After Morgan’s exile, she stayed in a fairly remote area on the British Isles, and then stayed in her own castle, barely stepping out.

In this case, her knowledge of Britain actually comes more from the small amount of island power she can use and Roa, her only knight.

In addition, the speed of information circulation in this era is very slow, let alone the Internet, even newspapers, and it takes a long time to send a letter.

As for some magic on the mysterious side, it is even more difficult to use on the British island where the god generation has not yet subsided, and on this British island, even Merlina can see through the present, the highest level clairvoyance can only see a limited part of the area, let alone other magic.

Camelot Castle makes it impossible for all evil magic to invade.

Therefore, after Roa came to Camelot, Morgan took the initiative to contact him, and Roa could only use the special method given by Morgan to take the initiative to contact Morgan.

This also led to the fact that Roa originally planned to try to contact Morgan at night, if she fell asleep, then wait for tomorrow, but what he didn’t expect was that his side had just used the mirror Morgan gave him to initiate contact with Morgan, and Morgan’s side was connected.

‘It’s so late, what’s the matter?’ ’

Morgan’s figure appeared in the mirror, and her voice also came.

She said it was late, but in fact Roa could hear it in her voice, which was obviously not made after she had been woken up by herself.

And although half of Morgan’s face was in the shadows, her slightly trembling legs let Roa know that her mood was far less unhappy than her words expressed.

Shouldn’t she be bored enough to wait for herself to contact her?

Roa subconsciously had such thoughts, but he only thought about it, and then he opened his mouth directly to Morgan.

“Your Highness Morgan, there is something about the matter you entrusted to me to let me sneak into Camelot and find an opportunity to assassinate the new king… There was a big accident. ”

Hearing Roa talk about assassinating the new king, Morgan’s legs, which were still slightly shaking, stopped.

Even her voice was colder than just now, and it was a little irritable.

“What happened?”


While speaking, Roa picked up the sword in the stone and put it in front of the mirror.

“… It was no one else who drew the sword at Merlin’s sword drawing ceremony, but me. Then I became the so-called new king, that is, King Arthur, His Highness Morgan, what should I do now? ”

Ah, this….

Morgan, who was still a little irritable, heard Roa say this, and when it came to her mouth, she swallowed it back.

She must admit that she was very surprised.

But she thought about it, maybe it was Merlin’s trick, and it was not easy to say.

After all, Merlin held a sword drawing ceremony… Oh, she was not happy to say that that kind of ceremony was even foolishly believed by a group of knights!

The sword that Merlin got it, the ritual that Merlin made, and even the person who drew the sword were all invited by Merlin… Then it is not clear who will become the new king Merlin has the final say!

Therefore, she would have thought that the new king was her so-called sister.

But she did not expect that it was her own knight who became the new king…

Roa is her only knight.

Morgan herself can’t say whether Roa is loyal or not, but she can see to some extent that Roa is not an ungrateful fellow, he always remembers his saving grace and teaching grace, and Roa is not as stupid as those rigid knights.

Such a knight who remembers his kindness, and has a more flexible morality and a basic bottom line, Morgan is quite comfortable to use.

But loyalty is not something that can be easily established with just a little kindness.

Especially Roa’s identity is different from before.

Even if Morgan thinks the sword drawing ceremony is stupid, but since those knights have approved of it, then Roa is now the undoubted king of Camelot.

Is he still the same as he was before?

Will he still obey his instructions now because of his kindness?

None of these Morgans can be sure.

So Morgan, after thinking for a while, directly opened his mouth like this.

“Don’t worry… Let’s forget about the assassination of the new king, since it is you who became the new king, it is really good, Roa… No, now I should call you Arthur, and since you have become the new king, then you will recall me from exile and allow me to return to Camelot. ”

“This shouldn’t be difficult for you now.”

Morgan said this, and then her eyes hidden in the shadows stared at Roa in the mirror.

She wanted to see Roa’s decision.

And then….

“Okay, Your Highness Morgan, I actually planned to do this, my appointment letter has been written, I am your knight, plus you are originally the eldest daughter of the first king, so even if you want me to give you the Zen position, I don’t think there is any problem.”


Morgan actually thought about what to do before he spoke.

What to do if Roa agrees, what to do if Roa refuses… But in her mind, even the best case scenario would be Roa for a while before agreeing.

Can… Morgan, who had just been staring at Roa, was so sure that Roa didn’t even hesitate the slightest!

Promise yourself the same thing as when Roa had accepted the commission from himself!

This… It turns out that his own knight is so loyal to himself!?

Roa’s attitude made Morgan a little stunned, but also a little moved, and even a little guilty about doubting Roa’s matter.

But after a brief pause, Roa saw Morgan’s upturned legs shake again, and the shaking was faster than just now.

Mogen’s irritable mood became very good at this moment.

Even a little smug.

The Merlin guy always felt that he was not qualified to inherit the throne, first making excuses that he was a woman, then making excuses that he had not been able to inherit the power of the British island, and even convincing his stupid father that he had exiled him.

But now what?

He obviously inherited the power of the island, but he was pitted by Merlin!

And even if he is a woman, even if he has only one knight, his loyalty is clear at a glance!

Even the throne can be dispensed!

It turns out that Merlin is to blame for not succeeding to the throne!

I don’t know where my sister is better than me, which makes Merlin so optimistic!

But proud, but Morgan actually knows that Roa pulled out the sword in the stone and got the approval of those knights, and now it is not a good thing to let Roa Zen position for himself.

And it was not his sister who made Merlin miscalculate, and then the new king was Roa, a knight so loyal to him, so let this throne be like this.

After inheriting the power of the island of Britain, she has long seen through the future of destruction, and the reason why she cares about the throne is only gambling with Merlin, so as long as Merlin miscalculates, it doesn’t matter who is sitting on the throne as long as she doesn’t let herself hate it!


“If you have the approval of those knights, then this throne should be yours.” But Roa, after you release me from exile and recall me back to Camelot, you give me the position of assistant. ”

Speaking of this, although Morgan’s smile is beautiful, it has a trace of indissoluble coldness

“I don’t have any opinion that the new king is you, but I’m afraid that guy Merlin will be unwilling, so I will help you deal with him!”


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