Merlin’s clairvoyance claims to be able to see through the present, but in fact it can’t be seen everywhere, which Roa has long known.

This is the same as other top clairvoyants that have various places that can limit their play.

Although Gilgamesh’s top clairvoyant can see the end of the world from his location, and even the future trajectory of this special existence of the beast can be predicted, Gilgamesh’s character is doomed to him not to use clairvoyance under the most normal circumstances.

And Solomon’s is another, just… Although Solomon’s eyes can see through everything in the past and the future, he can grasp the whole trajectory, but what he sees is what he sees, and Solomon is the type that he saw and would never have any thoughts before he became Roman.

It’s like in the plot of FGO.

Didn’t Solomon see Gaetia appear?

Impossible, he definitely saw it.

He definitely knew what would happen when he made a wish, but he didn’t care.

As Solomon’s people said in the original plot, Solomon is not like other kings, does not know, or is incapable, he knows everything and has the ability to change everything, but he just does nothing, he just watches.

He does not do good, but he does not hinder all good deeds.

He does not do evil, but he also acquiesces in the occurrence of all evil.

Until his wish came true, and he changed his mind from Solomon, who was high above and cared nothing about anything, to Roman.

He saw the appearance of Gathia, but he was no longer the Solomon who could ignore everything, so he had to take care of it.

This is also a very ironic thing.

When he is almost omniscient and omnipotent, his existence is equivalent to the God of the earth, he can know everything, can change everything, but does nothing.

After losing the power and wisdom of the gods on earth, Roman who truly became a human was planning to change instead.

Thinking of this, Roa shook his head.

He still liked Roman as a person, but he didn’t like Solomon.

Maybe that’s proof of his being human.

But this kind of thing he also thinks.

In short, Gilgamesh or Solomon… There are some limitations to this supreme clairvoyance.

And Merlin is the same.

But Merlin is not reflected in his character, Merlin is not Gilgamesh, this old liar has absolutely no hesitation in using clairvoyance, and even Roa has heard Morgan say it many times in his simulated memory.

‘One of the reasons why Voltigon turned into a white dragon is said to be because once it was secretly seen by Merlin with clairvoyance while taking a bath, and was also ridiculed by Merlin, so Voltigon turned into the white dragon of Britain, which is definitely part of the responsibility of Merlin, an old bastard! ’

Although Roa doesn’t know if this is true, it is probably clear from this that Merlin’s use of clairvoyance is absolutely taboo.

Merlin is also different from Solomon.

After he saw something, he wanted to change it, and he would acquiesce to it if he couldn’t change it.

So he looks like this in terms of personality, then the limitations of his clairvoyance appear in other aspects.

That is, his clairvoyance cannot see through the past and the future, can only see the present, and can only deduce part of the past and future from this.

And his eyes can’t see everything now.

His brain could not receive all the information at this moment all the time.

In addition, his clairvoyance could not see through the internal situation of many secret realms, and many people even made targeted preparations after being learned that he had this ability.

For example, the fairy in the lake and the fairy in the lake may have something to do with Morgan.

Even this Camelot Castle can block Merlin’s view, Voltigun… Although I don’t know if the reason Morgan said about incarnating as a white dragon is true, it does have the means and measures to block Merlin’s gaze.

So in fact, many people have a way to deal with Merlin’s clairvoyance, and even with Roa’s level of alchemy, his alchemy can do this.

Then it would not be surprising that Merlin did not know that Skaha had joined the Knights of the Round Table, if there was no announcement.

But it’s not surprising, but Roa looked at the simulation page, and his expression was still a little strange.

Then he continued to watch with anticipation of Merlin’s reaction when he saw Skaha.

[After you learned that you need to pass through the Shadow Country to get to the location of the ‘Pillar of Light’, you took Merlin to find Skaha with a strange face].

[Merlin was obviously a little confused when he saw Skaha, and then you told Scaha about it when he was stunned].

[Although Skaha doesn’t know what you have to do with the ‘Pillar of Light’, since she said that she wants to help you, then she still doesn’t mind this little help].

[And Skaha can open the door of the Shadow Country and introduce the living into the Shadow Country, and then make the environment in the Shadow Country not affect the living, so that those shadows of death in the Shadow Country will not attack those who enter the Shadow Country].

[So with the Shadow Country completely undefended you, Merlin quickly guides you on the road to the location of the ‘Pillar of Light’


[The location of the road is in Skaha’s dormitory, and after you learn this, you remember Merlin’s admonition to you before, and now you are crazy in your heart to export Merlin’s ancestral genealogy].

[After all, if you don’t know Skaha, then you want to sneak into Skaha’s dormitory without being discovered by Skaha, which is still quite difficult, especially when you come back].

[But after you output for a while, you also remember, Merlin, there is no ancestral tree at all


[Because of Skaha’s help, this is not difficult].

You arrive at Skah’s bedchamber, and Merlin guides you through activating the password to the location of the Pillar of Light

[In a mist of light, you feel that the world has become pure white, and then the ‘pillar of light’ that can show its brilliance even in the pure white world also appears in front of you.]

[After guiding you here, Merlin’s vision also appeared around you].

He still can’t understand what you’re here for, after all, there’s really nothing here – except the ‘pillar of light.’]

[You walked up to the ‘Pillar of Light’ and raised your left hand, which was engraved with the mark of Gangdarov, and placed it on the ‘Pillar of Light.]

[You feel the mark of Gundaruff getting hot].

[The huge front roar exploded in this space, the world switched between pure black and pure white, and the whole presented an unstable state, the ‘pillar of light’ was trembling, and even the whole world was trembling].

[In the wailing of this world, Merlin doesn’t know what you’re doing, but he still advises you to give up quickly].

[But you can’t hear Merlin’s voice at the moment].

[Because you hear another voice with a higher sense of presence and a louder voice].

[It was a deafening vibration in Merlin’s ears, a shrill sound in your ears but words you could understand].

[And you can clearly feel that this is not the domineering energy in your body is taking effect, or your ears understand the meaning of these noises… It’s as if you could understand the language of the land when you first came into the world].

[The content of that voice is:].

[‘Star Player, answer me’].

[‘Do you want to be a god or do you want to be human’?


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