118. Clues to the final seal (2)

The priest dispatched to my question tilted his head and answered.

“A stone… … You mean?”

“Yes, stones. A stone that looks like this.”

The woman with shiny silver hair and a dark robe looked at the crystal of the seal in my hand, thought for a moment, then answered me again.

“Sorry, but I don’t have any of those things.”

“… … huh? Anything that looks like this?”

I held up the sealing crystal closer to take a closer look, but the priest girl shook her head as if she still didn’t know why.

“Again, I don’t own any of those things.”

“… … strange? I’m sure you’re reacting so violently… … ?”

“I don’t know what the ally lord is looking for, but I have no reason to lie to you.”

Apparently, this priest girl is trying to hide the crystal from me. Well, this was an understandable move.

First of all, a crystal looks like a precious jewel, so I wouldn’t want someone else to take it away.

Of course, no one can hide the truth in front of me.

“You stand still for a moment.”

In the dark eyes of the priest with impressive silver hair, my appearance, which emits a brilliant golden light, began to be reflected.

“What are you doing right now… … .”

“Uh-huh, don’t move and stay still.”

“… … .”

It’s obviously a big disrespect to peek into someone else’s belongings, but since the Sealing Crystal was so precious and necessary to me, I had to use my abilities to check it out.

The ESP’s clairvoyance ability that scans the whole body thoroughly, and the golden aura that flashes in my eyes, I see the priest girl swallowing her saliva slightly nervously.

“Well… … .”

First of all, the pockets inside and outside of the robe were filled with snacks such as candies with the scent of herbs.

In the shabby leather bag wrapped around her back, she had underwear and a large, thick book, and the earrings and necklace she wore were not made of crystal, but ordinary gold and silver.

“I must have it… … .”

Belongings are too clean

So I made up my mind to be a little more rude, since I had been rude.

The leather boots and pants the priest girl is wearing, the inside of the socks that look like they are woven with rough cloth, and even the underwear she is wearing right now are all very thorough… … .

“… … .”

… … none.

“… … what? Are you really not there?”

“I have no reason to lie to you. I swear by the name of our guardian god, this is all I have.”

Unfortunately, the girl’s words about not having any stones were true.

I searched again, wondering if I was mistaken, but there really isn’t even a tiny speck of dust resembling crystal on this priest girl’s body.

Besides, the thoughts that popped into the priest girl’s head were not universal thoughts such as ‘I don’t want to lose my valuables’.

She was looking at me fearfully and thinking, ‘What the hell is this scary person looking for?’

“Fuck, is this stone broken?”

At this point, I wondered if this damn sealing crystal had lost its taste before I could even use it properly.

“Hey, haven’t things like this been passed down in your family?”

“My lord… … . I was an orphan who never knew the faces of my parents.”

“… … Oh sorry.”

Ha, that would be really cool.

Obviously, Soo-jeong was excitedly lighting up and vibrating, but it was frustrating because nothing came out of this girl.

Is there an expert in finding stones?

“… … Will you believe me now?”

“… … .”

I had nothing more to say.

As a result of a thorough search of her body and head, not only did this priestess girl have no crystals, but she herself was completely unaware of the existence of such an item.

As I kept tying up the priests who came from far away like this, I began to see a hint of dissatisfaction on their faces.

Strictly speaking, these are not my subordinates, but borrowed people who promised to return them to the lord of the alliance, so it is not very good if my image is badly imprinted on them.

“… … First of all, take those friends and feed them. Everyone had a hard time coming from afar. There’s a man who looks like a spider outside this room, so you can follow him. He will guide you well.”

“You mean the spider-like one?”

“Oh, I can tell just by looking at it.”

First of all, there was a need to feed the priests who were standing with tired faces after coming a long way and give them enough rest.

“Thank you, Lord of the Alliance.”

“okay. look out.”

A priest girl greeted me as a representative.

By the way, the reality of the church these priests belonged to and their greetings were also a bit of a masterpiece.

“May the God of Plague bless you… … .”

“… … .”

… … It’s a fact that I just heard and learned, but the god that these priests belonged to was the god who represented the ‘plague’.

It’s a world where all the strange gods exist, but I want to refrain from receiving the protection of the plague.

“… … No, tell me that you don’t have to give me such blessings.”

“You don’t have to worry. God doesn’t do harm carelessly.”

“done. Also, since this is where the senior manager’s church is popular, God bless you, don’t carelessly do things like that.”

Come to think of it, I still didn’t even know what kind of god the manager’s boss was.

Well, the elder himself didn’t even mention it first, probably because he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Is propagation impossible?”

“Don’t do it if you can. It doesn’t matter if you preach, but if you don’t, you could get hit with a magic wand.”

“… … A magic wand?”

In fact, even though humanity looks peaceful on the outside, even the elder players’ church is a heresy, and those who do not believe in it were a world where people who do not believe in chariots hit the chariots, and often cause super-sized accidents.

Doing missionary work in the name of a plague in a place like this could be quite dangerous for these friends.

“There is a weapon that hurts a lot when hit.”

“… … All right.”

After hearing that I couldn’t propagate, the female priest showed a slightly disappointed expression.

“Okay, then go eat and get some rest. I’ll call you when something happens.”

I bowed my head and looked at the priest girl who turned around and left, and the crystal of the seal, which was becoming calmer as the light diminished.

“There is something… … .”

It seems that this crystal is not broken.

There is a distinctly coherent response, where the light diminishes as the distance increases again, and intensifies again as I sneak a step behind.

Of course, there was no way to know right now why the sealing crystal was only emitting light on that girl.

“I’m doing this because there’s definitely something going on with him.”

I mean, I don’t know what it is.

