"Remember! The cold dew is divided into three waiting periods, one waiting for the Hongyan guests; the second waiting bird enters the water as a clam; the three waiting chrysanthemums have Huanghua!" The only thing other than Fangzheng who shouted was the squirrel who usually only knew to eat .

The other three were staring at the big eyes, and at first glance they looked stupid. Founder shook his head and said, "Three of you, go back and make a copy of this sentence, 108 times, and one less meal."

As soon as this word came out, the three guys widened their eyes, and the lone wolf hurriedly sat there, clutching its paws, counting one or two or three.

The monkey asked wonderingly, "Brother, what do you count?"

The lone wolf said: "I count, I will eat a few meals without starving!"

Founders, red babies, monkeys, and squirrels are collectively covered with black lines on their foreheads. This deadly dead dog!

"Master, we ask you Lidong, what do you mean Han Lu?" Asked the squirrel.

Founder said: "There are three waiting periods for cold dew, and three waiting periods for Lidong. In ancient China, the Lidong solar term was divided into three 5 days, and three waiting days were determined from this:" One wait for water to start freezing; the second wait to start freezing; The flood is rampant. "The solar water has already been able to form ice; the land has also started to freeze; the magpies in the three-phase" Enjoy the water as maggots "are like the finches in the cold dew, but the magpies here are not birds, but pheasants. Big clams are big clams, not small clams in cold dew. After the winter, big birds such as pheasants are rare, but big clams with similar shells and lines to pheasants can be seen by the sea. So the ancients thought that the maggots became big clams after Lidong. Remembering these three sentences, you can basically distinguish the difference between Lidong and Hanlu. "

"No!" Founder's words just ended, and the squirrel, who had just been praised, immediately rebelled, whispering what Founder was wrong.

Founder: "Oh? What's wrong?"

"Master, didn't you say that the water started to freeze after the beginning of winter? But when I came, I saw that Tianlongchi was not frozen." Cried the squirrel.

Founder froze, took a group of apprentices to go out to see, and opened the gate of the temple. Sure enough, the mist of Tianlong Pool under the moonlight was tumbling, and indeed there was no ice crystal on the water! Founder reached into the water, and the water was a little warm. In fact, the water temperature is not low, but it is a little bit higher than the outside air, so it looks a bit warm.

Fang Zheng muttered, "Strange, isn't this Tianlongchi or hot spring impossible?"

"Ding! It's not a hot spring. The Tianlong Pond is a Buddhist pond for keeping dragons. The water in the pond will not freeze even if it's cold. Otherwise, shouldn't the raised koi be frozen into a moraine, and what kind of dragon will it be?"

Fangzheng realized that, and muttered, "So it is."

"Master, you haven't said yet, why isn't the water freezing?" The squirrel called again.

Founder knocked on his little head and said, "This day's Dragon Pond is not ordinary, and the water produced is not ordinary. Naturally, it will not freeze! Jingzhen, ringing the bell and drumming for the teacher, having breakfast and serving as a teacher Take you to see the other water. "

"Okay!" Everyone applauded, and the bell and drums rose along with the sun, and a new day began.

At the same time, Founder found that after early morning, I do n’t know if it was stimulated by the sun, or it was the beginning of winter. What happened was this day, Longchi is like boiling water, the mist is transpiration, extremely thick, but the mist is not high. It just spreads everywhere, covering the entire Yizhi Mountain peak, like laying a layer of white velvet blanket for Yizhi Mountain out of thin air!

There was no white mist above the Tianlong Pool, the lake was like a mirror, so transparent, like two treasure mirrors! In the treasure mirror, the red brick and gold dome temples, the towering bell tower, the drum tower, the green Han bamboo, and the golden leaves that have not fallen out of the arhat tree, for a time, this finger on the mountain is like a fairyland, just like a heavenly palace!

Founder couldn't sit still, took out his mobile phone, took a multi-angle shot of the beautiful scenery, and then took selfies with his disciples.

The results were patted, Founder found that the situation has changed again!

As the rising sun rises and the sun tilts, the mist turns golden with the golden sun! In a moment, the whole Yizhishan changed its appearance again! From white clouds to golden splendor! At the same time, nine bridge holes were also lit up, Jin Cancan, bright and bright, Fang Zheng's eyes were straight! Hurry up and take a few more.

When the photo was taken, Founder looked at the photos and was surprised. I picked a few of the best photos and sent them to my circle of friends.

After doing all this, Founder took the disciples to take care of the temple, packed up the Buddhist temple, ate breakfast, checked the pickled sauerkraut, and then looked at a pillar of celestial ginseng. Mature crystal rice field. This led the disciples to go down the mountain to find water and ice. At the same time, the Founder was elusive, and it was time to improve the food for the winter.

"Master, aren't you saying that there is something delicious in Lidong? What do we eat in Lidong this time?" Enough to play, wild enough, crazy enough, the squirrel's little thing's thoughts returned to eating.

Founder smiled: "You know, why do you eat a lot of things subconsciously as soon as you reach Lidong?"

Several disciples shook their heads subconsciously. They must know that they are not them anymore, please call them fairies!

As Founder walked, he said: "After the beginning of winter, it means that winter is officially coming. Withered trees, maggots dormant, and the activities of all things tend to stop. The reason why you eat wildly is also the final feast, so you can hibernate for the winter and stay winter Also, add the last energy and fat, this is your instinct, not greedy, all for survival. Although human beings have no hibernation, Chinese folks have the custom of making up winter and supplementing winter. In cold weather, eat more warm Heat-replenishing foods will not only make the body stronger, but also play a good role in protecting the cold.

This is a physiological explanation, because people live through the winter, and there are factors of customary heritage in it.

Lidong and Lichun, Lixia, and Liqiu are collectively called the Four Li, an important festival in ancient society. In the past, it was a farming society. After working for a year, I used Lidong to rest on the day, and to appreciate the hard work of the family. There is a proverb saying: "Li Dong to make up for the winter, make up your mouth empty" is the best analogy. In ancient times, the emperor had the gift of going out to winter in the suburbs, and a system of giving winter clothes to widows and widows. Later generations followed suit and became a tradition, passed down.

What I just said was winter, and I also said winter worship, also called He Dong. This has been around since the Eastern Han Dynasty and has been passed down to this day. What we pay attention to is to wear new clothes and new hats. The whole person is refreshed to celebrate the coming of winter.

In general, this day, everything is wonderful, everyone just go to play. "

When Founder finished speaking, he looked at a few apprentices. The monkey was thoughtful. The red baby was full of interest. The lone wolf licked his mouth and flung his tail in a posture of going crazy. Only the squirrel looked at Fang Zheng with a disgusted look. "Master, you talked a lot and didn't talk about the topic. Just tell me, Lidong, what shall we eat ... otherwise, it doesn't matter."

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