Then the Big Bang of the quantum world was born, after 1 Planck time, the universe appeared from the background of quantum fluctuations, and after 10 Planck time, the gravity of the universe separated and began to exist independently, transmitting gravitons.

After the Big Bang, 100,000 Planck time, the universe boom period occurred, gravity has separated, quarks, bosons, leptons are formed. At this stage, the universe has cooled to the point where strong interactions can separate out. The surge lasted only one ten-thousandth of a second, during which time the universe doubled 100 times, resulting in a scale that was 100 times the previous scale to the power of 10 (the explosion is the universe itself, that is, space and time itself, which does not violate the barrier of the speed of light).

This was too terrifying, Xiao Wuye had to fully stimulate the energy of the Soul Gem to enhance the strength of his soul power, so that his quantum soul would not collapse because he couldn’t bear it.

However, this is only the beginning, after a thousandth of a second after the Big Bang, the particle phase, protons and neutrons and their antiparticles are formed, and bosons, neutrinos, electrons, quarks, and gluons expand. 0.01 seconds after the Big Bang, about 100 billion degrees, photons, electrons, neutrinos dominant, proton neutrons only account for one billionth, thermal equilibrium, the system expands sharply, 1 second after the Big Bang, about 10 billion degrees, neutrinos escape outward, positron annihilation reactions appear, nuclear force is insufficient to bind neutrons and protons.

And now, 10 minutes after the Big Bang, as the universe expands, the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is lengthened, and the corresponding photon energy is reduced. The radiation energy density decreases inversely proportional to the product of scale (R) and volume (4R3/3), while the energy density of matter is simply reduced in inverse proportion to the volume by 1/R3, and then the density of matter catches up with the radiation density and surpasses it, the quantum vacuum reaches its peak during the inflation, and then permeates the universe in the form of dark energy, and as the density of matter and radiation rapidly decreases, dark energy becomes more and more obvious. Dark energy may account for 2/3 of the total energy density of the universe, driving the expansion of the universe at an accelerated pace.

Expansion, endless expansion, furious boundless soaring, under the impetus of the Central Universe Rubik’s Cube, the entire quantum world expands without slowing.

The quantum world is completely out of Xiao Wuye’s control, and with the blessing of this energy, Xiao Wuye’s control of the quantum world has been lost, and he cannot stop the endless expansion of the quantum world, although this represents unparalleled benefits, but it also means that Xiao Wuye has eaten.

Yes, after Xiao Wuye found out that he ate the Cosmic Cube, he ate it!

The cosmic cube, that is, the space gem, is the product of the formation of the infinite universe, and its own quantum world is only one galaxy energy, which is completely insufficient to support, and this contrast is different from heaven and earth.

The infinite universe has no boundaries in time, what is time: an objective form of material existence, consisting of the past, present, and future to form a continuous system, is a continuous manifestation of the change of material motion. From this, we can also see that time is not an independent variable, it is a dependent variable, and it changes with the change of matter.

The universe is a moving material world, and matter requires energy. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, the relationship between mass and energy: E=mc^ [that is, energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light] can lead to the conclusion that mass is restrained energy, and energy is outward. Einstein himself said, “Quantity is energy, energy is mass.” According to the law of conservation of energy: energy neither lives nor disappears out of thin air, it can only be transformed from one form to another, or transferred from one object to another, and the total amount of energy does not change in the process of transformation or transfer. In the same way, matter does not arise out of thin air, it is a existence without beginning and end. And time, as the objective mode of existence of matter, and the continuity table of changes in the movement of matter, together with matter, exists without beginning and end. This means that the universe has no beginning and no end in time.

As a product of the formation of the infinite universe and residing in Xiao Wuye’s quantum world, Xiao Wuye found himself out of control of the quantum world, and if there was no other way, Xiao Wuye’s soul would be burst by the ever-expanding quantum world.

Fortunately, what made Xiao Wuye extremely happy was that he not only had space gems, but also mind gems, and even the ability to manipulate souls, which perfectly converted pressure.

With the outbreak of the space gem, the soul gem, as another infinity stone with the same root and origin, can perfectly undertake this power, so Xiao Wuye’s soul was preserved in the process of continuous solidification, and even began to gradually turn into substance and began to undergo qualitative changes.

However, the incremental mode of destruction made Xiao Wuye’s tragic discovery: the quantum world contained the cosmic cube began to expand, and the quantum soul continued to solidify under the ability of the soul gem, withstanding the quantum world, but with the continuous enhancement of the soul, his physical body began to show signs of rupture!

Yes, after turning around, Xiao Wuye still failed to solve the problem, but successfully transformed the expansion of the quantum world into the problem of the rupture of the physical body.

Although in the process, Xiao Wuye has strengthened the quantum world and soul.

At the same time, Xiao Wuye also immediately guessed the perfect solution, that is, the power gem.

This gem allows the user to master and control all the powers and energies they try to master, it supports other gems and can enhance their effects, and with this gem, the user can even copy all physical superpowers, and make their physical attack and defense capabilities invincible.

As long as he got the Power Gem, Xiao Wuye could solve this problem perfectly.

At this time, Xiao Wuye finally knew the wonderful connection between several infinity stones, and it is impossible to get every gemstone, and getting all the gems is really the strongest force in the infinite universe, which is the true mystery of the infinity stones.

Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a twilight to know.

So Xiao Wuye was sad to find out at this moment: he actually had the only thing in common with Thanos: collecting infinity stones.

Thanos collects the Infinity Stones and the help of the Goddess of Death, but Xiao Wuye is alone, and even Xiao Wuye does not know the whereabouts of the Power Gems.

So this method can only be counted as the final goal, wait until the arrival of Thanos to do the calculation.

Now Xiao Wuye must solve this difficult problem through other methods, although it is not serious now, it can be temporarily solved with the repair ability of the apocalypse doppelganger, but with the expansion of the quantum world, one day it will not be able to withstand this power. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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