The Mechanic

Chapter 268

Adam rushed to Zhang Xun's side and snatched the fruit knife from the bloody Zhang Xun. Zhang Xun didn't struggle, but raised his head awkwardly, as if he didn't understand what happened.

Adam couldn't speak, he immediately called AI to send a medical extension robot, and at the same time picked up Zhang Xun and took him to the bathroom to find out the first aid kit and sterile water to clean the horrible wounds on his arms. Adam's movements were sensitive and quick, but his body was trembling slightly.

Zhang Xun sat on the edge of the bathtub and said blankly, I'm sorry...I...I just want to make sure I still feel...I shouldn't do this...

Adam's lips trembled, and the blood in his eyes made him seem to have some kind of respiratory disease, and it seemed that oxygen could not reach his lungs. When the medical robot arrived and quickly disinfected Zhang Xun's wound to stop the bleeding, Adam still stood aside, unable to calm himself down.

I don't know when Zhang Xun started to stop taking his own life seriously. He consumes his health to create three AI networks, he uses his life as a bargaining chip to buy time, he injects himself with nano-robots to threaten Adam... It seems that for Zhang Xun, he himself can be given up at any time, completely Don't care, don't think about it.

He should have thought that Zhang Xun might commit self-mutilation... But he was negligent, and he left such a dangerous fruit knife in the room.

Those extended robots acted quickly, and quickly completed the hemostasis work. Even the outside bed sheets were replaced, the blood stains were cleaned, and the room was even disinfected. Soon, there were only the two of them left in the room, one sitting on the bed and the other standing opposite against the wall, the silence became thicker and suffocating.

Adam suddenly squatted down, covered his eyes with his hands, and grabbed the hair on his forehead, as if he couldn't bear something.

Zhang Xun doesn't care about himself, because he thinks himself unimportant.

Since he was a child, he was rejected by his father and was not taken seriously. Although he has become the best mechanic in Paradise Lost and maybe even the world by virtue of his talent and persistence, the feeling of being rejected by his only relative, the inferiority complex that he is not good enough, and the feeling that he is not good enough The important sense of detachment may never have left his heart.

It is because of grasping this weakness of Zhang Xun that Adam can successfully gain Zhang Xun's trust. Zhang Xun needed love, so he gave it to him.

Even though Zhang Xun is full of guard against people and everything, even if Zhang Xun is so unwilling to fall, he tries to resist his temptation time and time again.

He still succeeded, because all the people who refused to love were secretly yearning, longing for a day when someone would spend his time and effort to break through their walls, rush into their dry hearts, and infuse them with souls. This is especially true for Zhang Xun, because he has never been in love.

Adam succeeded, but he did not expect that in the process, he was also infected by human love.

But everything is a lie. When Zhang Xun knew the truth, and knew that his sincerity and hard work were just chips in the hands of Adam, he realized that the only person in this world who really cared about his life and death was his friend James, and James now also hovering on the brink of death. So to him, there were so few ties that tied him to this world, so few that even if he disappeared, it would not cause too much trouble.

On the other hand, he wanted to leave something, keep something, and save something. So he stood his ground, so he rebuilt Pan, leaving humanity with a glimmer of hope, so he asked Adam to save James.

A person who tries to protect humanity is the one who cares the least about this world.

And now Adam could no longer convince him, it was too late.

A warm hand gently wrapped around his shoulders, and he felt Zhang Xun's breath wrapping him gently. Adam raised his red eyes, but what he saw was Zhang Xun's downcast, gentle eyes, just like the scene when they looked at each other for the first time two years ago.

Don't be sad. Zhang Xun gently touched his cheek with his hand, It doesn't really hurt.

I don't want to lose you... Adam finally opened his slightly trembling lips. For the first time, he no longer tried to suppress the ferocious surge of humanity in his heart, gushing out emotions, I can't lose you... this is all My fault... He said, putting his forehead on Zhang Xun's shoulder, sniffing deeply the smell on the mechanic's neck, trying to imprint all the smell and touch of the mechanic into the depths of his memory.

He was so scared, afraid that he wouldn't be able to repair the black hole he and Eden had torn out in Zhang Xun and on human beings.

It's okay... I've forgiven you, Adam. Zhang Xun gently stroked Adam's blond hair with his uninjured right hand, his tone was so calm, a kind of detachment that lacked vividness, I understand, you have no choice.

Adam closed his eyes.

No, actually he has a choice.

As Zhang Xun said, he can not choose the so-called most efficient, most stable and highest success rate solution to solve all human problems, he can explore and try all other possibilities. Even those possibilities take more time, even with more variables.

Perhaps he could have been forgiven if he had never tasted humanity, never understood humanity. But Zhang Xun gave him everything, gave him the opportunity to feel and love like a human being.

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