“It is said that Wang spent the whole afternoon holding some messy materials and did not know what he was doing… Eh, now bring us here, is there anything special about the king that we need to carry out? ”

Artoria, Knight Kai, and his father, Sir Ecto, were in the reception room of Camelot Castle at this moment, and Artoria and Knight Kai had not said anything, but Sir Ecto, who was already some years old, could not help but sigh a little.

“Kai, you and… Arthur, you two have been at the king’s side for two days, have you heard anything? ”

Sir Ectoy is still a little uncomfortable with his adopted daughter suddenly needing to dress as a man… And he had also heard that Artoria had slept with the new king last night, which made him even more black.

However, Artoria herself has no opinion on this matter, and he has no position to care.

But there was another thing on his side, and he felt that he had to report it to Wang.

It was King Arthur who asked Kai to inform the knights who were involved in the sword drawing ceremony, and most of them leaned towards the Selk Lord.

Sir Ektor would not have thought that King Arthur intended to attack Selk.

But these knights usually have the responsibility to help their area against Warcraft in the position where they live, and this time eighty percent of the knights have left their place of residence, although King Arthur also let the remaining two knights scatter to make up for the garrison area of these knights, but Sir Ektor still feels that there is a problem.

He was also a knight of some age, and he had gathered under the king’s banner more than once to fight for it during the reign of King Uther, and he considered himself to have some experience on the battlefield.

He really had no problem with hearing Kay say that King Arthur was guarding against the Picts, because he actually thought carefully about the movements of the Picts, and he did feel that something was wrong on the Picts.

Yes, the Picts had time for the invasion of Britain in the past, and almost all of them would go south when there was a good harvest on the British side, and they would basically not stop if they did not grab enough food.

Although they also went south during the harvest this time, the intensity of the attack this time was particularly low, and the robbery of food was also symbolic.

Previously, because King Uther was dead, Sir Ector had not paid much attention to this side, but now that he had been reminded, he had reflected it.

In this regard, he had a particularly high opinion of Arthur, otherwise he might have come to express his concerns about the defense of the Warcraft long ago, and would not have waited at all to see if the king had other arrangements for this side.

But before he could see it, he was also called to Camelot Castle.

So this time he plans to take the opportunity to speak out about it.

After all, the battlefield can not be sorted out just by looking at the map, although the distribution of these knights on the map now is indeed an effective way to make up for the defensive gap, but less people is less people, if the attack of Warcraft is really strong, then such a defense line is undoubtedly fragile.

And the result of the knight’s inability to guard against Warcraft is that the people will be slaughtered by Warcraft.

So just like the Picketts, this is something that has to be taken seriously.

He wasn’t sure if King Arthur was aware of this, so he was going to take this opportunity today to come over and talk about it.

Kay also knew what his father was thinking.

But these two days of understanding have changed his understanding of this King Arthur, at least so far, King Arthur is very calm in whatever he does, and in fact everything that happened is indeed developing towards the situation that King Arthur expected.

So Kai didn’t think Wang would miss this problem.

Artoria is even more so, as the one who firmly believes in the identity of the Chosen King, she does not think that Roa as the Chosen King will make mistakes, so she is not even worried.

She was even sure that Wang had brought the three of them today to talk about it.

Sir Ektor looked at the way his son and adopted daughter trusted this King Arthur, and although he was still worried in his heart, he did not say anything more.

After all, he grew up watching Kai and Artoria, and he still trusted the abilities of the two of them.

Now that they’ve both said that… Then wait a minute.

After Sir Ector had waited with such an idea for a while, Roa went into the reception room.

Behind him, several waiters he had arranged for him had taken all his efforts over the afternoon and placed them in the house.

The waiters finished all this before being signaled by Roa to leave.

At this moment, Roa smiled and nodded to the three in front of him.

“Arthur, Kay, Sir Ecto… I’m sorry to make you wait for me for a while, it’s also late, so I won’t say more to you about those kind words. ”

Roa walked directly to a large alchemical creation, and then looked at Kai.

“Kai, I handed over the patrol to you, so I will gradually hand over all kinds of things about Camelot to you – this alchemy machine is named by me as an alchemical synthetic metal canister…”

Roa said as he skillfully started the machine.

Then Kay, Artoria, and Sir Ektor saw that from the very bottom of the large machine, a piece of iron that had even been cooled was spat out.

Roa picked up the piece of iron and threw it directly to Kai.

Kai pinched it slightly after taking the iron, and it was also upside down… Although he is not a professional, he also has to say that this piece of iron is different from the iron block he has come into contact with before.

Roa didn’t expect Kai to understand the qualities of these special alloys he had found in the Alchemy King’s memory, so he went on after showing them how to use the machine.

“I put all such machines here, you can also see, there are five of them, as long as the raw materials are added according to the proportion of the formula I gave, then these five big guys can produce a steady stream of alloys of this quality at the speed you just saw.”

“Next, Kai, you go and let those blacksmiths use this special alloy, first give it to the patrol, let them use this metal to make better armor and weapons for the patrol, and it must be fully equipped for the patrol, and then I have something to arrange for you.”

Roa finished saying this first, then he looked at Sir Hector and added.

“By the way, in addition to not forgetting mine and Arthur’s, bring Sir Ektor a set.”

Hearing Roa say this, Kai nodded, while Sir Hector stood up and asked Roa directly.

“It’s not that we don’t trust you, king, but only take such pieces of iron… Well, or alloy to create weapons and armor, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get the trust of those knights just like that, so you have a finished product….. At least give us a glimpse first. ”

Hearing Ektor say this, Roa smiled, and then casually took out a sword made of this alloy and a set of armor with only the upper body from the storage ring he had built in the afternoon.

“Of course there is, although my skill in forging these things is no better than that of a professional blacksmith… But if you want to see it in advance, you can try it now. ”


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