"Secretary Tan, this ... I ... when I was here, here ... Oh, I can't tell." Yang Ping looked at the brand-new temple in front of him, and he also knew that it was useless to say anything now, the fact Better than eloquence.

Wang Yougui said: "Uncle Tan, don't blame Yang Ping. I guess this kid was lazy at first, and he definitely didn't go up the mountain, but just let the man down and get the official document of the government and go back to the messenger. Don't say what he lied, I remember When I came to this temple a few years ago, it was really run down. I haven't seen anybody bring bricks and bricks up the mountain to repair the temple in the past year. Why was this temple renovated? "

Tan Juguo's eight-character eyebrows were locked, and she shook her head, "I don't know, ask."

Wang Yougui and Yang Ping did not agree, and they followed.

On the road, Wang Yougui said: "Uncle Tan, the one-finger monk is no longer there, and now the one-finger temple should be the only founder monk? I remember that he was still in our village's elementary school, but you still sent him to it. Middle school and high school, right? "

There was a flash of memories in Tan Juguo's eyes, and he nodded slightly: "Yeah, that doll was so nostalgic now, but now it is the abbot, haha. Time is really fast ..."

During the conversation, the three of them had come to the gate of Yizhi Temple. When they looked up, they saw the golden plaque. The three of them subconsciously saluted. All the impetuous thoughts were gone, and some were just peace of mind and feelings. In a solemn and solemn manner, the three unconsciously lowered their voices.

In the north, especially in rural areas, the land is vast and the population is sparse. People in the village have used shouts since childhood to facilitate communication, so their voices are relatively loud. It ’s been a long time, I ’m used to it, and I ca n’t change it.

But at this moment, the three unknowingly lowered their voices, and when they reacted, they were really surprised.

At this moment, one finger of the temple door had opened, and the three naturally entered the temple with ease. As soon as they entered the door, they saw the linden tree in the courtyard, saw this dead and alive, and then the cold wind was approaching. At the end of autumn, the branches germinated into old dead trees, and the three of them suddenly felt like a ghost.

"Uncle Tan, the last time I came here, the tree was almost dry, dead and the sprout was sprouting? This ..." Yang Pingxi said.

"Look at your virtue! This is a temple, not a ghost gate, but also a Buddha manifestation, there are no monsters and ghosts, you are afraid of farts!" Tan Juguo reprimanded.

Yang Ping came back to this, and smiled bitterly: "I just feel weird."

"Strange, you were here a few years ago last time. What's so strange about that change?" Wang Yougui hummed.

Yang Ping's face was bitter. Regardless of whether Wang Yougui and Tan Juguo believed it or not, he knew best that he had been here a few days ago! What he saw was, as he said before, a scene of broken bricks and old trees dying. In just a few days, such changes have taken place. He really felt a little weird and scared.

"Huh? What scent?" Just then, Tan Juguo suddenly took a hard breath and said.

"It's fragrant! It looks like the smell of rice, but it's not the same! It's much more fragrant than the rice in our land ... Just smelling, my stomach grunted." Wang Yougui touched his stomach.

"It seems to be coming from the backyard. Let's take a look." Yang Ping smelled the scent, and the thoughts in his heart were gone, yelling at the door to the backyard.

"Go, take a look." Tan Juguo nodded, and the three rushed in.

As for not seeing the owner and trespassing to the house, they really didn't think about it. In rural areas in the north, this is how relatives go, whoever they go to, who does n’t steal or snatch, just go straight in. It ’s just that they do n’t usually go directly into the house, but they yelled and signaled that we were here.

However, when the three entered the backyard, the scent of the rice was stronger, and the aroma was fragrant, which made the population rejuvenate. They subconsciously licked their lips and gently opened and closed their mouths, as if they could eat. If it weren't for the grunts and grumbles that were triggered by this scent, the three would probably not realize they were hungry and thought they had eaten.

Founder's kitchen was in the corner. As soon as the three came in, they saw the founder who was busy in the kitchen along the window.

"Founder! Founder!" Yang Ping shouted first.

At this moment, Founder made some wild vegetables in soy sauce to prepare for the meal. Suddenly I heard someone calling me outside, looked up, and said in surprise: "Account Yang? Uncle Wang, Grandpa Tan? Why are you here?"

"Why did we come here? Your kid is tinkering with such a big movement on the mountain, how can we not come and see?" Wang Yougui laughed.

Founder came out of the kitchen and wanted to find two stools. However, he found that he had nothing to sit on.

Wang Yougui laughed and cursed: "Okay, don't look for it. I don't see anything to entertain you in this little temple, and don't look for stools. They are all family members. We don't care about those things in the city. Just sit down . "

After speaking, Wang Yougui sat on the ground with his buttocks, and Tan Juguo sat down. Although Yang Ping was a little unwilling, he wiped on the stone beside him and sat down.

When Founder saw this, he also sat on the floor, touching his bald head, and knowingly asked, "What's going on?"

"Boy, you can? You didn't go up the mountain for a year, and you even renovated the temple of one finger. That's good!" Wang Yougui laughed.

Fang Zheng grinned, but said nothing, but looked at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping exclaimed, "Founder, you tell the village chief and secretary that I came here a few days ago and handed over the government documents to you?"

Founder wanted to lie, but he lied, and nodded, "Yes."

As soon as this word came out, Wang Yougui and Tan Juguo froze. They thought that Yang Ping was lazy and did not go up the mountain. As a result, Yang Ping went up the mountain. Then what he said ... Is it true? The two looked at each other and saw the suspicion in each other's eyes.

Yang Ping said, "Founder, I ask you, a few days ago, was your temple very run down?"

The Founder continued to nod: "Yes."

Yang Ping suddenly looked up and looked at Wang Yougui and Tan Juguo, as if to say, look! Didn't I lie?

Wang Yougui frowned, and said, "Fang Zheng, tell your uncle what's going on here. What was going on here a few days ago? Why was it renovated after a few days? I haven't seen the construction team come up these days. what?"

Tan Juguo also said: "Indeed, Fang, you are a bit mysterious."

Founder thought for a while, this thing must not be concealed, but he couldn't tell the system, so there would be countless troubles. In this case, Founder's expression suddenly became calm, and then he got up, folded his hands together, did the ritual, bowed to the West, and declared a Buddhist title: "Amitabha ..."

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