Chapter 40 Ctrip vomiting blood! Now, the Devil’s Squad! (Second, please collect, please collect!)

A tourist destination… It’s not a tourist destination in your own hands. This is undoubtedly a very heavy blow to Ctrip and Fang Wenzheng!

“Mr. Fang!”

Just when Fang Wenzheng was feeling overwhelmed, Secret Art suddenly pushed in the door, causing him to frown: “What are you doing in such a hurry? Don’t you knock on the door?”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Fang…” Secret Art even apologized, and then said: “No, the tourists who came for a while are all going to ask for a refund…”

“What?” Fang Wenzheng stood up suddenly: “What the hell is going on!”

“That’s right, Mr. Fang. The video of Penglai Island…it’s really amazing, too…”

“So, after seeing the video, tourists are all attracted and ready to save money, and they say that even if they spend a ‘big money’, they must go and watch…”

“Now there is a lot of noise down there. All tourists are clamoring for refunds. Our company’s website is almost collapsed by the refund information. The customer service staff are trying their best to deal with it, but they can’t handle it at all…”

“On the APP side, there was also a serious freeze. The technical director said that this was because too many people applied for refunds and left the group at the same time…”

“In addition, the test results of the technical department on the video are now available… The video is shot in real-life, not post-production of special effects… And, where to go, it is said that the number of refunds is much more than us…”

Fang Wenzheng slapped the table abruptly: “Damn it!”

He roared, almost blood attacked!

“How could he have such a trump card, why does he still hide such a trump card! Nanhai No. 1 was launched, and I didn’t receive any news…how could it be possible!!!”

“Mr. Fang… let’s…” The little secretary trembled: “What should I do?”

huh, huh…

Fang Wen was panting violently and nearly vomited blood and died!

But soon, his face was gloomy, and he gradually calmed down: “Retire them!”

“Mr. Fang?” The little secretary was stunned: “But in this case…”

“I said, give them back!”

The little secretary’s legs trembled and said, “Yes, President!”

She didn’t dare to say more, stepped on her high heels and left quickly, leaving Fang Wenzheng alone in the office with a gloomy expression on her face.

“There will be a 20% handling fee for refunds, but we can earn 20% of the fees without paying almost any cost. Why not?”

He muttered to himself, but his face became more and more ugly.

That’s what I said, but it’s just to comfort myself! This kind of money is comfortable to earn, but f*ck represents the rapid passing of customers!

Mass refunds by a large number of customers are fatal to any company!

what to do?

How the fuck do I know what to do?

Fang Wen was about to vomit three liters of blood, but suddenly he thought, where the situation is worse than himself! Can’t help but dial the other party’s phone…

“It seems that our plan has failed.”

“Nonsense, what are you talking about? What should I do now?”

“What else can you do? Nanhai No. 1 comes out, can you hold back? Even if you and I join forces, there is no possibility at all!”

“You can only let it go?! It’s really… not reconciled!”

“So what? On the cusp of this storm, everything is in vain. Splashing dirty water? Navy? f*ck Now the navy doesn’t even dare to plug in the network cable!”

“We can only wait, wait for the limelight to pass, and then gradually find a way to reverse the situation…”

“I suddenly have a solution…”

“Oh? Come and listen?”

“Nanhai No. 1 came out, and it is worth a lot. The antiques in it are enough to make anyone carefree, and they can’t use them up for a lifetime of squandering!”

“Nonsense, say something useful!”

“M country, there is a particularly powerful gang of thieves, you… should know?”

“Hey…you mean…the Sky-shattering Demon Thieves?”

“You said, if the Wholesome Demon Thieves got the news of the launch of Nanhai No. 1, and even got the specific latitude and longitude coordinates of Nanhai No. 1…”

On the other end of the phone, Liu Qiming was silent…

“Dare, or dare not?” Fang Wenzheng asked.

“But in this case, if the matter is exposed, you and I are equivalent to traitors who are collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country!”

“Traitor? Fame? How much is fame worth?” Fang Wenzheng sneered: “If you don’t want to disintegrate that kid’s offensive from the root, I’m afraid you and I will both go home and farm!”


Liu Qiming sighed faintly: “At present, it can only be like this…”

At the same time, there has been a lot of noise on the Internet!

“Fuck! F*ck! F*ck! It turned out to be this Nanhai No. 1? An ancient shipwreck of the Song Dynasty? Full of top-notch porcelain and other crafts at that time?”

“This damn… it’s worth a lot! Is it true or false?”

“Everyone, the video identification results have come out, there is no special effects or false traces! The possibility of real-life shooting is as high as 99%!”

“f*ck, so… is it true?”

“Hi… Your uncle, when will this Nanhai No. 1 Underwater Museum open?”

“I really want to go see it!”

“Let’s open to the outside world! My broadsword is already thirsty…”

(Second update, ask for collection, ask for collection! Ask for all support, everyone is doing their best, and updating is naturally powerful).

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