Chapter 497 Nomads

Rood looked at the surrounding terrain and said, "Wait, wait until a relatively flat place."

"God, hurry up, I can't take it anymore." Fune was about to go crazy, and now he was still thinking about why, why he came.

Everyone finally reached the level ground, and Funie sat on the ground in an unimpressive manner. Seeing that everyone was exhausted, Jiang Chen took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the creek to fill everyone with some water.

"What kind of work did you take on? In such a hellish place, you're exhausted to death," Fonye asked.

"Yeah, what's the matter, and who would live in such a ghost place!" After speaking, I don't know if Rood remembered something, and suddenly stopped talking, Rood looked Looking at Verdis, Verdis smiled at Rood, wouldn't it be what he imagined!

Jiang Chen came back with the water he just filled in his hand. Jiang Chen gave everyone the water and took a sip himself, "How long will it take to arrive?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's coming soon" Verdis returned to Jiang Chen, and saw Rood raise his hand and slide quickly in the air a few times. A creepy low-pitched cry gushed out from the gap, but I was shocked to see a huge mouth bursting out of the torn space and time, followed by snow-white feathers scattered, huge and round purple pupils exposed, and then claws... It's definitely not a chick that comes out of its shell, it's like an eagle but not an eagle, it's a huge physique that looks like a dragon but is full of feathers.

The beast suddenly roared in a low voice, fluttered its wings, and after a few flaps, it took out sharp yellow claws and slashed into the ground. The dark figure blocked the already meager sunlight, as if the world was shrouded under this layer of white wings. But this is only a momentary illusion, and people are speechless in astonishment.

"Finally, I don't have to climb the mountain anymore," Phune said, looking at Rood with gratitude in his tone. "Why didn't you call the beasts earlier?"

"This monster can only be released at this height. If it is seen by ordinary people at the foot of the mountain, it will be frightened," Rood explained.

The crowd sat on the beasts, Orod gave an order, the white feathers flew, and the flying beasts flew away.

Overlooking the entire scenery from high altitude, the endless mountain peaks are connected to the endless sky. This sky is bluer than the ocean, like a dream, like a dream, like a shadow.Fordis looked at Qi Praruo, if possible, I am willing to use all my wisdom and life to protect you forever.

If possible, let this moment... be eternity...

The flying beast flew over the mountain peak and continued to move forward, "Isn't it on Yulong Mountain?" Qi Banruo asked, at first she thought that the client was on Yulong Mountain, but it seemed that it was not. He replied, "No, you have to climb over a mountain before you can get there." The flying beasts continued to fly high in the sky. They crossed the mountains and came to the endless prairie. The prairie is flat and vast, with slight undulations in the distance. They are all covered with green grass, like a thick carpet, which looks particularly fresh against the blue sky.

On the grassland, the yurts are dotted, the smoke is curling, the flocks are shining, and the horses are neighing. "Is it a nomad this time?" Qi Banruo seemed to know who it was.

"Yes" Verdis looked at Qi Banruo and said, nomadic people refer to an extensive grassland animal husbandry management method that moves and grazing with water and grass all year round.The herdsmen have no fixed residence for a long time, and live a life of living by water and grass. The production equipment is quite simple, and the management is very extensive. They are basically in a backward state of raising grass and animals by the sky.Nomadic peoples refer to peoples whose main way of life is nomadism.The nomadic people on the flooded continent refer to the wandering people who live without a fixed place. This ethnic group is very unrestrained and hospitable. Qi Banruo himself likes the nomadic people very much.

Taking a breath of the fresh air of the prairie, everyone felt their minds relax, and Phune stretched out his arms and shouted, ah~ and then laughed.

But the flying beast suddenly stopped descending when it was three meters above the ground, and its huge wings swept through the scattered vegetation between the mountain walls and landed very quickly. Fortunately, these people were hidden, and it was only three meters above the ground. to be killed.

