In this way, Jiang Chen relaxed a lot, his footsteps fell into the softer and softer sand, but he was not heavy, and became more and more light, but he did not know that he had stepped into the depths of the desert, the edge of the wind.

Jiang Chen thought to himself that after he left, they would be able to return to the peaceful life they used to live. Maybe by walking, they would be able to return to the original place of memory and live their original life.

Uh...what was life like?

Wooden stopped, Jiang Chen's curiosity suddenly arose, and he wanted to take advantage of the fact that no one was bothering him, to rummage through his memories, and try to recall the past.

Hold your breath, close your eyes, and meditate.In the past life, scattered fragments, only a few words, a figure lying quietly, with his back to himself, motionless, the two of them laughing and playing, facing themselves, ... in groups of three or five...

Damn! I can't see the face at all! Can I turn around and give a frontal view? Why did I see such a scene this time?

I can't hear the sound either, and it's almost impossible to tell who they are just by looking at the clothes, hair, back and profile...

After gathering a few more thoughts, Jiang Chen clenched his fists and tried to connect all the fragments together.

It's just that he never expected that in the dark, a nerve seemed to be broken by his reluctance, and his brain suddenly hurt, and his body stumbled.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a splitting headache, but he didn't want to give up, he wanted to hold on, he thought he could suppress the pain, but the pain in his mind became stronger and stronger, he couldn't help bending his knees one by one, kneeling in the sand.This kind of pain, straight into the brain, was caught off guard, and it was completely unbearable.

Forget it, Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "It's really not the time yet, so don't rush to remember everything now.On his face was a wry smile that would make him feel extremely ugly when he saw it.

After calming down, Jiang Chen sat down again. After sitting on the sand for a long time, the sand that was blown by would be buried in his chest, and the pain in his mind gradually calmed down.

Luckily I didn't faint.Jiang Chen laughed at himself: If he fell asleep like this, he would be buried here forever in the sand.

Jiang Chen stood up slowly, like a white radish that had burrowed out of the soil by itself. The sand on his clothes didn't need to be beaten, anyway, if it was removed, it would get stuck again.But the face and ears need to be cleaned up a little, or you won't even be able to hear the sound.

The immortal Jiang Chen shook the yellow sand in his ears left and right, and his posture was a little irregular. If Taotie saw this scene, he would definitely have a good belly laugh. will blush.

It's a pity that at this time there is only a steady stream of cold wind, and there is no gluttonous existence.

Putting down these unreasonable loneliness, Jiang Chen stood still and looked around again. Three times and sixty degrees surrounded him, the ground was all yellow sand, and there was only a whole piece of dark blue sky above his head. It's exactly the same, making people's heads dizzy when they look at it. This clearly looks similar, and it's all the same scene that can't see the boundary at a glance.

When I look back, I can't even see the way.There is absolutely no way to go back, only to find another direction.

There is no difference between the front and the left, so just pick a random direction. Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at it. On the edge of the sky in front of the left, there was no moon, but there was a huge shining blue-green star. The starlight was far away, bright and invisible Flickering, seems to be the only light source in this broken place.

Such a domineering occupation of the entire sky, this star is definitely not simple.Jiang Chen tried to calculate the location, but he couldn't find a name that matched it in the star spectrum.

Polaris? Sirius?

Neither is right.The smile on Jiang Chen's mouth had already reached the corner of his eyes.

Then just walk towards it, with the star as the sign, the luck is unpredictable, but it is a direction anyway.

Jiang Chen started the journey again, and he didn't know how long this journey took, but the star was always hanging in the sky, and it seemed that it would never be close.At the same time, Jiang Chen finally discovered other strange things.

Chapter 609 Desert

This desert can’t be desolate any more. It stands to reason that no matter how desolate a remote place is, even if there are no crowds, there should at least be some broken wood left by nomadic tents or wild foxes and mice, but here, there is no hair at all.

Sand is the only character here, which means that he is the unique owner here! No grass grows, it is more domineering than gluttonous.

I don't know how those people appeared just now. Since Jiang Chen dealt with them, he has never seen a single person.For a time, Jiang Chen began to suspect that what he saw just now was just a phantom!

If not, it's just a dream!

There is constant wind and sand on all sides, and it is not clear whether it is day or night.It shouldn't be a problem to walk for two days with one's own strength, it shouldn't be just a blind night, unless someone blinds one's eyes, the hometown is in front of you! So what time is it now?

Jiang Chen calmed down, gathered his distracted attention, and finally got a clue.

Standing on the spot on the heels, pinching with the left hand, the Xuanshuang sword in the right hand pierced out of the air: One word for sacrifice, "Sure!"

In one direction to the east, it was split by the sword edge, tearing a gap, and the swept wind and sand stopped abruptly there, but it was still raging in other directions.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen continued to dance the long sword in his hand, one hundred steps to the left, two hundred steps to the right, turning thousands of sword flowers back and forth, until he was sweating profusely, and the sand condensed into mud and got into the crevices of his hair. It was tangled with sweat and turned into mud lying there, itchy.

The sword's edge settled, the situation changed in an instant, the sky was clear and clear, and the sky mirror was white with fish belly, generally like a long river hanging upside down, with a round sunset embedded in the middle.

What swept the gust of wind disappeared, and the desert actually became obedient, docile like a girl singing an idyll, quiet and peaceful.

The magnificent beauty of mountains and rivers is vividly displayed on the endless desert here.The fiery red sunset slid down the long river into the middle of the colorful sunset.

On the other hand, the most conspicuous star hanging in the sky just now disappeared.Thinking about it now, it looks a lot like the half eye left over from some one-eyed dragon monster.

It looks like it's getting late.Jiang Chen took a pleasant breath of clean air, put away his long sword and muttered to himself.

At this time, there was a sudden sound, and Jiang Chen turned his head sharply. As far as his eyes could see, a dry weed suddenly grew and moved without wind.Obviously there is no hair just now!

Jiang Chen stared at it for a while, the grass didn't look great, it wasn't tall, nor strong, and it didn't have any demonic aura. The little head came out from under the weeds.

The big round eyes are really cute, the two furry ears move sensitively, and there are two buck teeth... It turns out that there is a rabbit!

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief: Hey, that's right.Otherwise, this desert will not be an ordinary desert, but a dead and demonic place where people cannibalize and rabbits can't survive.

Jiang Chen didn't plan to approach the big rabbit, so as not to frighten it, he turned around and walked away.

Facing the sunset all the way, watching it gradually become incomplete.It changed from missing a little bit to a semicircle, then to a small edge, and finally there was no trace of it.

The splendid sunset on the horizon disappeared, the main sky dimmed again, and the scene before his sword dance was restored.

But fortunately, hordes of stars soon took their place, and there was a round bright moon that rekindled the desert.

From this point of view, this night is much more beautiful than the daytime, but it is slightly less colorful than the evening and dusk just now.

Gululu...who's stomach growls?

Jiang Chen stopped and looked back for no apparent reason.

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