tyrannosaurus rex, fearing that the orcs would mess around in this situation.

  "Orcs, heroic orcs, don't panic, don't be afraid, your ally elves will take care of this situation."

  "If you find bugs running into our position, please help us kill them, but don't break the formation and run out of our position."

  Dillon glanced at Severu, and he raised his head and yelled at the night sky, his voice trembling. "Control your wolves."

  The elf reconnaissance team jumped on the backs of the giant Tyrannosaurus rex. After confirming that there was no raptor to break through the invisible Great Wall composed of spell bombing, they began to search for which giant Tyrannosaurus wrecked.

  Finally, they confirmed that it was the leftmost side of the position. The giant Tyrannosaurus rex at the foremost fell into a swamp-like environment, but the giant Tyrannosaurus druid said that he is in pain now, and the elf on his back They let the Elf Scout team look at the ground.

  When the elven scout team used fire magic to illuminate the ground, they all changed their faces.

   It would be like this!

  They felt the night, quickly ran back to the giant Tyrannosaurus where Severus was, and told Severus everything.

   and after Severus used fire magic to light up the ground in front of him, he suddenly gasped.

  Fortunately, they stopped moving forward.

   The ground turned into a green swamp. The giant Tyrannosaurus rex stepped into the swamp before, so the elves on it screamed and plunged half of its body into it.

   Wendini carefully discovered the problem, she threw down a leaf brooch on her clothes, and the leaf brooch turned into a scorched substance!

  In the eyes of the elves, Wendini said: "It's acid."

  "The strong acid blood of the insect swarms flowed into the ground, mixed with the soil and nearby river water, turning this into a strong acid swamp. They must have destroyed the nearby river embankment."

  "Although there have been cases where insect blood contaminated the land before, most of the insect swarms died in high-energy flames, and the flames decomposed most of the strong acid, so the situation of land pollution would not be like It's so serious now."

  Severu looked ugly. "The swarm did this deliberately. They must have been ordered to kill each other, contaminate the land with blood, and create swamps."

  "They want to plunge us into a swamp of strong acid, destroy us in one fell swoop, and even if they fail to do so, they will stop us from moving forward."

   "In other words, this is a walled fortress made by insect swarms!"

   Dylan said angrily: "They are so shameless."

   Severus said to him anxiously: "Don’t turn into Bimon and jump into the acid swamp. Facing the swamp, the powerful body strength is powerless. Even Bimon can’t be in the acid swamp. doing what."

  "Can't you use your fire magic to dry this place?" Dillon looked at Severu. "Elves, you should be able to do it?"

  Severu's eyes lit up. "good idea."

   "No." At this moment, Wendini, who seemed weak, suddenly said: "Absolutely not."

   She looked at Severus, Dillon and Dylan, and Diana. "The God Father of All Kindness is here. You value magic too much, but you forgot to think about things themselves."

   She explained: "High temperature will decompose strong acid blood and evaporate the swamp. Excessively high temperature makes it impossible to form acid mist around, and the decomposed strong acid turns into gas away from us, which is good. However, mixing a lot of The strong acid of water will boil and explode when encountering a flame."

  "The entire swamp will turn into a boiling iron pot, and the acid water will shoot out like thousands of sharp arrows, killing us and weakening us."

  "This...maybe, is the real purpose of Cerebral #2."

   Severu's forehead was dripping with sweat, the opposing commander was really sinister.

   has been doing it for a long time, this swamp is just a trick, not expecting to use this swamp to stop them, but relying on the swamp to make them explode to the sky.

   Wendini ordered his piranha legion to operate.

  "The resilience and strength that we have united, are not understandable by a mere swarm of intelligent insects."

  "They underestimated us."

  On the other side of the night, the giant dragon druid was rescued by the elves covering the swamp with earth magic.

  Wentini ordered the Piranha Legion to spit strong alkali into the swamp. The heat generated by the neutralization of the strong acid and the strong alkali made the swamp bubble one by one, but at this time, the strong acid blood of the velociraptor had been eaten by the giant man The strong alkali liquid inside the flower is almost neutralized.

   Wendini looked at Severu. "Don't use fire magic, because the current swamp is mixed with too much water, strong acid and strong alkali, which is completely different from the situation when the strong acid blood is in the velociraptor."

  "Pour water magic into the to dilute these substances thoroughly."

  "Use ice magic to create an ice path for us to walk on."

  Severu nodded and did what Wendini said.

  So, the elves moved vigorously, water magic, ice magic, after wasting two hours, they passed through the swamp in the early morning and continued to move forward against the insect swarm.

The strategy of    Cerebral No. 2 failed again and completely failed.

  Dillon looked at the elves. He recognized the erudition of the elves, the knowledge they possessed, and made their civilization more resilient.

  ‘After the war, we orcs must learn this knowledge from the elf druids. ’

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