Although the prairie at night is cool all year round and even more cold, but after such a thrilling moment, Fudis Jiang Chen and the others were still frightened into a cold sweat, "Fuck, I'm scared to death, Roo. What's going on with this beast, De," Fonye said in shock, "I guess it's too tired. This beast is very arrogant and self-willed when it's tired. There's no way to do it." Rood also said that he didn't Method

Even the demon beasts are being willful these days. Fonye patted the soil and grass clippings on his body, and looked at the flying beasts that were already nesting beside him. Rood wouldn't move no matter how he beat or kicked next to him, "Hey. You really are." Rood looked helplessly at this arrogant monster, "Hey! I'm afraid of you." Rood shook his head and said, with a wave of his hand, he was put into the space.

Qi Banruo looked around. At this time, the grassland was covered with golden silence. The mountains in the distance were covered with colorful clothes in the sunset. The clouds that were as white as cow's milk had also turned red as flames. The herd of cattle and sheep came from the distant grassland; only the camels that did not return at night were still wandering by the lake near the willow forest, and the whole prairie looked peaceful.

It's been a long time since Qi Banruo thought about it and laughed, "What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked, "No, it's just that I haven't been so relaxed for a long time. It's just a little bit emotional for a while." Qi Banruo said to Jiang Chen, the wind blew past. Qi Banruo's hair, because every time he goes out, Qi Banruo has to change clothes, and every time he goes out, he has to drink change medicine. Qi Banruo now looks like an ordinary girl, with brown hair covering the slightly bulging face. , The wheat-colored skin was concealed, and the whole person could not see the slightest difference.

Jiang Chen looked at Qi Banruo at this time, although she was not as beautiful as she was usually, but at this moment, she was shrouded in the sunset on the grassland, becoming sacred and beautiful "How beautiful is the sky in the grassland here, the sky with blue as the background color. It is covered with a few long white clouds, and the blue and white sky is really beautiful!" Qi Banruo said, his face full of yearning, "I really hope to live here!"

Chapter 498 Luo Qi

"There's no other way, this beast won't go away, and I can't do anything about it," Rood said helplessly, shrugging his shoulders, "Fortunately, it's not far from the destination, and it will only take two or three hours to walk there. That's it." After speaking, the group packed up and set off.

"It's good to walk like this, it's been a long time since we went out for a walk together like this." Qi Banruo laughed, and it was really hard for him to be able to have fun. "That's right, the air here is really good," Fune said with a deep breath.

After walking for an hour, I saw a cloud of dust rising in the distance. I haven't seen such a big scene in a long time. Jiang Chen squinted for a while, and the leader saw them and dismounted, "Brother, you are finally back!" On the vast spies prairie, the greeters took a step forward a little excitedly. The appearance was so similar to Roald, as if there was a bronze mirror in the middle, but the face they knew was different from the face they knew. At the beginning of the gentle Rood, the man in front of him seemed to be accompanied by sword wars all day long. His complexion was also darker than Rood's. From the title, you can know why this person is so similar to Rood.

"Luo Qi..." Rood opened his mouth with difficulty, but only with a meaningful call, his deep voice revealed his complicated and inexplicable mood at the moment.

The aching heart is indescribable, and Rood's face is expressionless, but under that calm and calm surface, the palm of his clenched fists truly reveals his heart.

"Brother, when can you come back to help us, this country needs you," Luo Qi said

Finally, after being silent for too long, Rood said slowly: "I... have been exiled. I am a useless person, an incompetent, a guilty sinner to this country." Several people behind Luo Qi All shook his head. It is said that this Rood is also a general of this nation. It is said that he is invincible, but it seems that there are too many killings, so God punished him. The specific situation is unknown now.

Luo Qi shook his head, the estrangement between the two brothers was far deeper than before, helpless...

"Pound..." The piercing sound of the harpsichord sounded like waking everyone up, which made the others seem as if they had just woken up from a dream, and found three people standing not far behind Aluf, who were tasteless and dry. The sound of the piano came from the noble-like man holding a harp in the middle of the three.

Fordis was very satisfied that they finally began to exist in the eyes of everyone, so he smiled and played a relaxed and harmonious tune, his mouth was not idle, and he was bombarding Luo Qi: "We are not afraid of hardships, not afraid of suffering, I came to help you tirelessly, climbed over thousands of mountains and rivers, walked [-] miles of rocky cliffs, tried my best, but in the end you ignored us, at least took us for a ride in Spis ."

