Huge claws swept across Huang Tiansheng's shoulders.

Huang Tiansheng's body turned like a ball for seven or eight somersaults before it stopped.Now he knows that the gap between him and the opponent is too great. If he continues to fight like this, he will not be able to escape the enemy's hands.

Glancing coldly towards the stage, Huang Tiansheng saw that Ling Xueying had been taken away, and Wang Bahao also walked in his direction.

Run!Without further ado, Huang took advantage of the shooting near the bleachers corridor, jumping over the crowd and the heads of the interstellar police, and jumped into the corridor.

Where are you going?Humph?Weak human, can you still run over me? "The Santanian warrior loudly chased a body form and created an afterimage in the passage to chase.

Wamba rushed over at the same time, but he didn't expect the two fighting people to turn around and run out of the venue.He knew he couldn't catch up with those two at all.After reflection, Wamba couldn't appear useless in front of his superiors, so he wanted to play the role of commander and immediately shouted: "Attention all star police, point my gun at the exit of the passage, see someone running out, give I fired a volley of ten thousand guns and killed this man!"

In the article, Huang Tiansheng is running at high speed.

As soon as Huang Tiansheng ran into the tunnel, he saw Santa Yawu's body chasing after him like a shadow.But luckily, Santayavu is too tall.He is three meters tall, so he had to squat in the tunnel and move forward. This speed must be relatively slow, so it can be said that Huang Tiansheng is temporarily safe to run in the tunnel.

"But what about this passage?"

Huang Tiansheng was so anxious that he was sweating.Now he can't beat him, it's hard for him to escape.He could hardly imagine that he had any hope of survival today. "Am I really going to die here today in my place? I use a fork!"

In the darkness ahead, it was night.Huang Tiansheng has reached the end of the tunnel.Now he can't stop and die in the tunnel, so even if it's easier for Santayab to hunt him outside, he'll always run out because hope is there too.

Sure enough, when Huang Tiansheng rushed out of the tunnel like an arrow, he heard the footsteps of "da da da" getting closer and closer, and the shadow behind him became bigger and bigger.

"Humph! Humph! How do you escape now?"

The Santayana warrior smiled coldly, stretched out his hand, and watched his hand stretch out inch by inch towards the person in front of him.

Huang Tiansheng is really desperate now. The speed of the other party can't be avoided even if he wants to dodge. He can't think of a way to deal with this monster.

But at this moment, suddenly, a dangerous feeling rushed into Huang Tiansheng's body, making him tremble all over.

Laser gun!

Behind him, at least a dozen laser guns were aimed at him in the direction of the Bird's Nest Stadium.

At this moment, Huang Tiansheng couldn't control anything else, the dangerous laser gun would be more direct and deadly to him, he jumped aside.

In an instant, in the dark night, dozens of laser beams were almost intertwined into a net around Huang Tiansheng, and the red beams of light were almost interwoven into a red flame around him.

Fortunately, Huang Tiantian could feel these infrared beams, his body tossing up and down, as if he was dancing in the red flames in the dark.

nervous!A close call!Very exciting!This is how Huang Tiansheng feels.

But there is a person who is more nervous than Huang Tiansheng, namely Santa Yawu. He didn't feel infrared rays, so when he rushed to Huang Tiansheng and was about to pounce on Huang Tiansheng, he found that the surroundings were already red.

Suddenly, Santayana's warrior jumped into the fire pit, as if a pot was boiling around him.

"Ah! Ah! No, don't shoot, cut! This is me!"

Hundreds of interstellar cops could shoot anywhere, let alone someone.

Suddenly, Santa seemed to be on fire to his left and right, and he was covered in charred black spots.Yes, Santayavu's skin was so hard that a normal laser would only burn blisters at best.

Chapter 492 The hymn of the elves

The red grass that towered to the knees slowly blew counterclockwise with the fluctuation of energy. The closer it was to the light wheel, the stronger the wind. The grass clippings rose high, quickly flew into the air, and dissipated in the white light. Between the smoke.

"Isn't it harmful?" Jiang Chen didn't want to die here inexplicably.

"That's not necessarily true," Verdis said in his distasteful tone.

This is the power of nature, and... There is a soft and indistinguishable sound of nature, and it slowly sings a melody like a nursery rhyme, like a dream.

"This place is mysterious and mysterious. Since I came here, there have been more and more strange things, and more and more things I don't understand..." Although Jiang Chen complained dissatisfiedly, he still grabbed the Buddha. Diss approached the halo before, the huge wind blew so hard that even his eyes were hard to open, he turned around to hold the person who seemed to be blown away by the wind, and approached the target step by step.

