The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 294 Battle of Zhuolu (Part 2)

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Every time when Huang Di and a group of Qi practitioners were about to catch up. Chi You then released Chi You's flag to resist for a while, then turned around and ran away. In this way, no one could catch up, and Chi You couldn't escape either.

Huangdi was extremely troubled. At this moment, a red hydrangea flew from thirty-three days away and hit Chi You, knocking him unconscious. Everyone rushed forward to hold Chi You down. Because the Wu clan's physical body was unparalleled in magical powers, everyone wanted to pierce Chi You's pipa bone. Tou, abolish his magical power so that he can be imprisoned, but Chi You is a great witch, with muscles and bones as straight as fine steel, and everyone is helpless.

Huang Di suddenly remembered that when he took over the throne of the Human Emperor, the leader of the Human Religion had given him a sword, which he said could cut off all things. He quickly drew out the Xuanyuan Sword, pierced Chi You's collarbone, put on the dragon tendons, tied him up and sent him back to the army to be imprisoned.

Huangdi brought Chi You back to the tribe and counted Chi You's dozens of sins, and sentenced Chi You to beheading. All the surrounding tribes who were deeply bullied by Chi You came to watch with their children and elders.

. When Chi You was escorted out, there were shouts of applause for Huang Di and curses on Chi You. The sword and axe-hand knocked Chi You down, but he chopped him off with an axe, but there was no harm at all. I heard Chi You burst out laughing: "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Xuanyuan son, I am a great witch, not to mention this ordinary axe, even the innate spiritual treasure can't hurt me easily, ha! ha! !Hahaha!"

Huang Di smiled and said, "Do you really think I can't kill you?"

After saying that, he took off the Xuanyuan Sword hanging from his waist and handed it to the axeman and said, "You can use this sword to chop off Chi You's head."

Huangdi Xuanyuan's sword was made from red copper in Shouyang Mountain by Taoist priests from Taiqing Dynasty and was given to Xuanyuan as the emperor's sword. After Xuanyuan got the sword, he named it Xuanyuan Sword after himself.

After the axe-hand took over the Xuanyuan Sword, he slashed at Chi You but still couldn't hurt Chi You at all. Everyone was extremely helpless for a moment. At this moment, they heard several dragon roars coming from mid-air. Everyone looked up and saw a boy driving five dragon horses down from the sky. Chi You's expression changed drastically when he saw the five dragon horses.

The boy stepped forward and said to Huangdi: "The two Holy Emperors of Huoyun Palace ordered me to send five dragon horses to split Chiyou."

The Yellow Emperor was overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered everyone to tie Chi You's limbs and head to the dragon and horse, and ordered the five tribesmen to drive the dragon and horse in five directions. Hearing the five dragons and horses neighing, they began to run in five directions, and Chi You's body I also thought of the creaking sound, but I couldn't kill Chi You.

Upon seeing this, Huang Di took the Xuanyuan Sword from the hand of the sword and axeman, and stabbed Chi You five times at the neck and the joints of his limbs. He only heard Chi You shouting, and the whole body was divided into six parts. Even so, Chi You was not ready. die.

Chi You laughed and said: "Xuanyuan son, what can you do to me! I am a great witch and cannot be hurt except by innate magic weapons. Just cut off my limbs and I will be able to put them back together." After saying this, he burst out laughing.

Huang Di heard this. Sure enough, Huang Di was shocked when he saw that the six corpses of Chi You were gradually getting back together. He hurriedly ordered five dragons and horses to be driven to far away places in the six directions and buried them at the foot of the mountain. Several monks joined forces to set up a sealing formation to seal the body. Chi You's six corpses were sealed under the mountain so that they could not be reunited.

After Chi You was cut into pieces by five horses, there was no rival in the world. From then on, the Yellow Emperor was truly recognized by all the tribes of the ancient human race and became the true co-lord of the world.

Because this battle took place in the wilderness of Zhulu, it was also called the Battle of Zhulu.

Just after the Yellow Emperor executed Chi You, he received news that Shennong's son Yu Gong was not convinced that he would take over as the emperor, and took advantage of the fact that he had just defeated Chi You and was weakened, and rebelled.

After the Yellow Emperor killed Chi You, he released his horse to Nanshan and prepared to rest and recuperate. Unexpectedly, Yu Gong, the son of the Yan Emperor Shennong, took advantage of the Yellow Emperor's defeat of Chi You and began to attack the Yellow Emperor aggressively, intending to drive the Yellow Emperor out of the position of human emperor and become a new man himself. Emperor.

