The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 429: stay ceremony

The latest website: "Tina..." The boy known as Wordsworth spoke up and said to the doe, "I am very conflicted now...

"We grew up together, I would never want to be separated from you, but...

"I really wanted to be a playwright."

As he said this, Wordsworth held the pen in his pocket tightly in his hand.

That was the only legacy his father left him.

On the writing table under the windowsill, my father used this pen to write many wonderful stories.

He wants to continue all this.

However, if he chooses to "stay" in Paradise, it means that the door will be closed forever.

The children who participated in the "Stay Ceremony" tonight have already made up their minds, only he is still hesitating.

"Okay," Tina's voice was visibly nervous, "I believe you can make the right choice."

Her eyes seemed to be pleading, but Wordsworth didn't look directly.

Moonlight, who was listening behind them, immediately understood what was going on—they were watching a vision of the past.

Wordsworth's experience.

Following the trend of candlelight, they came to the wide area in the depths of the cave, which was turned into a hall.

On the polished stone walls, patterns such as Ferris wheel, merry-go-round and clown haunted house are painted.

Obviously, these immature handwritings depict the scene in "Midnight Paradise".

All the addicts gathered here, holding their candlesticks, and stood facing a smooth wall.

Then, they began to sing the song of entering the park in unison.

"This place is paradise, this place is paradise.

Here is Peter Pan's never-ending island,

Only welcome at midnight, people with pure hearts patronize...

Its name is - Midnight Paradise.

Peter Pan is always young and happy in his paradise.

We roam here too, sharing with him this eternal joy. "

Due to the natural echo resonance effect in the cave, the children's chorus was inexplicably more divine.

Moonlight couldn't help but want to sing along a few times...

But he knew the mystery contained in this song, so he closed his eyes, bit his tongue, and reminded himself not to sing along with pain.

When the song was over, what he saw when he opened his eyes made the hairs on his back stand up—

The familiar shadow of the young man flew in from the entrance of the hall and flew around the field on the stone wall.

When the addicts saw the figure, they couldn't help cheering: "Pan! Pan! Pan!..."

That is, the shadow of Peter Pan.

The culprit who kidnapped Mrs. Dominic.

In the crowd, Sean stared coldly at the thin figure.

After circling the stone wall, he stopped on the smoothest wall.

In the direction of the shadow, a somewhat strange voice sounded.

You could tell it was the voice of a young man. But there was an inexplicable vicissitudes and hoarseness in that voice.

It is unimaginable that immaturity and hoarseness are reflected in one voice:

"Welcome everyone, to this 'stay ceremony'..."

All I could see was this floating shadow, and I didn't know where the shadow's sight was falling.

Sean and the others lowered their heads and tried their best to bury themselves in the crowd.

"Time is like a river, no one can go upstream.

"The pure children who linger here will also be carried forward by time and grow up day by day...

"However, this paradise only welcomes children who have not yet grown up."

The candles burned quietly, and the addicts raised their heads and looked at the shadows that were being told.

"It's a ritual that allows those children who are about to come of age to stay in childhood forever - so they can stay in Midnight Paradise and share the joy of this place with me forever.

"Tonight, the first child to receive 'stay' is - Tina!"

Amid the cheers of the addicts, Tina, who was wearing a green dress and a doe hood, hugged Wordsworth beside her.

She walked through the crowd to the front row, handed the candle in her hand to the others, and stood under the smooth stone wall.

Wordsworth craned his neck to look at Tina, his fingers trembling and his palms sweaty.

The shadow that was floating in the air fell to the ground.

In his hand, there were extra needles with thin sutures hanging down.

The shadow of Peter Pan walked to the side of Tina's shadow.

The addicts under the stage made low whispers.

The girl's chest heaved violently.

The shadow of the Lord of Paradise raised the needle and thread in his hand and pierced it near the girl's shadow's collarbone: "The first needle!

"—This pain can dispel the filthy adults in my heart!"

"First shot!" the addicts shouted excitedly.

As the shadow was pierced, a blood hole suddenly appeared on Tina's headgear and collarbone, and black shadow threads connected the two together——

The girl shuddered and shouted, but did not move.

Under the stage, Father Taro watched this scene in amazement, unaware that his mouth was open due to shock.

"Second shot!

"This thread will forever sew the childish innocence into your heart - you will never lose this most precious treasure!"

On the wall, Pan's shadow is so skilled in threading the needle, as if he is not sewing a headgear on the girl's body, but sewing a piece of clothing.

The thread, like a black earthworm turning over the soil, drilled in and out along the edge of the doe's headgear, and the bright red blood flowed down like the ruby ​​pendant of a necklace...

Tina was still shouting. But there seemed to be a little more joy in the shouting.

Offstage, Wordsworth was also short of breath. He didn't realize that he was holding his father's pen tightly.

"Third stitch!

"—after sewing, you will never grow up, you will always stay in childhood, you will always have——


"Third needle!" The addicts held up candles, "Forever, have, joy!"

Pan's shadow picked up speed, and the black silk thread stitched faster, going around the edge and sewing the doe's headgear completely over Tina's shoulders.

Then, weird things happened.

The stitches were gone, as if they had gone into the flesh.

The headgear no longer appears to be sewn over the shoulders, and the edges are a natural excess, as if Tina was born with the head of a doe.

The head of the female deer also seemed to come alive - the eyes were dark and The originally stiff nose also slackened due to breathing.

Tina has completed the "Stay Ceremony".

She will never grow up and become an "addict" who can wander forever in "Midnight Paradise".

Offstage, Wordsworth turned pale.

Shadow opened his hands, signaling the addicts, don't begrudge the applause for the newcomers.

Then, the female deer looked at the stage with anticipation in her eyes, the boy wearing a red shirt and a goat headgear.

Peter Pan's shadow voice was still full of joy: "Then—the next one to perform the stop ceremony is...


The addicts turned around, and the animal faces illuminated by the candlelight all looked at the boy in red.

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