The Master of the City

Chapter 731: Do you want this beast?

"How could he smash the silver spear..."

Kui Lin trembled suddenly!

The original joke on his face disappeared instantly, full of horror!

His silver spear, it was a powerful weapon close to the magic weapon level, and, driven by the power of the two gods, the power of the silver spear was completely exploded.

How powerful!

It was cut to pieces by Chu Tian's sword!

Especially this sword used by Chu Tian is just a mere ordinary sword!

"With a common sword, you can smash this silver gun that is close to the magic weapon level..."

"How powerful is his power..."


Kuilin couldn't help but took a breath.

For the first time, I realized the terrible Chutian!


At this time, Kuilin suddenly heard two heavy knocks that made his scalp numb.

Kui Lin looked at it suddenly.

Suddenly the whole body trembled, and even his face was pale.

His two guards of the gods, as if they had received a terrible heavy blow, at this time, they all spurted blood, their breath flew backwards with atrophy.

"How can this be……"

Kui Lin suddenly turned around and looked at Chu Tian in horror!

"His sword not only smashed the silver spear, but also directly hit my two **** guards..."

"This is just a sword..."

"The power of a sword, how could it be so powerful..."

Kuilin's expression was full of incredible colors!

The panic rising in his heart made his body tremble slightly.

"What a powerful sword, is this my brother's power?" Ao Wei stared at Chu Tian blankly.

One sword smashed the powerful silver spear and injured two gods at the same time. What a powerful force this is!

Even if she never dreamed that her brother would become so powerful one day!

The four girls of Ao Mei, who were originally anxiously pale, were so surprised that they hurriedly covered their open mouth with both hands!

The four females stared at Chu Tian with a staring gaze.

This patriarch of his own family is actually so powerful!

It's incredible!

At this moment, seeing that Chu Tian was so powerful, the big beast showed excitement in his eyes.

Then, swinging its huge body, it came to Chu Tian's side, showing an appearance of heartfelt surrender.

Chu Tian shifted his eyes to look at Kuilin on the opposite side, lifted the long sword in his hand that was filled with dazzling light, and pointed at Kuilin, "Do you want this beast?"

The sound is still as flat as before!

But at this moment, it fell in Kui Lin's ears, but Kui Lin's whole body trembled suddenly!

Feel a breath of death!

"Protect Young Master Kuilin..." The group of Kuilin's men hurriedly opened their positions and stood in front of Kuilin.

Before, they were still filled with killing intent, wanting to kill Chu Tian!

At this moment, in the face of Chu Tian, ​​everyone's expressions showed unspeakable horror!


At this time, the two middle-aged men in the gods, their faces pale, flew back with a withered aura, guarded Kui Lin's side, and said, "We are not his opponents..."

"It's not a wise move to compete with him for this divine beast like this."

Kui Lin looked at Chu Tian coldly.

Chu Tian carried the power of a sword like this to let him make a choice. This was a complete threat!

It is a great shame to him!

When did he Kuilin suffer such humiliation?

However, he also knew that if he robbed this beast again, he would become the soul of Chu Tian's sword!

Even the silver spear was smashed to pieces by Chu Tian's sword, and it severely injured his two guards of the gods. How could he be Chu Tian's opponent if he was a mere entry to the gods!

After all, he didn't dare to **** Chutian's beast again!

"Let's go." Chu Tian calmly retracted his gaze, and didn't bother to pay any attention to Kuilin. The long sword in his hand returned to its sheath, leading Ao Wei and the others to leave.


Seeing Chu Tian leave, Kuilin clenched his fists clenched loudly.

The shame in my heart is surging like a volcano!

"Master, the time for the competition is about to end, and we should also go back to Wangcheng." A middle-aged man reminded.

Kuilin took a deep breath and calmed down.

"What happened here must not be leaked out. If I know that someone has leaked it, don't blame me for being rude." Kuilin said coldly.

"Yes." All the men responded in unison.

They all know that what happened just now is not only the shame of Kui Lin, but also the shame of the Kui clan. If it is leaked out and known by outsiders, the consequences will be great!

"Let's go back to the King City..."

Kui Lin coldly glanced at the direction Chu Tian was leaving, and led the crowd to walk the other direction back to the city...

"Sister, has Ao Yi become so scary..."

The team led by Nan's sister and brother arrived in this area when Chu Tian met Kuilin, but they had been hiding in the dark without showing up.

They saw the scene just now!

Nan Zhen looked at Nan Lao with a look of surprise: "One sword smashed the silver spear, wounded two divine realms, and forced Kui Lin to bow his head. Is this still Ao Yi?"

The former Ao Yi was really a waste person, otherwise the whole family would not be destroyed!

Such a waste person is now so powerful that he feels scared!

"Yes, I didn't expect him to transform to such a terrible..."

Nan Lao looked at the direction Chu Tian was going away, and his expression showed a deep horror. "If I am not wrong, Ao Wei and the others' five Consummation Realm Grandmaster level sea beasts were also conquered by him alone. "

When Nan Zhen heard these words, he couldn't help taking a breath!

"Now they have five Grandmaster-level sea beasts of the Consummation Realm. Just now they have conquered a divine realm sea beast. They will definitely be selected by the royal city. What should we do?" Nan Zhen's expression was full of horror.

"What can they do if they want to turn over, it's just a foolish dream..."

Nan Lao suppressed the panic in his heart, and said with a smile: "The person he had sinned just now is a member of the Kui clan..."

"The Kui clan is one of the eight major families in the royal city. How shameful they are, how can they give up."

Hearing what Nan Lao said, the panic in Nan Zhen's heart gradually dissipated.


Nan Lao continued with a smile: "In the King City, there is the adult who destroyed the Ao clan. Will Ao Yi automatically send it up like this? It's just a dead end."

Nan Zhen thought of that lord, and the panic in Chu Tian's heart completely dissipated A smile appeared on his face!

"Yes, it is impossible for Ao Yi to stand up with that lord in the royal city..."

"Ao Yi is really stupid, he took the initiative to send it to the door, oh, I forgot, Ao Yi didn't know that the lord was a great figure in Wangcheng." Nan Zhen's face was full of jokes.

"Let's go, it's not long before the end of the competition, we should go to Wangcheng."

Nan Lao smiled and looked at the direction Chu Tian was leaving. She knew that Chu Tian was also going to the King City at this moment.

Then, Nan Lao smiled, and led the crowd towards the direction of the Sea Clan King City...

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