The sand demon nodded, handed over the herbs to Jiang Chen, and went to find Funie. In addition to being beautiful, Funie also tasted delicious food.

The sand demon knew that Jiang Chen would leave here sooner or later, so he decided that he would never miss a chance while he could still eat delicious food.

Jiang Chen walked to the kitchen with the herbs in his arms. At this time, there was no business in the inn, so naturally the kitchen could be occupied by him.

He processed the herbs and took out a little flour from the cupboard.

This time, he chose to make some medicine cakes to stabilize Jiu girl's condition. For Jiu girl's illness, he changed from a person who didn't want to enter the kitchen and just wanted to be a foodie to a chef who couldn't live without the kitchen for a few steps.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Put the flour aside to ferment, and then take out the herbs found by the sand demon and a few herbs he bought at the pharmacy to synthesize powder together.

After a few hours of fiddling in the kitchen, Jiang Chen finally formed the medicine cake.

He carried the basket and found the sand demon on Fune's side, "Sand demon, give this to the nine girls. Tell her that eating this cake will improve her beauty."

The sand demon smelled the fragrance from the basket, stared at Jiang Chen with a sad expression, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "I don't even want to eat anything delicious, and they even let me run errands."

Jiang Chen's ears are very good. Hearing the muttering of the sand demon, he smiled helplessly: "The pancakes here are all made of medicine, just to cover up the bitter taste, but its function can only be life-saving, it can't solve the fundamental problem."

"Okay." The sand demon replied feebly, disappearing in place with a smoky smoke.

He had already used a single purple pearl grass, but it was far from enough. The previous medicinal herbs only played an auxiliary role. If Jiu-girl's illness could not be relieved, it would only suppress the grievances of the nine-tailed fox demon in Jiu-girl's body.

When Jiang Chen was messing around in the kitchen, he would find a suitable person for help. As long as he found Qingluan, Miss Jiu's illness could be fundamentally resolved.

Chapter 659

"Hey..." Jiang Chen sighed and came to a place where no one was there. He took out the only feather he had left on his body. I don't know why, but his heart began to get nervous. Get up, is it because every time you summon Qingluan, he will only ask her to help?Or for other reasons?

Having said that, every time he used Chongming bird feathers to summon Qingluan, it seemed that he really just asked her to help him, but did not give Qingluan anything in return.

And Qingluan never asked for anything in return, but he always faced the danger of being discovered by the person above the Nine Heavens and punished by heaven, and brought him a mortal to the Nine Heavens Shrine.

"After this matter, find a chance to repay Qingluan." Now that the city lord's daughter is about to be possessed by the ghost of the fox demon, it is imminent, and this matter cannot be delayed any more, so why can't he do it? Or use Chongming bird feathers to set up a magic circle and start to summon Qingluan.

Because the two became friends before, Qingluan is now very willing to help Jiang Chen when a mortal needs help. After all, she has nothing to do in Jiutian Shrine, and she often travels around.

And the only people who can control her Qingluan in the Nine Heavens are that person, and the divine beasts that are one tier higher than her, such as Chongmingbird.

What's more, the descendants of Nuwa are also friends of Jiang Chen, which means that Chongmingbird also has some good feelings for Jiang Chen. This is not unfounded, because no matter where Chongmingbird is, as long as it sheds its own feathers, after he leaves , the feathers will definitely disappear on their own, not like this, three or four fell into Jiang Chen's hands, but they didn't make the feathers disappear.

Since this magic circle is considered a taboo, the teleportation of the magic circle also takes a little time. Jiang Chen took advantage of this little time to take out the food that he had researched these days, and put it in place. Prepare to give Qingluan a small compensation first.


A strong light green wind blew, Jiang Chen didn't react when he saw the little girl Qingluan who was summoned by him sitting in front of the food with excitement.

"I said you don't take it easy, I'll tell you if you're really fat." After Jiang Chen smiled helplessly, he also sat down in front of Qingluan.

