The Melon-eating Swordsman In the Ancient Dragon World

Chapter 106: Prairie Border Town (Additional update for leader Ragnarous)

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Chapter 106 Grassland Border Town (Added update for leader Ragnarous)

 Ximen Rou stayed at Cangjian Villa until the end of the year before saying goodbye and leaving.

Before leaving, he told Lan Yueyi and You Longsheng an address, and told them that if they wanted to find him, they could just send a letter here.

  The children of Jianghu are really neat and tidy, and they leave as soon as they say it.

When Lan Yueyi also wanted to leave, she was stopped by You Longsheng, "Bai Tianyu invited us to travel outside the customs after the new year. You haven't been there yet, so let's go together!"

You Longsheng said quietly, "You can't really use me as your venting tool, can you?"

Lan Yueyi laughed angrily and punched You Longsheng hard in the chest, but she didn't refuse. Instead, she asked, "When will Ding Chengfeng and Bai Yun come over?"

"The Lantern Festival has passed, and I guess they are about to set off." You Longsheng calculated the time he and Ding Baiyun agreed on, "It just happens to be the time when the snow outside the pass has first melted, cattle and sheep are in herds, and the scenery is the best."

"Bai Tianyu said at that time that our horses were not good enough, and he asked us to go to him outside the customs. He would give us a good horse each." You Longsheng rubbed his chin, "You will go too. One more person means one more horse. It's cheap. Take advantage of the bastard!"

Lan Yueyi couldn't help but laugh, "Then I really want to go back to Miao territory. A good horse will be very useful."

 You Longsheng nodded, "It will be much more convenient for me to find you."

Lan Yueyi couldn't help but smile, tapped You Longsheng's chest, gave him a wink, and kissed him.


 Half a month later, outside Yanmen Pass.

Three horses rode up, You Longsheng was in the middle, Lan Yueyi and Ding Baiyun were on the left and right.

Ding Chengfeng did not follow because he asked his wife to win the bid when he left home last time. Now that his second son is about to be born, he stays at home with his wife.

 Ask Ding Baiyun to bring a message to You Longsheng, "Remember to pick a good horse for me!"

Ding Baiyun was speechless, "My eldest brother was not like this before."

 You Longsheng blinked, "Why does this sentence sound familiar to me?"

Hearing this, Ding Baiyun glared at You Longsheng angrily, "We have all been led astray by you!"

 You Longsheng:╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

“We’ve arrived at the border town.” Lan Yueyi pointed to a small town on the edge of the grassland in the distance and said.

Border towns, small border towns, most of them have no names. They are just scattered on the grasslands outside the pass. They belong to various major forces and tribes. Most of them are people who come from inside the pass to make a living, and there are also people from Hu and Han who live in the pass and make a living in the pass. , and of course the Sinicized Hu tribe.

And the small city in front of us is actually quite big among the border cities outside the Pass, because the owner of this city is named Bai Tianyu.

Shen Dao Tang has only risen outside the Great Wall for a few years, but it is rampant outside the Great Wall and in the eastern part of the Great Wall, with great prestige.

Many tribes of barbarians who wanted to take advantage of the situation were wiped out. The demon sect, which had been hiding for decades and was preparing to re-enter the Central Plains to establish its power, was also blocked by Bai Tianyu with one sword.

“Is the Divine Sword Hall in the city?” Lan Yueyi asked.

"No, Shen Dao Tang is located on a mountain not far to the west of the small town. It has built a villa. Wan Ma Tang's stockade is on the grassland more than 20 miles north of the border city." Ding Baiyun said.

“This border town is where Shen Dao Tang and Wan Ma Tang go to relax and entertain guests,” You Longsheng said. Lan Yueyi nodded, "The forces outside the customs are complex, so we need to be careful."

“Let’s take a walk around the city first, and then go to the Divine Sword Hall to worship the mountain.” You Longsheng raised his whip and swung it in the air before riding forward.

The three of them quickly entered the city and discovered that although this so-called border city was not as good as the big city in the pass, it was already quite prosperous.

 A lot of trade within and outside the customs is completed in the city, which has a large permanent population. There are various shops selling cloth, jewelry, and wine, as well as inns, restaurants, gambling houses, brothels and other gold-selling caves.

Just in the city, You Longsheng actually saw several disciples from the forces in Guan.

“That’s Qin Pengfei from the Qin family in Yunzhou.” Ding Baiyun glanced around and recognized a few people, “There’s also Prince Yi, the big gun from the Beiping mansion.”

Lan Yueyi blinked, "Is the person who just walked out of the brothel a monk?"

You Longsheng sighed, "He is a disciple of Master Tie of Mount Wutai. I met him last time when I attended Yuan Qiuyun's wedding."

Although Shen Dao Tang entered the customs only last year, it has actually interacted with many forces in the customs, just like Ma Kongqun's Wan Ma Tang, which has not entered the Central Plains for twenty years, but is still famous in the martial arts world.

You Longsheng and others recognized some people, and of course some people recognized them, but they were in a border town and were not familiar with them, so everyone went about their own business without saying hello.

But the gossip that the Wandering Dragon Swordsman and Fairy Baiyun came out of the gate and entered the city spread quickly.

So, when You Longsheng and the others found a restaurant in the border town, ordered a table of roasted lamb chops and roasted beef, and were feasting, a gentle man in white with a smile on his face sat down in front of the table.

"Master You, Miss Ding, Miss Lan, the food outside the customs is not as refined as that in the Central Plains. Are you still used to it?"

Lan Yueyi couldn't help but look up at him and asked, "Do you recognize me?"

"Three years ago, I was present when you killed Zheng Dadao in Yan'an Mansion." The man in white said.

Lan Yueyi thought for a while. She went to the Northland three years ago, and there was a local bully who didn't know what to do. She stung him on the neck with a scorpion tail whip.

 But she didn’t notice that there was a master next to her.

"I'm not used to it." You Longsheng shook his head and commented bluntly, "The free-range mutton is slightly older. The meat is firm but not tender. It is not trimmed in advance. It has a strong fishy smell and is reluctant to add spices. It is just a bit Salt is really not that good.”

"To roast a leg of lamb, you need to use a three-month-old lamb that has been carefully raised. Bleed it with a knife, poke holes all over with an iron skewer, and marinate it overnight with salt, cooking wine, and pepper."

You Longsheng said, "When baking, the heat should be stable. It should be roasted until it is fat but not greasy, tender but not raw, crisp but not burnt. Of course, spices are also indispensable. Add cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cumin, cumin, and dried ginger. Grind into powder and sprinkle anytime.

If you can eat spicy food, sprinkle a handful of chili powder on it when it comes out of the oven, that would be the ultimate happiness in the world, the ultimate enjoyment. "

The man in white was stunned by what he said. He didn't know how to answer the question for a moment, so he could only say dryly, "I didn't expect the owner of the village to be so knowledgeable about food."

"You're welcome, if you can't even eat well in life, what's the point of living?" You Longsheng raised his eyebrows at him, "You think so?"

"Right." The man in white could only nod. He turned his eyes and before he spoke, he saw You Longsheng gesturing towards him and pointing to the beef and mutton on the table, "Come on, let's go together. You're welcome."

 The man in white finally couldn't bear it any longer, "Why don't you ask me who I am?"

Ding Baiyun and Lan Yueyi were holding back their laughter. You Longsheng raised his head and asked with a surprised look on his face, "Aren't you Bai Tianyong?"

 (End of this chapter)

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