Travel... A group of people are staring at this man and ranting about wanting their generals to be tour guides. He is obviously dressed as a bard, but he looks as elegant and gorgeous as a palace noble. Bow down.

"...Sorry, Verdis." Luo Qi looked at them and asked them to come and help them, but now he is here talking to his brother for a long time and forgetting them all. It's really a loss. Demeanor.

Fordis couldn't help but look at Luo Qi, and then at Rood, the same faces really have a world of difference!The sly pupils bent, not knowing which of them was speaking to them, the opening was clearly intended to worry: "Alas, we have traveled for so long, it has been wind and rain for a long time, and we can't eat enough. It doesn't matter if we sleep well, although we big men don't care, our bodies can hold it up, but we two ladies can't do it."

"Yes, yes, it's my negligence. Come on, please come on the horse." Luo Qi said boldly, and immediately someone brought a few good horses. Fordis and the others turned on their horses, and Beng Teng was in Sibis. On the prairie, they are wanton at this moment.

"Hey, look at you." Phune excitedly pointed to a small white dot in the distance, "That's Geers," Qi Banruo said with a smile.

On the vast Spiss Plateau, the cold wind howled, and the ground was dotted with many white tents.This is what the nomads call "Gels".Similar to yurts, most nomadic tribes hunt their goats, sheep, yaks, horses and camels year-round in search of new pastures.Gores could pack a pack, be carried by a few bactrian camels, transported to the next destination, and then set up the tent again.

"Someone! The general is back!" some nomads who were driving sheep shouted when they saw them.

Luo Qi dismounted and invited Fudis and the others to rest in the tent. Jiang Chen helped Qi Banruo off the horse, and Funie jumped over and ran quickly into Gelsley.

Gels on the grassland is a "white flower" that can be seen everywhere on the ground. It has a unique beauty. From a distance, it looks like pearls glittering on the soft grass flannel, and it seems to be blooming on the green grassland. A white lotus flower!Looking up close, the pattern on the outside of the bag is more fresh and beautiful, giving people a visual aesthetic.Gels on the prairie is definitely a beautiful landscape on the prairie

If you look closely at Guers, it is mainly composed of three parts: frame wood, tarpaulin, and rope. No mud and water are used to make adobe bricks and tiles, and the raw materials are either wood or wool.

Luo Qi invited them to enter the Gels. It was in the wooden shed, and the red or white cloth strips were hung on the pillars. Most of them were white. It was said to be used to protect safety. Nomads are different from other ethnic groups. Natural disasters are fatal to them, so they will be like God bless the peace, and the weather will be smooth on the grassland.

When Fune entered the tent, he saw that the cloths posted on the wall and hanging on the flagpole had a pattern of "wind horse" in addition to the scrolls of the Lama's scriptures.The "wind horse" hanging on the flagpole in front of the house of the Mongolian people in Ordos is strutting with its tail and hoofs high, giving people a sense of majesty and majesty.Some patterns have Kunpeng and Qinglong painted on the horse. There are tigers and lions under the horse.

"Wow!" Fune couldn't help but exclaimed, "Haha! We nomads are people on the grasslands, and we live right away." Luo Qi said, "Come on, let's do it."

As he said that, people came up with goat milk, "This is the milk that our sheep just gave, and it is our highest hospitality. Then there were people who came up one after another to eat a lot of food. Sheep, and bean curd with shredded milk. Fony couldn't help but move his index finger when he saw these food. Luo Qi said, "Try this "hand meat". This is my brother's favorite food. Lamb, the most tender meat.After slaughtering, decompose the lamb with bones into several small pieces and put them in a pot of water, without adding salt and other seasonings, cook with high heat, and when the water boils, immediately take it out of the pot and serve it with salt. The meat is tender and original. .You must be hungry after a day's journey, come and eat" Luo Qi asked them to put chopsticks and took the lead in toasting them with a glass of wine. "Thank you for coming all the way, Luo Qi thank you for this generation of nomads. "

Chapter 499

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