Qingluan glanced at Jiang Chen with disgust, and said, "Tell me, what's the matter with calling me out?"

"I need some precious ingredients, but those ingredients are hard to find, and I need them urgently." Jiang Chen briefly explained his purpose.

"Ganqing, did you ask me to come out and help you find the ingredients for new food?" Qingluan raised her eyebrows and asked. From her birth to the present, Jiang Chen was the first human who dared to let her be a mythical beast to do errands. .

Jiang Chen also saw that Qingluan was a little unhappy, but in order to solve this urgent matter, he still planned to discuss it with Qingluan.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to speak, Qingluan directly raised his hand to interrupt him, saying, "What kind of ingredients do you need, just say, I will use all my abilities to help you find them, but you have to promise me one condition. ."

"What do you think."

Jiang Chen's face was filled with joy, and he raised his chin to signal Qingluan to continue. It seems that there is a solution to this matter. If it was put in the past, he did have the strength to find all the ingredients he needed, but Now he has not even reached half of his former self.

Qingluan chewed the food in his mouth and swallowed it, and said, "I don't care what kind of treasures you need, but the dishes you want to do must be done in the Nine Heavens Shrine."

Hearing Qingluan say this, Jiang Chen's last worry was gone.

First, the spiritual energy in the Nine Heavens Shrine is very strong, and secondly, the power of the resentful soul of the daughter of the city lord is also very strong.

If you let the spiritual energy in the Nine Heavens Divine Palace be added to the dishes made with genius treasures, and then let the daughter of the city lord take it, will it be enough to completely destroy those resentful souls on her body, and also purify the resentful souls? the point?

"This is absolutely fine."

Jiang Chen hurriedly agreed, for fear that Qingluan temporarily changed his mind and put on other requirements: "After this matter is settled, I will leave you a dish."

"That's it, I'm full, let's go."

After Qingluan got up and stretched, he turned into a divine beast of Qingluan: "I can't spend too much time in the mortal world, I was almost discovered by some people who only made small reports last time."

Jiang Chen nodded. Just as he was about to sit on Qingluan's back, he suddenly remembered that he had something to explain, and said, "Wait for me here, I'll be right back."

After leaving here, Jiang Chen quickly found the sand demon and warned him to pay more attention to all the troubles in the city lord's mansion and the actions of the city lord's daughter.

After confirming that all the things that should be ordered were finished and the sand demon had memorized it, Jiang Chen followed Qingluan to the shrine above the Nine Heavens.

"I think if you want to do the kind of dish you make, it's better to learn the imperial meal one-pink pot that I recently researched." After Qingluan took Jiang Chen into the shrine, the two turned a few paths. Go to the place where Qingluan usually makes food.

"Yushan Yipin Pot? What is that?" Jiang Chen was a little confused, but he was still very curious, because the food from Qingluan's hands was basically full of spiritual energy and pure.

Qingluan motioned for Jiang Chen to wait for her here first, and she went to fetch the ingredients for the imperial meal one-pint pot. In fact, those ingredients can be said to be very precious and can be seen everywhere.

It's just that Qingluan generally requires perfection, so the ingredients she personally found are naturally the best among the treasures, and some are self-produced by the Nine Heavens Shrine.

Although Jiang Chen said he was curious, he didn't care that much at first, so he just sat there watching the scenery outside the window, waiting for Qingluan to return. He didn't expect that what Qingluan brought back was what he had been looking for in his previous life for a long time and could only get it. A small portion of precious ingredients.

There are seven-colored deer ribs in these ingredients. It is said that the seven-colored deer began to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth when it was in the mother's womb, so it is very helpful to various creatures. Generally, only the deer dies by itself, otherwise You can't hunt it down or you'll be punished by heaven. Looking at Qingluan's fine appearance, he probably brought back a rib of a deer that had just died.

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