When she woke up the next morning, Artoria was awake.

Originally, Artoria had long planned to put on armor to perform the duties of guard, but it was really Roa who hugged her too tightly, plus Artoria didn’t want to disturb Roa’s sleep, so she kept looking at Roa like this.

Roa let her go when he woke up.

Artoria then put on her armor, then took the sword, and after saluting Roa, she went out.

Roa, on the other hand, felt everything that Britannia’s will brought to him, and only then did he realize what it was like to be in control of everything in the previous simulation.

Now he felt as if he had two bodies.

One is his own body, and the other is the entire British Isle.

And just like his own body, he can move his hands when he wants, and he can move his feet when he wants, and the British Isle is the same for Roa.

It’s just that manipulating the British Island is different from manipulating the human body, and although many things on the island are under his manipulation, he can’t control the British Island to pull out his legs and run.

Also right.

If you can pull out your legs and run, you may have already manipulated the British Island to run in the simulation, at least two laps with the giant god before talking about the problem of fighting.

This strength made Roa more aware of the changes he would make to Britain in the coming year.

But it also made it clear to Roa that even with such power, Britain, Voltigen, Merlin, Morgan, the Knights of the Round Table, and even Melie should help.

It is such a team, and it is still not the opponent of the giant god.

“Although this may not be good for me to say, it is worthy of being a wandering star soldier…”

Thinking of this, Roa also frowned.

To be honest, he didn’t know at the earliest that the plot of Voltigon would be divided into volumes, otherwise he would try to contact the Roman side to see what kind of way to defeat the giant gods there was on the Roman side.

His last simulation was mainly to see if he could hide the giant god.

See if the giant gods’ target is Rome or if they all have to fight.

After all, although the Star Elite is strong, it is generally the kind that ends after destroying a civilization, or after destroying the civilization, there should be something to take care of her.

But apparently, although Roa didn’t know why, Gaia or Alaya, no one cared about the guy, and let her destroy Rome and even cross the sea to Britain.

“Don’t think about hiding, then you have to think differently.”

Roa, who had already established his train of thought, simply did not want to go this way, he jumped directly from the bed to the ground, stretched out, and then used his identity as the will of Britain now to directly contact the white dragon that was still sleeping in the northernmost part of Britain.

‘Fu Ti Geng, I have something to do with you, wait for the next to go to you’

Having figured out Votigent’s attitude through simulation, Roa was now doing a lot more straightforward.

In a word

First put the White Knight in place, then go and pull Merlie out, then Morgan, Skaha….

The promotion of alchemy equipment is not urgent, and it is not bad to promote the main parts in a year.

But let these people return to their places, this matter can be carried out directly.

Thinking of this, Roa’s face couldn’t stop smiling.

“… I just hope it doesn’t scare them. ”


Morgan is on his way to Camelot.

After being initially released from exile and then regaining control of the island’s power, Morgan felt much better and trusted Roa more.

But the good mood she had gained by regaining her freedom was now worn away by the news along the way.

She had actually thought earlier that although Roa had pulled out his sword in the stone and become the king according to his status as the chosen king, let alone the other kings, even the nobles of Camelot were estimated to be disobedient to him.

The knights and nobles of Camelot were a problem.

And other royal lords are not so easy to get along with.

The six northern lords are good that they advocate force, and if Roa can persuade those knights of Camelot, then this side can get their approval as long as they show force.

But the southern six collars are different….

The number of nobles in the southern six lords is even greater.

These nobles here are not so advocating force, and it is very troublesome to deal with.

And Morgan and Roa had known each other for a long time, and Morgan knew something about Roa.

It is true that Roa is not as rigid as those stupid knights, but it is also true that he does prefer to use force to solve problems in a way that is more intriguing and resourcefulness.

So if Morgan brought herself into the identity of Roa’s assistant, then the problem of the Southern Six Collar would most likely have to be dealt with by her, so this time she went to Camelot from the place where she was exiled, and she was not in a hurry, but deliberately took a detour and took the road on the Southern Six Collar side.

She had planned to investigate the situation here in advance.

But even if she had been mentally prepared, Morgan came down this way, and what she saw and heard here still made her face very ugly.

She had long thought that there might be big problems on the side of the Southern Six Lords because of the death of King Uther, but she did not expect that some nobles on the Southern Six Lords side began to try to cooperate with the Saxon barbarians….

Some nobles even sold weapons and armor to those Saxon barbarians, and some of them were even worse and would secretly collect money to put the Saxon barbarians in from the border after taking the benefits….

No wonder Morgan often heard Roa say that the Southern Six Collars were very difficult to resist the Saxon barbarians, and were often invaded, often asking the Northern Six Collars and Camelot to send troops to help.

Originally, Morgan thought it was because of Voltigen.

But now it seemed that the situation was obviously different from what she had imagined.

Even a considerable number of nobles on the side of the Southern Six Lords began to bet on both ends and began to try to show favor to the madman of Fu Tigeng!

They seemed to be sure that they would not kill them after Vottigion had won, and that if King Arthur did not want to force them to Vottigom’s side, he would acquiesce to it even if he knew.

As soon as he thought of this, a trace of coldness flashed on Morgan’s face.

She actually wanted to do it now.

But she also knew that she couldn’t gather those nobles together and kill them directly… So she is speeding up her way to Camelot now, and plans to wait until Camelot to talk to Roa about this and deal with these guys when the time comes.

As for really forcing these people to the side of Vantigeng?

Only for this, Morgan was never worried.

After all, she knows very well that Voltigeng wants to save only the island, and only the island, for this goal, the white dragon can even sacrifice himself, so go to that guy… Oh, then you don’t even need to do it yourself!


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