The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 553: perfect character

Sean had previously set a starting amount of $10,000 to start a newspaper. With nearly $6,000 on hand, and now with monthly fixed income, Sean knew it was time to start.

Sean's earliest idea was to start a new newspaper from scratch. It was later discovered that this was impossible.

In order to control the number of newspaper offices in the city, the Holy Court of New York City has no longer issued licenses for newspaper offices. Therefore, those who want to make a breakthrough in the journalism industry can only choose to directly buy those newspapers that are on sale.

For Sean now, the money to buy the newspaper is not a problem. Because the lower price of the newspapers on sale, the price does not exceed 6,000 New Zealand dollars, Sean's funds on hand can already cover...

The problem he urgently needs to solve is that there must be a way to explain the source of the large sums of money.

A young reporter from Leon suddenly had the money to buy a newspaper. If this obvious doubt cannot be resolved, it will inevitably attract attention and suspicion...

But what Sean needs most is not to be overly concerned.

However, this question did not stumped Sean for too long. He soon discovered that "Outlander" was a good identity—after all, Sean's hometown was in Green, and it was hard for people in New York to know him.

Therefore, he can provide a perfect explanation for everything by just making up a story, and this story goes like this:

A gentleman from a well-off family is no longer satisfied with practicing his journalism ideals in Green. He wanted to prove his worth in Newlander, where journalism was booming. His father, who ran a farm in Green, was willing to support his son's New Zealand dream. However, the pragmatic father also made his own demands:

The ambitious young gentleman had to prove he could get a foothold in New Testament journalism before he could possibly get the money to start a newspaper.

And now, Mr. Sean Dickinson, who is already well-known in the news industry, has obviously proved his ability. Therefore, the initial capital and the blessing from his hometown father came naturally to Sean's side...

The seamless story, coupled with Sean's already perfect language art, quietly began to permeate the industry.

As a result, many people know that this independent reporter, who is known for his diligence and talent, turned out to be a second-generation rich man.

People are always suspicious of other people's motives and justify themselves with the assumptions that best fit their worldview, and Sean's story just meets their needs.

Those who don't have much affection for the overly aggressive Mr. Dickinson finally know the reason why this mysterious reporter "writes faster than farm animals"-because he has a father who promised to help him!

Revelation to the Holy Father, if I also have a father like this, if someone promises me a lot of money...

I'll work as hard as I can!

Sean's story answers his disturbing diligence, comforts some, and perfectly explains where the big money comes from.

The source of funds has been resolved, and the next step is acquisition. This process was unexpectedly smooth for Sean.

For Sean, the acquisition of any newspaper is the same for him: now is the period when the news industry is booming, and those who will choose to sell the newspaper are all defeated in the cruel competition and want to retire... …

Such a newspaper must have problems in the direction and concept of running a newspaper.

Therefore, as long as Sean takes over, he will definitely make drastic rectifications.

Since it has to be rectified no matter what, it doesn't make much difference to Sean which one to buy.

The only thing that needs to be done is to find the option with the best personnel, facilities and location, and the most suitable price among potential sellers.

In the process of searching and negotiating, Sean felt that an old saying has been confirmed again: as long as you are willing to search, you can find the direction.

Sean quickly found a good deal for him.

The Evening News of the New Testament was founded in 1842 when the Penny newspaper was savagely growing. Due to various reasons, it has been unable to compete with the "New Testament Times", "World News" and "Sun" which were born in the same period. The daily sales volume is only 2,500, which is almost on the verge of withdrawing from the market.

The owner of the evening newspaper, Mr. Gordon Bennett, also turned his attention from the newspaper industry to the real estate industry. He proposed a very reasonable price to Sean, including the first month's salary, office, and printing plant rent. , a total of $5500 - Mr Bennett's offer was almost free. And there is a reason for such a discount: due to sluggish sales, the newspaper has been losing money for consecutive months, and taking over is a negative asset... Even if Mr. Bennett wants to sell at a good price, it is not very good at the moment when the competition in the newspaper industry is saturated. possible.

Before Sean appeared, the only option offered to him was to sell to the arrogant Sun, but Mr Bennett turned down the deal due to his contemptuous attitude.

After visiting the editorial office and printing house of the Evening News and confirming that it was a good deal except for the sales of the newspaper, Sean agreed to the price, and the contract was signed and traded on the same day.

At the "Evening News" headquarters on Garden Avenue, saying goodbye to Mr. Bennett, Sean suddenly realized one thing: at this moment, he is no longer a small reporter, but a newsman with his own newspaper... …


After the transaction was completed, Sean was left with only the living expenses for the next few months.

However, after a month, he will have to pay next month's office space rent, electricity, materials and salaries and allowances for 32 employees, totalling $4800 (rent is usually paid annually, but Sean via Bennett Mr. Te interceded, and the venue agreed with Sean to pay monthly rent for six months after taking over).

With an average daily sales of 2500 copies, a single copy costs 4 cents, and the monthly income is only about 3000 New Zealand dollars.

This means that if the sales of the newspaper hadn't been boosted, Sean would have lost $1,800 a month.

This is also the reason why few people take over The Evening News, so Mr. Bennett can only change hands at a relatively low price-comparing to those newspapers that break even, the risk of acquiring The Evening News is too great.

But for Sean, sales are a solvable problem.

During his tenure as a reporter, he has always maintained the habit of reading various Comparing the shrinking newspapers with those of the big newspapers, he knows too much what is wrong with these newspapers.

For Sean, it was like watching crappy hunters holding shotguns with no problems, but because of their wrong aiming, they shot empty...

All that Sean, who was "in a hurry" on the side before, was to take over one of the shotguns.

For him, as long as he "takes over the shotgun", he "will not worry about food and clothing".

The immediate loss is only a temporary phenomenon.

A talented dancer, even if he chooses a deserted stage, he is confident to attract more audiences.

In his eyes, apart from the hardware conditions, the New Testament Evening News is already a terminally ill newspaper.

If the concept of running a newspaper is not completely changed, the already poor sales will only further decline.

So, after taking over, the first thing Sean has to do is to carry out a drastic reform of the Evening News.

It is by no means an easy task to save a penny newspaper that is declining.

There are many challenges, both internally and externally.

However, Sean, who already has some ideas and inspiration, is looking forward to it...

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