"Oh, what's not clear?" Verdis asked with interest.The two have never had a good alone chat.

"For example, there are many." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, "For example, you seem to have an opinion on me, are you jealous of my handsome appearance?" The sudden Fodis did not expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing, so he was stunned and then smiled, "Yes. Ah, I'm just jealous of you." The meaning of this sentence was unclear, and Jiang Chen was confused for a while, as if there was something in the words.

Jiang Chen wanted to ask something else, but suddenly a golden light came out, wrapped around the bodies of the two men, and engulfed their figures.

The speed of light is dazzling on the outside, but it is extraordinarily soft. The two stand still, and there is no place for them to come and go.

It would be a lie to say that Jiang Chen was not curious, because he had never seen the legendary elves in the Great Desolate Continent, and he was a little nervous.A silent space, as if there is no stillness in the passage of time, ten minutes?twenty minutes?Is there an hour?

Fordis yawned, rubbed his hair, patted his face, and licked his ears unsightly, then turned around and lay down, leaning on Jiang Chen who was almost in a state of meditation, and said lazily: " I fell asleep, wake me up whenever there is a disturbance, and you are allowed to use the shaking method." He fell asleep with his head horizontal.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, is this called impatient?In fact, he was too patient, and he laid the floor on the ground.He crossed his legs and began to meditate.Fordis didn't have enough rest last night to spend the night with Qi Banruo. In fact, he was already sleepy, and now he can sleep well for a while.

Fordis was already in a daze, and suddenly Jiang Chen next to him slapped him with his elbow. Fordis opened his eyes, "Hey! Look!" Fordis' eyes turned towards Jiang Chen's finger. Looking at the direction, his eyes widened instantly, and then he said, "I have never seen an elf's funeral."

On the hillside not far from the two of them, the elves were holding a sky burial ceremony.Ritual burial advocates giving corpses to vultures, or burying them under trees to become food for the trees, leaving no remains or building a tomb.Because everything of elves comes from natural forests, they believe in the god of nature, and they should dedicate their bodies to nature after death.

The core of the funeral is the immortality of the soul and the reincarnation. Death is just the separation of the immortal soul and the old body, and it is a different transformation in different dimensions.

In fact, the place where Jiang Chen used to have similar customs, so he was not too surprised, but he did not expect that the original elves would be like this. Jiang Chen has been to Tibet before, and Tibetans who believe in Buddhism have been releasing animals and protecting the natural environment since ancient times. customs and ideas.It is recorded in ancient Tibetan books: During the "Five Songs" period in Tubo, Songtsen Gampo made "no killing" the headline of the national law and strictly enforced it.

I saw that one of them looked like an elves, holding a scepter. There were about five or six winged elves in a row lying on a bed made of branches, and a group of creatures with green hair and green eyes flew in front of them. It was the first time for Jiang Chen to have such an experience. They were about as tall as Jiang Chen's chest, and they were wearing small skirts surrounded by green leaves, with delicate and small features.

The elf's long scepter waved an incomprehensible incantation, blew a long whistle, and a group of long-sounding eagles flew down from the sky, landed on the wooden bed, and began to peck at the corpses of the elves, dying. The elf's hair will turn from green to withered yellow, like fallen leaves. When the eagles are full, they will fly away with some remaining flesh and blood. The elf grows and asks other Jiang Chen to collect these flesh and blood and bury them under the tree. become food for the tree.

After doing all this, the elves seemed to think of them and sent an elves. Jiang Chen was actually a little embarrassed to create someone else's territory by mistake, and even catch up with them for a funeral.

The elf who greeted them couldn't help frowning and staring at the two completely unresponsive humans.The light green hair hangs down to the feet, and the facial features are deep and soft, which is a very dreamy and beautiful appearance for human beings.Elves do not have the habit of human beings to wear shoes, their delicate white feet are tied with white ribbons to their ankles, and the way of walking with light taps is almost motionless. Live wanting to tease people.

The elf did not release them from the barrier, but pushed them forward, until they reached the elf leader. "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Jiang Chen, and he is Verdis. We just want to come to the mountain to pick up some elixir, um~ you also know that as a human being, you need money to survive, so we are sorry for disturbing you." Flicking his fingers playfully, Jiang Chen said.

But it seems that these words did not have the effect Jiang Chen thought, and it was counterproductive, because the elves began to raise the spears in their hands, "Hey, it seems that your explanation doesn't seem to have any effect," Verdis said. , the two raised their hands, indicating that they did not have any malicious intentions. Elves were timid and peaceful creatures, so Jiang Chen didn't know why they suddenly attacked them.

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