The Master of the City

Chapter 346: Ancient jade

"The relationship with the Xiao family has come to an end." Chu Tian left the Xiao family and Shangjing, walking on the road under the gray sky in the early morning.

He walked like a stroll, but with every step he took, he shrank into an inch, and one step was a kilometer away.

"Yeying, did you find any clues?" Chu Tian asked aloud after remembering something.

Ye Ying appeared out of thin air, accompanied by Chu Tian's side.

"Some clues have been found..."

"Thousands of years ago, the person who entered the ancient city of Youlan and came out safely was a foreign explorer. What he wore on his body should be a piece of ancient jade..."

"He can come out safely from the ancient city of Youlan, and he should rely on this piece of ancient jade..."

Chu Tian nodded, and silently listened as he walked.

Ye Ying accompanied Chu Tian and continued: "But when the explorer was in the ancient city of Youlan, he was frightened crazy by the scene inside. Even if he left the ancient city of Youlan safely, he became a lunatic..."

"In the following years, he wandered madly..."

"In the meantime, that piece of ancient jade was lost..."

Chu Tian nodded slightly.

Regarding the fact that someone came out of Youlan Ancient City, Fairy Luoshui remembered to tell him when he finally soared to the upper realm!

Fairy Luoshui said to him at that time, maybe it would help him!

"Is this ancient jade really helpful to me?"

While walking, Chu Tian looked up at the gray sky and muttered to himself.

It's been more than 10,000 years, he can't die, and can't ascend!

Even if he carried the six-color divine thunder to survive the catastrophe, and the six-color divine light enveloped him, the divine light would enter his body, making him unable to ascend.

Can a piece of ancient jade really help him?

Chu Tian shook his head slightly, sighed slightly, and said a little disheartenedly: "You continue to investigate!"

"Young Master, please rest assured, Sanctuary is already fully investigating the whereabouts of that ancient jade, and there will be a final result soon..."

Ye Ying saw that Chu Tian was so disheartened, as if she knew why her son was so disheartened, and firmly said: "That explorer can safely leave Youlan Ancient City with that piece of ancient jade..."

"Even the demonized Fairy Luoshui can't hold him back. The piece of ancient jade he wears must not be a common grade..."

"It must be helpful to the son!"

"Yeying, you rarely talk so much..." Chu Tian said with a rare smile on his calm cheeks, "Are you comforting me?"

"Perhaps, the son needs some comfort from his subordinates!" Ye Ying said respectfully.

Chu Tian was stunned, and then Ye Ying was amused.

"Yeying, you are not big or small!" Chu Tian smiled!

"It's worth the punishment for your subordinates to make the son laugh!" Ye Ying said.

Chu Tian smiled speechlessly.

As he walked, Chu Tian remembered something, his palm spread out, a small bottle appeared in his hand, the cork of the bottle opened, and an illusory figure emerged from the bottle.

"God, yes, what's the order?" The illusory figure hurriedly knelt to the ground, trembling.

"Turdi, you have gone to the ancient city of Youlan with you before, do you remember something about it?" Chu Tian asked faintly to the illusory figure.

The name of this phantom figure is Turdi!

The last time he and Yi Ruluo were on that deserted island, the wild spirit from the ancient city of Youlan encountered!

When he entered the ancient city of Youlan, he sensed that Turdi, which he placed in the ring of the universe, had some changes. After entering the ancient city of Youlan, Turdi should have recovered his memory.

"The little ones remember, God wants to know what, little ones know everything without saying anything." Turti trembling hurriedly said.

"Do you remember that something special happened when Youlan Ancient City appeared in the world a thousand years ago?" Chu Tian didn't directly say anything about the explorer.

"A thousand years ago?"

Turdi thought for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Little remember, a thousand years ago, there were many foreigners who entered the ancient city of Youlan, and in the end, there was someone from..."

"Yes, that's it, I still have a fresh memory of it..."

"That person is the only one who left from the ancient city of Youlan..."

"God, is this special?" Turti looked at Chu Tian busyly.

"Go on." Chu Tian nodded.

"That person is wearing a very magical ancient jade..." Turdi did not dare to neglect, and said hurriedly, "The light from this ancient jade is really like the power of the fairy family..."

"Even the master of our ancient city of Youlan didn't use the power of the entire city to trap him..."

"Finally, the power of this piece of jade directly broke through the formations of the ancient city of Youlan, and left the ancient city of Youlan with the man who became a lunatic..."

"This piece of ancient jade is so strong?" Chu Tian's expression flashed a touch of surprise.

At that time, when he saw the ancient city of Youlan that was refined into an ancient formation, he felt a touch of dignity. He wanted to break the formation of the ancient city of Youlan, even he was a bit difficult!

This piece of ancient jade can directly break the formation of Youlan Ancient City!

"Do you still remember this ancient jade?" Chu Tian asked.

"Little one remembers, I was hurt by the power of this ancient jade, God, look at it..." Turdi pointed to his forehead, with a circular mark on it, said, "This mark , Was left behind by the strength of that ancient jade."

A touch of surprise flashed across Chu Tian's expression.

Turdi is just a spirit, without a body, but the power of that ancient jade can leave a trace that never dissipates on the forehead of a spirit, which is indeed a bit mysterious.

Turdi hurriedly continued: "God, as long as I get close to the ancient jade, no matter what it becomes, I can sense it, recognize it, please, please, please don't kill me."

Now the ancient city of Youlan is gone, he is really afraid that Chutian will let him go away!

Chu Tian nodded slightly and said, "Come in."

Turdi hurriedly turned into a blue and got into the vial in Chutian's palm.

Chu Tian corked the bottle and handed it to Ye Ying who was with him, saying, "Ye Ying, give the vial to Sanctuary, and let them take Turdi to track down the whereabouts of that ancient jade."

"It's the son." Ye Ying replied, and then disappeared into the space.

"Perhaps, this ancient jade really helps me a little bit!" Chu Tian muttered to himself as he walked alone on the road...

Gradually, the rising sun in the sky dissipated the water mist in the air, and there were more pedestrians on the road. Chu Tian stopped walking on the ground and changed to the way of ordinary people.

At this time, he had already left Shangjing and came to Huaidong Province, which borders Tiannan.

The sun hangs in the sky, it is a rare good weather in winter!

Among the many beings, Chu Tian is like an ordinary person who is unknown, walking leisurely among the pedestrians.

Here is a famous scenic spot in China. Today is a holiday, and there is an endless stream of tourists coming to this scenic spot.

While walking leisurely, Chu Tian's gaze suddenly stopped and fell to the front...

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