Qin Yang retracted his gaze, took out the Devil Fruit, and placed his palm on it.

"Absorb, start a new transformation!"

Chapter 0100 Sixth Change "The Lich King"



"Absorb, start a new transformation!"

Qin Yang took out the last two fruits and pressed them with both hands. After a few seconds, the two fruits turned into powder and scattered with the wind.

Mysterious power fills the cells of the whole body. The next moment, the fantasy gene is activated, and a new transformation form is slowly being born.

"Huh? It's so cold..."

Cold, this is Qin Yang's first feeling.

It is incredible to make the nine-tailed demon fox feel cold.

You know, even Aokiji's fruit ability can't make him feel this chill.

It seems that it is not the coldness of the physical level, but the coldness of the soul.


A layer of ice appeared on Qin Yang's skin, and together with his consciousness, it was frozen by it.

"Good luck! This time's transformation... It should be very strong, right?"

Qin Yang murmured in his heart, fell into a deep sleep, and turned into an ice sculpture.

Lantern Ankang still carried out the master's order, carrying the ice sculpture on the back of the fish, and slowly sailed into the deep sea.

Time passed slowly, Qin Yang was getting acquainted with his new transformation, and his consciousness was slightly awakened, but it was not enough to unlock the ice.


The first half of the great route, the Devil's Triangle.

At this time, it was in the early morning, and the sky was not yet bright, only the moonlight and stars were sparse, and the weak light illuminated the sea.

The air-conditioning at sea condensed into thick fog, and the visual distance was less than [-] to [-] meters.

A huge pirate ship is driving in this area, heading straight ahead.

This is a pirate ship, and even at this point in time, there are crew members on the deck and observation room to keep watch.

Suddenly, a melodious and long roar came from the thick fog.

This sound awakened a sleepy pirate in the observation room.

He shuddered and looked around quickly.

"Have you hallucinated?"

Just as the crew was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the voice sounded again, "That's right!"

He shuddered, hurried to the window, and looked around again.

In front of the pirate ship, in the thick fog, a misty white ghost fire slowly approached.

"What is this!?"

The crew member was startled, rubbed his eyes, and after confirming that he was not hallucinating, he immediately shouted to the deck: "Anuo, did you see it? Ghost fire, white! What a big group!"

On the deck, a pirate who was also patrolling at night responded: "I see! What is that? Do you want to sound the alarm?"

"Wait, maybe it's just a natural formation. This is the third corner of the devil. It is rumored that several strange things have happened in this sea area recently..."

The crew in the observation room responded like this, but just after he finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The ghost fire in the thick fog ahead was gradually approaching, and the speed was far beyond ordinary. The first thing that appeared was a huge head, and at this time, the distance between the other party and the ship was less than 20 meters!

"Oops! Pull the alarm, it's a sea king!" He shouted.

Hearing this, the crew below immediately acted, but the behemoth in the thick fog had already collided with the pirate ship.


Immediately, the whole ship swayed continuously, and was almost knocked over by a single blow.

"what happened!?"

Such a strong collision, no matter how big the heart is, can't sleep. Immediately, a group of pirates poured out of the cabin.

Three or four hundred pirates came to the front of the deck and saw the huge creatures with ghosts overhead.

The leader was wearing a skull cap and was the pirate captain. He looked at the mysterious creature with a shocked expression.

"The lantern is safe? Impossible! How can such a deep-sea predator be on the sea!?" The hooded captain said incredulously.

"Captain, do you feel unusually cold?" A cadre shivered. As he spoke, he let out a breath, which immediately turned into mist.

"It's so cold! What's going on? Is there a Winter Island nearby?"

"There's someone over the head!"

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