【Don’t miss out on anything that priest girl does and report everything to me.】

Let’s watch for a while.

* * *

The priests who came out of the large room were all new to the world outside their hometowns, so they couldn’t let go of their tension.

Moreover, waiting for them was a man with a very frightening impression whose whole body was made of shiny insect skins, so the priests had to scream as soon as they saw them.

Of course, the spider man guided the priests with a benevolent smile.

“It seems that you are the precious guests the Son of Heaven spoke of. I am Jang, so-and-so, in charge of guiding the guests.”

The priests did not yet know the detailed explanation of the situation, but the fact that they had come to a very dangerous place was fully realized the moment they saw this spider man.

“Come this way. A supper is prepared for you.”

They were busy exchanging unspoken and uneasy glances with each other as they followed the super-powerful Spider-Man.

‘There is such a strong person… … .’

‘If we eat the food here, wouldn’t we become monsters like that?’

‘Emperor, what kind of people did you send us to?’

‘Did you join hands with people worse than him to fight the devil?’

Going one step further, while the priests were moving, they witnessed the Legion’s creatures through the windows in the middle of the building.

In the end, a priest spoke to himself with a pale face.

“… … Oh My God. The monsters of the apocalypse… … .”

The gigantic tentacle monster floating freely in the cloudy sky looks no different from the monster that is said to appear in the last days and turn the world into nothingness.

In addition, the slimy slime that filled the land, the various units of the corps, and the ugly buildings that showed their pulsating appearances were proud of their terrible appearance enough to send the priests’ minds far away.

“Don’t worry. They are only the loyal servants of the Son of Heaven.”

The priests who listened to the guide’s words felt that their minds were getting confused at this point.

‘Your Majesty, aren’t these the simple allies you mentioned… … ?’

‘That man, what the hell is he doing? Could it be that he worked with the devil?’

‘Great pestilence… … . What should we do? There is one more devilish than the devil in this place… … .’

No matter how you look at it, monsters that remind you of the apocalypse are allies of the empire?

It was not easy for even the priests who worshiped the Plague to escape from the shock given by the army, which looked more like demons than demons.

“Now, this is a restaurant, so please sit comfortably and wait.”

“… … Thank you for the favor.”

“Oh, it looks like Sojeo is the representative of the customers. If it’s not rude, would it be all right if I ask your name?”

“My name is Luna, High Priestess of Plague.”

The priests, who were still trembling with anxiety, ended up entering a large restaurant with the kind guidance of the spider man.

And even in this restaurant, a man who greeted customers with a cold and heavy expression made the priests tremble in fear again.

“you are… … ?”

“I am the Legion’s cook.”

“… … .”

The High Priestess of Plague, Luna tilted her head at the cold-faced man who radiated more powerful energy than the ‘Jean So-and-so’ she had just seen.

No matter how I looked at it, it seemed that this man was absolutely not the kind of person to be a cook.

‘I can smell the scent of God in this man…’ … . But not a priest. If so, are you a person with a divine object?’

Going one step further, after a while, the priests were able to meet someone who gave off real divine power.

“Guests are seated. Maria, bring the food quickly before it gets cold.”

Soon after, the one who appeared with a plate of food floating around him using unknown power was a beautiful woman with large wings on her back.

The woman paid little attention to the guests, but the priests almost fainted when they felt the terrifying energy emanating from her body.

“You can’t… … .”


Rather than the mysterious noodle dish that flies onto the table and settles on its own, Luna boldly spoke to the woman called ‘Maria’.

The other priests who were watching this from the side held their breath at once due to the rising tension.

“I feel the power of a great being in you… … . Really, are you a great person?”

The woman, who was setting food on the table, said after revealing her eyes what the hell this meant.

“I’m not like that, so enjoy your meal.”

“… … .”

The woman who exuded great energy immediately disappeared into the kitchen, and the priests, who had nowhere to look, eventually began to look down at the dishes in front of them.

It was a type of noodle dish made by kneading grain, but it had a strange appearance with a dark sauce and a lot of ingredients.

“Eat, delicious.”

The priests swallowed dry saliva.

The voice of the one who identified himself as the Legion’s cook sounded like ‘If you don’t eat it, I’ll kill you’ to the priests, so whether they like it or not, they eventually had to lift the fork with trembling hands.

But something is strange.

“… … Well?”

“This scent… … .”

“What the hell?”

The scent that emanated from this ominous black food was truly murderous.

The priests, who couldn’t get out of the extreme tension and shock, picked up the noodles and put them in their mouths while trembling with anxiety.

“… … Oh God.”

“Even if I die, there is no time.”

Priests who tasted this food felt that their minds were bewildered in a slightly different meaning this time.

For those who used to eat rye bread and stewed turnips as a regular meal in their hometown, the taste of the sauce was more than anything else shocking.

“Oh my gosh… … . What is this food?”

The corps cook, who had been watching this with a cold expression, listened to Luna’s question and finally began to speak in a gentle voice, raising the corners of his mouth.

“Ah, it’s called jajangmyeon.”

Priests realized.

This really was a whole new world.

“Mix it well. It tastes better that way.”

* * *

“So, to put it simply.”

With the sealing crystal placed in front of them on the table, all the members of the corps gathered, and a meeting took place after a long time.

“When that girl named Luna approaches, the sealing crystal glows like hell, but she doesn’t have anything like this. What do you all think?”

Since I have no knowledge in this field, I was in a situation where I desperately needed the help of those who might know something.

The target I was expecting here was the demon tribe, the tribe that originally had these rocks, and the manager, who was thin but had a lot of knowledge.

“Well… … I mean.”

All eyes turned to one place.

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