128. Ultra Ancient Civilization (2)

“… … In fact, rivers, continents, and paladins are strictly speaking all of them belonging to the category of aliens.”

“It is, but… … . Still, they insist very strongly that their appearance is ‘alien.’

“Iknow, right.”

Those who appeared on the scene and began to attack the demon commander and the lizard monster were very mysterious in appearance.

Most of the people we met usually had no difference in appearance from humans, but this one looked like something that would appear in a sci-fi movie, and it looked completely different from the people we saw before.

“Where are these friends from?”

“Okay. It’s the first time I’ve seen kids who look like that.”

Their overwhelmingly tall height and broad shoulders exuded a sense of intimidation, and with only golden eyes shining in their features, they had typical alien appearances.

In addition, they are wearing strange clothes of unknown material, and the appearance really exudes an atmosphere reminiscent of science fiction itself.

“Oh, are those guys filthy strong?”

Powerful beams of light were emanating from these aliens’ hands, and this mere ignorant attack was powerful enough to throw away a charging lizard or the Demon Commander’s minions.

In addition, as if it could create an invisible, intangible shield, the attacks of the lizards and demons were blocked by the shield, so it was unable to deliver a proper blow.

… … no wait a minute

But their eye color is very familiar?

“Could it be that they are all capable of using mental power?”

Their abilities basically seem to be the kind of abilities that are not much different from those used by me or the ruling entities of the Corps.

I’ve yet to meet those who use psionic powers outside of the Legion, so I’m starting to be interested in their abilities.

“Are you having fun? Instead of catching lizards, I need to catch some of those aliens.”

Watching them fight with their cool and mysterious skills, I suddenly thought that I could do the same.

“That doesn’t seem that difficult… … .”

Then what? let’s try it once

I raised my hand like the aliens now see through the eyes of the Legion roundworms, carefully mimicking their beams of light with very little force.


I obviously reduced my power a lot, but the light that extended from my hand emitted a much thicker and stronger light than those aliens.

Oh, I know how to use it. They’re a species with considerable ability to control their mental powers.

“This is a technique that applied [Rainbow].”

“… … Such a monster.”

The elderly man next to me, who was watching me blankly, said with a puzzled expression.

“How can I see it once and follow it… … .”

“Sir, let’s start from the beginning.”

“… … uh, yes.”

As soon as I made up my mind to go to that site, the portals created by connecting my alter egos one after another in the air began to connect in a row like an addictive video that was repeated endlessly.

“Wow… … .”

“It’s pretty cool, isn’t it?”

“This is pretty cool.”

I witnessed the true power of the corps and began walking slowly into the portal with the manager, who couldn’t stop admiring it.

Since we have to go to an area that is so far away, it seems like we will have to walk through this portal for a really long time.

… … No wait, why are we walking this long distance?

“Me, old man. Do you have any personal vehicles?”

“… … ah?”

After hearing my words, the senior manager showed a blank response, as if he hadn’t thought of such a method before.

“If you have a car, take it out. Let’s just get in the car and run.”

“… … OK.”

“Ah, but old man. Do you have a license?”

“I don’t need a license or anything like that.”

The manager summoned a pretty cool camping vehicle from somewhere, and a driver was sitting in the driver’s seat of this car.

“Where can I take you?”

“Go straight ahead. to the end.”

After getting into the car, I stared blankly at the driver’s strange appearance for a while.

He was wearing a stylish suit, and his long, wavy hair, which seemed to be too long for a man, was tied back in a tight bun, but he showed off a sculptural appearance that didn’t look awkward at all.

Here are the slightly protruding ears… … .

“… … Elf?”

“That’s right. It’s an elf.”

Ah, this race was also a real race.

Well, I also met a dwarf, a legendary being in Horus, and there’s no way there’s no such thing as an elf.

“Where do these elves live?”

“In my tower.”

“… … huh? Top?”

“okay. The truth is, these guys’ world was ruined by that motherfucker they drank from before. So I’m working hard on breeding my species again in my tower. They already have low libido, so Earth’s drugs and videos are a big help.”

“… … You don’t have to explain that far.”

Well, by the way, as far as I know, inside the tower, this old man can do whatever he wants.

Could it be that this old man was just spying on the breeding scene?

“Erasing. I know what you’re thinking, but hyung can’t do that because of his pretty wife who always doesn’t put me to sleep when he goes to the tower.”

“… … Ah yes.”

well, that’s good luck

“Tell me if you are interested.”


“My place is always open to you.”

“Ah, I will politely decline that. If you don’t have someone to settle with, just hand it over to Seongcheol.”

“No, that bastard doesn’t trust me at all.”

Anyway, we were able to sit very comfortably in a camper with a pretty good ride and enjoy a very comfortable ride through the portals that the alter egos connected.

As expected, it feels much better this way than walking with my legs struggling. I should pick out a nice car or something.

