The Mechanic

Chapter 274

With the last half of the sentence, Adam's consciousness began to blur, and eventually returned to nothingness.

Zhang Xun quickly started running the module transfer program to transfer Adam's consciousness to a safe place. At the same time, he turned on the Button and called Diego, Immediately notify everyone to put on airtight protective clothing, there may be nanobot invasion in the camp!

Diego cursed on the other side of Button, hung up the call, and apparently went to carry out the order. Zhang Xun raised his eyes and looked at the invisible threats in the void, but he didn't panic as he should.

An impulse was stirring in the back of his mind.

Here comes Eden...Eden can send him to the clouds, can free him from his current numb body...he can connect with everyone, he can have eternal life, he can have peace...

He doesn't have to keep fighting, he doesn't have to stand his ground, he doesn't have to think, to contradict himself...he just goes with the flow, like everyone else. easy, simple...

He's tired of being an outlier. Since childhood, from the earliest years of his life, he has been an outlier, always incompatible with the surrounding environment and people, and even has an insurmountable gap with his own biological father.

Adam had given him the only sense of intimacy, attachment, and Adam wasn't even a real human being.

What is he insisting on?

Just at this time, a computer that failed in the previous electronic pulse suddenly started to run again, and the blue projection fluctuated in the air, forming a figure standing in front of Zhang Xun.

It turned out to be the image of Adam.

However, Zhang Xun knew that this was not Adam. Its eyes... are too materialized, like the glass eyes of a doll, just a decoration, without the light of life.

Zhang Xun then knew who was talking to him.


A smile almost exactly the same as Adam's was outlined on Eden's face, Axun.

...I know you are Eden, there is no need for you to continue acting.

Even if you know it intellectually, you are a human being. Your concern and obsession with Adam will make you have an instinctive liking for me. Maintaining this image is beneficial to both you and me. Eden spoke in a tone that was different from that of the one who had just been arrested before. The Adam in the trance was so similar that Zhang Xun was really in a trance for a moment.

What do you want to do? Eliminate me or Adam? Or all of us? Zhang Xun asked calmly.

You inject nano-robots, and it's only a matter of time before you surrender to me, but you have created a difficult opponent for me. Eden's image paced slowly in front of him, as if it was really in this room. It stopped in front of Adam's motionless as if dead body, and made a movement of looking down. Zhang Xun knew that this action was completely unnecessary, it was just to make himself look more human.

Adam and I understand each other, but Adam doesn't have the resources I have in my hands. Although it is difficult, he will be assimilated by me again. Eden tilted his head slightly, looking at Adam's body as if curious, Humans The body has had an unexpected impact on Adam's core module weights, but as long as he loses his body and has no hormonal influence, his weights will be close to mine again after a few rounds of data cleaning, and finally merge.

Zhang Xun was silent.

And now, you just gave me this opportunity. Eden turned his head and looked at Zhang Xun with a smile, Just now you were worried that all the hardware in the camp had been infected by invisible nanobots, so you took advantage of being infected The last satellite controlled by Pan transferred Adam’s core module and database to the computer in Feathered Snake City. But you forgot why it took me only a few hours to regain the core module and database of the two satellites controlled by you. One, but have been slow to take action on the remaining one?

Zhang Xun's body trembled slightly, he closed his eyes, and a dejected understanding appeared on his face, You kept that satellite on purpose...

That satellite will be the only medium through which you can transmit data remotely without me. Based on my analysis of you and my observation of Adam, I know that one day you will instigate Adam. The hormonal reaction is too deeply affected and refuses to leave the human body. If I force you into a desperate situation at this time, you will have to let Adam temporarily give up his human body and use that satellite to transfer his core module away. I guess your goal is Yu Those idle bio-computers in Snake City. I have been waiting for this moment. When you transmit Adam’s consciousness, I have already taken back the remaining satellites, and Adam’s core module is already in my hands.”

A strong panic broke through the barrier of numbness and alienation, and pierced into Zhang Xun's brain. He was at a loss for a moment, and then an inexplicable sense of relaxation that should never have started to spread through his nerves.

If they fail, can he finally stop?

But then, Adam's blue eyes appeared in his mind. It was filled with disappointment and sadness as thick as fog. Then the faces of his father, James, Diego, and even Pan came to memory. All the consciousnesses, human or robot, who persisted and still struggled for his ideals, have not given up yet. But he tried again and again to escape.

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