The Yellow Emperor could not tolerate another chaos in the world that had just settled down, so he launched an army to attack Yugang. The Yellow Emperor used the Zhou bird osprey and the trembling eagle as the flag, with the bears, black tigers and leopards as the vanguard, and fought with Yugang in the wilderness of Banquan. After three battles, Yugang was defeated.

The Yellow Emperor conferred the title of Yuji as a prince. He was sealed in Lushi City, Luoshui. Yugong refused to be granted the title, so he moved his family to the south of the Yangtze River, and later settled in the tea village of Hunan. He made a career in medicine, saving lives and healing the wounded, and was deeply loved by the local people.

Since Yugong was defeated in Banquanye, the Yellow Emperor's status as the co-lord of the world was finally established, and he began to order the world to attack all disobedient tribes as the emperor. After a total of forty-nine battles, the world was finally unified.

After the world was unified, the Yellow Emperor strengthened his rule over various tribes, divided states and fields, established rituals, promoted music, and educated the people. At the same time, he also invented various utensils and objects for daily use.

Among them, minister Cao Hu invented the upper garment, Boyu made the lower garment, and Yu made the shoes. From then on, people no longer wore animal skins and tree bark. The Yellow Emperor also made boats according to the principle of floating leaves floating on the water. They drummed together and paired the boats with bows to sail on the water. And based on the principle of turning the tent, the car auxiliary was invented, which facilitated transportation.

Huang Yongfu invented spring, and Huang Di then ordered people to make a steamer so that people could steam rice and cook porridge. Later, houses and cities were built so that the people no longer lived in caves.

Huangdi also wrote internal and external scriptures with Qi Bo, which cured the people's diseases. He also determined the names of all things in the world and divided the stars into 28 constellations.

The days are recorded on the ten-day stem of A and B, and the month is recorded on the twelve celestial stems of Zichou, and the sixty-year period is one period. The Yellow Emperor had four concubines and ten concubines. The main concubine is Xiling. Named Lei Zu, she personally planted mulberry trees and raised silkworms, and taught people how to weave. People called her the "first silkworm".

Leizu organized a large number of women to go up the mountain to raise mulberry trees, raise silkworms and weave silk. But soon we encountered a big problem. We raised a lot of silkworms and produced a lot of cocoons, but we had difficulties in drawing silk and weaving silk. At this time, a short, dark-skinned, and ugly woman among the group of girls invented the spinning wheel for winding silk and the loom for weaving silk.

When Huangdi learned about it, he greatly appreciated the invention and asked her to teach her skills to everyone. Later, with the help of Lei Zu, Huang Di married this ugly girl as his second concubine, who was respectfully called her mother. All these changes made the people enjoy their food, enjoy their clothes, enjoy their customs, and live in peace. A peaceful scene.

One day, the Yellow Emperor was watching the scenery with his ministers on the Luoshui River. Suddenly he saw a big bird holding a Bian picture in its mouth and placing it in front of him. The Yellow Emperor quickly accepted it. Look at the bird again. It looks like a crane, with a chicken head, a swallow's beak, and a turtle neck. Dragon shape, parallel wings, fish tail, all five colors. The characters in the picture are the six characters of prudence, benevolence and righteousness, and benevolence and wisdom.

Huangdi had never seen this bird before, so he went to ask Tian Lao about it. Tianlao told him that the male of this kind of bird is called Feng and the female is called Huang. The morning call is Dengchen, the daytime call is Shangxiang, and the evening call is Guichang. Crying at night is a guardian.

When the phoenix emerges, it indicates peace in the world. It is a sign of great auspiciousness. Later, the Yellow Emperor dreamed that two dragons came out of the Yellow River holding a white picture and presented it to him. Huang Di was puzzled and came to ask Tian Lao again.

Tianlao replied: "Your Majesty, try to look at it by the river. Is it the intention of God to confer the emperor?" Huangdi and Tianlao and others swam between Heluo and Luo, sunk the jade in the river, killed three animals and fasted. It started with heavy fog for three consecutive days. After that, it rained heavily for seven days and seven nights. Then, a big fish went upstream, carrying a white picture box, orchid leaves and turtle inscriptions on its back, and enthusiastically proclaimed the emperor near the shore. The emperor knew the auspiciousness, bowed and gave it to him, and the fish swam away. The emperor looked at the river again and thanked him. Stretch it and look at it, and call it "Tu Lun". Order the ministers to hold the box and drive back to the court.

