The Master of the City

Chapter 299: Chutian, what are you doing

In this season, in the polar night of the North Pole, twenty-four hours a day is night. If you don't look at the time, you can't tell whether it is day or night.

After six o'clock in the morning, cheers came from the cabin.

The place where Youlan Ancient City appeared has been calculated!

In the glacier area of ​​the Arctic Ocean!

The huge Veyron icebreaker changed course and sailed towards the target location.

Two days later, the Veyron stopped on an ice surface, which was about 20 kilometers away from the predetermined location, but the ice surface was too thick and the Veyron could not move forward.

The temperature in this glacier area has dropped to more than sixty degrees below zero.

"Our old bones won't let you go."

The temperature is too low. Yi Wennian and the rest of the elders are already elders, unable to withstand the terrible cold, and can only regretfully stay on the Veyron.

There were eight people who went to the place where Youlan Ancient City appeared!

Chu Tian, ​​Jiang Wuyang, Yi Ruluo, Li Jinzhao, Feng Yuchang, and three other youths.

A group of people drove the snowmobile towards the destination!

Desolate and lonely under the night sky of the extreme night.

The continuous ice and snow domain, you can't see it at a glance!

The extremely cold weather makes humans almost never set foot here, even polar bears will not come here.

The more you drive to the depths of the Arctic Ocean, the lower the temperature and the more desolate it is!

After a few hours, the group finally arrived in the destination area.

"A lot of strong people!" Jiang Wuyang was shocked when he saw the scene before him.

In this desolate and empty snowy area, nearly a hundred snowmobiles have been parked, and the number of people who have already arrived here is as many as two hundred.

These people are obviously not in the same camp, there are a total of more than a dozen camps, and each camp is separated by one or two hundred meters!

Be alert to each other!

As far as Jiang Wuyang can sense, each faction has at least two Xiaochengjing Grandmasters!

And he can't sense the strength of people, there is one in each camp.

The strength of these people is bound to be the Great Master Realm!

"Everyone is here to park and set up equipment..." When the car stopped, Jiang Wuyang solemnly said to everyone, "You must follow me closely and don't walk around..."

"There are at least two small masters in these camps, and the people leading the team will be stronger. We can't conflict with them."

Everyone nodded.

Among their team, Jiang Wuyang is the strongest, that is, their backbone!

Then everyone started to set up equipment on the spot!

"Chu Tian..." Jiang Wuyang deliberately came to Chu Tian and said in a voice that only each other could hear, "Xiaoyue deliberately confessed to me, let me protect you..."

"For Aria, I will do my best to protect you..."

"You have to remember, follow me and don't walk around."

Chu Tian ignored Jiang Wuyang.

He silently looked at the vast ice field ahead, and he faintly felt that the space was changing!

Youlan Ancient City should be about to appear!

Seeing that Chu Tian was so silent and speechless, Jiang Wuyang was so angry that he ignored him, "If Xiaoyue hadn't deliberately confessed to me to protect him before Xiaoyue, I would not bother to care about people like him..."

"Forget it, he is the person Xiaoyue likes, and I don't have a general knowledge of him."

Jiang Wuyang ignored Chu Tian depressed and walked away.

"Little Master..." Yi Ruluo came to Chu Tian's side at this time, and said in a low voice, "These people are all powerful warriors, and they are all from the ancient city of Youlan. ..."

"Don't run into them!"

Yi Ruluo remembered the pirates he had encountered before. Pirates used money to solve problems, but these people came for the ancient city of Youlan!

If Chu Tian ran into these terrifying powerhouses like those pirates, he would be killed directly by these people!

At that time, Jiang Wuyang, the strongest player in their team, would no longer be able to keep Chu Tian!

Chu Tian didn't say anything, but silently looked at the ice space ahead!

"Unexpectedly, I took your data and seized your icebreaker. You can still come here..." At this time, a sneer came from one camp.

A few people followed the sound, and suddenly saw the speaker in the camp two hundred meters away.

"Buck." When they saw Buck, several people were angry.

Especially Jiang Wuyang and Li Jinzhao.

Before, Jiang Wuyang suffered humiliation in front of Buck, and Li Jinzhao was injured by Buck.

"So it was him..." Yi Ruluo was also extremely angry.

Previously, Buck deliberately passed through the potholes, splashing snow and ice **** on her and Chu Tian, ​​and then seized her grandfather's research results and the icebreaker.

Now, they even want to humiliate them!

"Buck, I said how you barbarians would find here, it turned out to be the result of capturing Chinese people..."

In a camp in the other direction, Kyle, who led the team, laughed, looked over, jokingly said: "A bunch of poor bugs, they can't even protect their own things..."

"The research results you have worked so hard have made Buck cheaper. It's really pathetic."

Jiang Wuyang and others were furious in an instant.

Chu Tian glanced at Kyle flatly at this moment!

Although Kyle did not show his power, Chu Tian could tell at a glance that Kyle was a member of the "Hall of Light" on the European continent!

People in the Temple of Light, practice the power of light!

The strong among them are called angels!

"It is their honour for me to take away the research results and icebreakers of these weak bugs. They should thank me for being able to stand up to them..."

While Buck was talking, he faintly said to the two young masters behind him, "Go and smash their equipment and car."

The two men smiled, just a few steps, and they came to Jiang Wuyang from two hundred meters away.

When one of them came, he patted Jiang Wuyang with a palm.

"Om..." The sheer force of a palm instantly produced a strong wind that hit Jiang Wuyang.

"Rewind..." Jiang Wuyang's discoloration changed while reminding Yi Ruluo, Li Jinzhao and the others, he hurriedly took a palm, and the resulting gang wind immediately greeted the palm of the strong barbarian. .

"Chu Tian, ​​what are you doing, want to die, retire..."

While taking a palm, Jiang Wuyang was indifferent to seeing Chu Tian.

Moreover, Chu Tian seems to have to go out!

Jiang Wuyang was furious at once, is this Chutian reluctant to live and die?

Immediately after taking a palm, Jiang Wuyang grabbed Chu Tian and flew back.

Chu Tian had already planned to shoot.

Seeing Jiang Wuyang stopping him in this way, the thought of making a move disappeared, and he stopped making a move, letting Jiang Wuyang grab him like this, and retreat!

"Boom..." At this moment, the two forces fought in midair.

The energy generated directly shattered the equipment that Li Jinzhao and others had just set up!

"Hehe, now we are smashing all your snowmobiles in front of you, and come here if you have the courage..." The two barbarians looked at Jiang Wuyang and the others jokingly.

The two shot at the same time, blasting the snowmobile on the side...

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