I'm concerned about Haku's whereabouts, but he's not his partner who succumbs to traps to the extent of Aval.

Theon first decided that this place would look for Jin, the ex-combatant brave man who is in the city of brainwashing. Ask May, who will have powerful information, to help.

"Tell me where you are"

"You should be at the tavern."

"Don't guide me that far."

"……… yeah."

Although I've decided to cooperate, I guess I'm still lost.

It's hard to let May, who is only nine years old, decide which is the real evil: Theon or Jin.

Because often, the more malicious they are, the better at hiding them.

Hiya, and Theon hugs May. There are still many people in the city who have lost their sanity, so I intend to rush through them all at once.

"May, light?

"Right, lighter, I guess"

"Grandpa always says eat more bread"

"Well, then, Grandpa, let's find him and have some bread with him."

Ji Mae stares at Zion's smile before quietly accepting. A child is a creature with sharp sensibilities for less than reason and reason.

Even if you don't explain it in more words than you have to, it can be passed on.

There was a tavern about five minutes from the square. Fortunately, the residents also shook it off, so calm down and go inside.

Beyond both open doors is a dim, large indoor. At the counter table in the back, there was a man who drinks alone and quietly.

Straight and gray hair stretched to the shoulders. Do they grow beards of the same colour thinly, and are they around forty years old?

A profound life experience appeared on his face, and his eyes had depth. From under the cape, a sheath of swords decorated with gold peeks partially into his face.

Seeing the two of you doesn't stop drinking without upsetting you. As if I knew it was coming.

"May, I told you to take him down."

"……… not a bad person. I didn't know about Grandpa."

Hmm, and Jin contains another sip of booze, with a thin smile.

"Have you missed May, Dark Brave Theon"

"You're a brave Jin. Do you realize how much you are doing?"

"I haven't made a big deal of it yet."

Jin had a calm look like he saw a child, and that's what Theon didn't care about.

"Don't be so cocky. This could be a little, a special day. Close your eyes. I wonder if you can hear the sad voices of the people ruled by the Demons."

Hearing Scion in people, but such sounds do not come into their ears.

When Jin takes his seat, he closes his eyes and opens his hands broadly.

"The king's capital falls today by the hands of the demons. There are too many power differences. I hope you don't know anyone."

What floated behind my brain was about Aria and Kuna and Punini heading to the King's Capital. But I'm not peddling because the story is leaping.

"What did the Demons aim for?

Come on, I shrugged my shoulders and didn't have the attitude to answer the question properly. I can't stand this. I'll try to kill you, but if you want to kill me, I'm defenseless.

"Why join demons, chains of Reapers, etc.?

"The chains of the Reapers are connected to the Demons. Personally, I don't care."

"Is it the Demons that matter to you?"

"That's right. I have to sell my charm to the Demons. To serve my purpose."

What is the purpose we want to achieve until we abandon ethics and join in outrageous evil? When Theon inquires in a strong tone, he runs a mouthful of things he can't think of.

"I just want to see someone I love. That's all."

It is not a statement to deceive or to tear up. It passed on, so slightly but Zion's heart swayed.

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