The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 1006: Tranquility before the storm

Chapter 1006 Tranquility before the storm

When President Chen saw her eyes clear, there was no scornful thought, so I was relieved.

I patted her shoulder and said: "Good children, people, must remember their initial heart, but not lose their goals. Make sure that a heart of a child is brave and fearless to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. That kind of life is called a real life, your life will be more magnificent."

"You have a Lord in your heart, I will not say more, talk about the training below. I watched an exercise a few days ago and gave me a big shock. The troops are not my troops, snipers. The deployment and use are also very different."

From the private affairs to the training, the old and the young look changed synchronously, the twilight was cold and the expression was slight, and the content of the training was discussed.

"Like mechanized infantry units, a mechanical infantry battalion is assigned a sniper class whose configuration is determined by the battalion commander based on specific circumstances such as mission, enemy, terrain, time, etc."

"The camp sniper class is a fairly opposing unit of combat. It consists of two sniper teams and squad leaders. This is different from our previous sniper, an observer, and sometimes no observer. ”

"Only from this point of view, we can see that our army reform is quite large! I used to train you to fight for a single person. It seems that I will tell you that the team will fight in the future. You are not an individual in the army, but belong to Teams, soldiers belonging to the team can work together, or they can fight alone when necessary."

President Chen told Ye Jian about what he saw in the exercises in the past few days, in order to let Ye Jian better understand the sniper operations of the entire army.

"I also saw that snipers will have military ATVs. The front and rear platforms of this car can carry weapon systems, fuel, water, food, communication equipment, and personal preparations. This shows that the snipers needed by the troops are not just one. The soldier responsible for the sniper also needs to provide more favorable information for the rear-drive forces."

These, Ye Jian did not know, through the analysis of President Chen, she had a concept, and from today, Ye Jian no longer limited himself to a sniper with a sniper rifle, and directly went to battle, and It is the beginning of a concept of "informatization" sniper.

From only one exercise, President Chen analyzed that the Chinese troops have all started the "informatization" mode of operation. It is not the ones that have been reported internationally, even their own fighters, and military backward countries!

Great powers have risen!

From going back to school to preparing for the mid-term exam, Ye Jian took classes during the day and took time to review at night. In less than one night, he reviewed the new lesson in the eleven days. She had already completed her self-study, and the review was only for consolidation.

The learning atmosphere in the class was quite tense. In order to get the direct recruitment quota, I was fully involved in the mid-term exam.

The third class is even more tense. They will take the college entrance examination next year. If they can directly recruit, they will not have such great pressure on the third year of high school. The intense review of the second and third grades will make the school three days before the midterm exam.

On the 3rd, I entered the exam. An Jiaxin’s eyelids jumped non-stop. I haven’t tested it yet. “I’m going to be miserable this time..., my left eye is jumping.”

There are two more..., before 11 o'clock, still in the code word code word, code word.

High school life is almost over, it is over...

(End of this chapter)

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