“Jiwoo, but can’t you make this portal a little bigger?”

“Of course it is. If widened, it is a portal that even Leviathan can pass through. The only problem is that the alter egos consume a lot of mental power. But what about the portal size?”

“I think the car is too slow. Next time, let’s move more comfortably on my chartered plane.”

“… … .”

This man, I thought he only had chocolate in his pocket, but it seemed that he had stored various things in his personal space.

Anyway, even if we tried to pass the time by chatting casually, we had a long way to go, so we started to run out of things to talk about.

“… … It’s kind of boring.”


No matter how well-meaning you are with someone, you’ve been together for so long that you’re tired of small talk.

Soon, even though the manager and I were beings who didn’t have to sleep, we just closed our eyes and were in a daze.

Of course, there were brief incidents that broke this silence.

―Hey, Kerapim followed in without a word.

―Yeah, I know.

―Hey, leave that scary dragon alone?

―No, why are you so afraid of Keraphim, who usually likes dragons so much?

—… … He’s not the kind dragon I used to know… … .

no, what are you talking about

Where in the world is there a kind dragon?

—… … Just leave it alone. There’s Ballack there, so he probably wants to hit it with his own hand.

And silence followed again.

After running through the portals created by the alter egos for a long time, we were finally able to enter the hot and humid world of the jungle.

“what… … .”

When I arrived at my destination and got out of the car, the moment I looked up at the sky, I felt bewildered at seeing very familiar creatures.

In the sky of this hot and humid world filled with only gigantic jungles, gigantic creatures filled with so many empty spaces are floating in the air.

However, the appearance of the gigantic creatures that dominated the sky here… … .

“No, what is that again? What kind of whale is this?”

“… … .”

“Hey, but they look similar to the whale you rode on?”

Apparently, the alien friends who appeared on the scene were the same friends who created empowered creatures using genetic technology far superior to mine.

“Wow, I never thought I would meet friends like that here.”

Things were getting more and more interesting.

* * *

When his operation failed, the Demon Commander gritted his teeth and spoke to strangers.

“Who are you? Where are they from?”

The lizard monsters and those staring at the devil, who fell out with golden eyes surrounding the target world tree, gave completely strange answers to the devil commander’s question about his identity.

[Leave this place.]

“I will ask you again. Who are you?”

[I will say it again. leave here.]

“yet again… … shit.”

It’s an absurd situation, but the conversation between the demonic commander and an unknown alien species continued to go around like a meaningless tobogyo.

“… … After, I’ll tell you the business first. Shut up and listen.”

[Leave this place.]

“… … There’s a demon in control of that damn lizard here. My goal is to catch that demon. To do that, the function of the World Tree must be stopped, and you are now blocking the World Tree.”

[Leave this place.]

Of course, the Demon Commander had no intention of backing down easily with his target just around the corner.

The Demon Commander and his men took off the backpacks they had been carrying and held on tightly with both hands.

“I will warn you. Get out of the way.”

[You cannot break this tree. leave here.]

The more the demon commander repeated the conversation with these people, the more he felt that he was going to go crazy.

No, why do those children keep repeating the same words without giving a reason?

“Damn it, then you guys catch Balak for us.”

At the moment when the demonic commander, who had reached the limit of mental fatigue, grumbled like this, a different sentence finally came out of the mouth of the alien who was confronting him.

[The demon you were aiming for has already been captured.]

“… … what?”

When the demon commander woke up and looked around, the lizard race was no longer attacking the demon.

No, to be precise, he was counterattacking the devil’s attack, but he didn’t show a belligerent appearance of running first like before.

“What, when did you die?”

At the demon commander who couldn’t hide his questionable gaze, an alien trudged out and threw something in his hand using telekinesis.

It was a large mineral in the form of translucent crystals, within which was trapped a familiar demon, intact and unconscious.

“… … !”

[Take it.]

The demon commander doubted his own eyes.

No, to capture a high-ranking demon prince without a single wound like that, is this really a situation that makes sense?

Where the hell did this mysterious race come from, and what kind of hideous abilities are they hiding?

[If you don’t leave, you’ll be trapped here too.]

“… … ok, i get it I have accomplished my goal, so let’s go.”

That was the moment.

“Hey, guys, let’s talk to me for a minute.”

When the hell did it come, that eerie and familiar voice that made even the devil tremble came from behind the commander.

When the demon commander startled and turned around, he saw a man with eyes emitting light similar to those of that unknown race, smiling as usual.

“… … Ruler of the Legion.”

“These are very interesting friends.”

When he was an enemy, he was the most terrible in the world, but from the moment he became an ally, someone more reliable than anyone else appeared.

The moment he saw him, that unknown alien race also showed a slight agitation, such as looking at each other for a moment.

[Who are you, a person with the same power as ours?]


The ruler of the corps did not hide his strong presence in front of them at all.

【The ruler of the corps, have you heard of it?】

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