On the next day when he ascended to the palace and all the ministers finished their court, Huangdi asked the ministers: "I heard that Emperor Fuxi first received the "Hetu" and obtained its five key points. He set up a spiritual platform and set up the five sense organs to describe the five events. What I have obtained now is the same. The name "River Map" is different from the previous "River Map". They are all images of the sun, moon and stars. They teach me to set up a book of star officials to pass down to future generations. How dare I not follow it? In and out, Changyi accounts for the waxing and waning of the moon, and the car area accounts for the steady rest of the wind. It was ordered that the armillary sphere should be made to cover the sky and resemble the shape of the sky.

Huang Di asked Gui Zhubei: "How many can we count in the last and next week?" Gui Zhubei replied: "The sky has six sections, and the earth has six systems. The weather system in the Zhou Dynasty is prepared for six periods; the end of the earth period is five periods. A year is a week. For a five-year-old, 3,720 qi is a year, and a period of 1,440 qi is a sixty-year-old. It can be seen that the five qi govern the five qi. , observe the law to make a dynasty calendar. The year is Jiayin, the day is Jiazi, and the season is determined. The first day of the year is in the south, and the divine number can be calculated by looking at the new moon. "

Huang Di was delighted when he heard the music. Then he asked: "Do you think this is the end and beginning of the era of obtaining heaven?"

Gui Ji said: "Of course."

Another report said: "Although the heaven's chronology ends and begins again, sixteen gods must be created to push the remaining ones into leap months to determine the four seasons."

Huangdi asked: "What is a leap?" Bei said: "When you look at the sky, a leap is made when you are three years old, and there are an extra month and thirty days. Another leap is made when you are five years old, and there are sixty extra days in total. Nine out of ten years, there are seven leaps, and all calendars are made. Jiazi, then the time goes by and the time follows."

The emperor said: "Good."

The first official of the order was ordered to set the number to lead his envy and make him meet. As for the regulation of weights and measures, Ling Lun was ordered to take bamboo from the valley of Ji River in the west of Daxia, in the shadow of Ruan Kun, and use the hollow orifice thick Jun, cut it between two joints, make it three inches and nine minutes long, blow it, and call it the palace of Huang Zhong. . Twelve tubes were made to listen to the call of the phoenix, and the twelve rhythms were distinguished - the number of male calls was six, and the number of female calls was also six, to compare with the palace of the yellow bell. The sound of the five tones of Jiao, Zheng and Yu governs the Qi of Yin and Yang, regulates the changes in the four seasons, infers the number of rhythms and calendars, and generates news, which is the right balance of time. He also ordered Lao Lao to slowly cast twelve bells in a cluster of yellow bells, which were regarded as twelve laws. When the Qi arrives every month, the Jia Guan will fly into ashes. The ancients burned the reed pipes into ashes and placed them in the Twelve Rhythm Pipes and placed them in a secret room to account for the climate. When a certain festival arrives, the ashes from a certain rhythm tube will fly out, indicating that the solar term has arrived, harmonizing with the five tones, establishing the heavenly hour and correcting the human position. Also named Darong, Rongcheng, Che District, astrological signs. Everyone follows the instructions.

The Yellow Emperor also divided the territory into wild areas, with eight families as one well, three wells as one neighbor, three neighbors as one penn, three pennies as one li, five li as one town, ten towns as the capital, ten capitals as one division, and ten divisions. It is a state, and the whole country is divided into nine states; it has official positions, left and right eunuchs, and supervises all nations. There are 120 official positions in total, including three public officials, three young masters, four assistants, four historians, six prime ministers, and nine virtues to manage the country.

The "six strict prohibitions" are put forward for officials at all levels, "several bans on sound, heavy bans on color, heavy bans on clothing, heavy taboos on incense, heavy taboos on taste, and heavy taboos on indoors", requiring officials to live in simplicity and oppose extravagance. It is proposed to govern the country with virtue, "cultivate virtue to inspire the army", use "virtue" to serve the world, practice virtue together, be benevolent and do it, cultivate virtue and establish righteousness, especially the establishment of "ministers of nine virtues" to educate the people in nine conducts, that is, filial piety , kindness, literature, letter, words, respect, loyalty, courage and righteousness, and carry out ideological and moral construction. (!) More ‘small’ says, ‘full’ in ‘stars’ ‘book’, ‘! The latest chapter of "The Ancient Mingyu" Chapter 294: The Battle of Zhuolu (Part 2) is compiled and uploaded by Xingyue Book Bar ()

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