109. A night where the flames of hell lit up the fort (1)

The dragon, the guardian race of the Legion, had the original ability to freely transform its own body like slime, rather than creating a new body and transferring its mind like I did.

Although their ability was not like the transformation magic of legendary dragons, they had the ability to change their appearance like the flesh of a disaster, so they could transform into the appearance they wanted and live freely.

The problem was that they often imitated the appearance of legion units that were common around them, so they were all disgusting.

“how about it? Is this enough for you to see?”

“… … No, what the hell did you show me, so everyone looks like this?”

Of course, now, thanks to the Lord of Guardians’ orders, they were all in human form.

“Well… … It’s a comic book that I loved as a child.”

“… … .”

Oh, and of course, the only person who can remember and transform into a proper human is the Lord of Guardians, a former human player.

So, because the dragons of other legions have lived for a long time in an isolated space where they can’t see humans, they need a suitable specimen for transformation.

“… … I wanted something a little more human, but I think this is going too far.”

Thanks to the lord of guardians with such girlish tastes, all the dragons of the legion have ripped out of their comics.

Thanks to such deceitful appearances, Legion dragons have become stars of the entire human race with just one performance.

The manager worked hard to promote the player system without omitting any of the dragons’ activities in order not to scare mankind, and in the meantime, that figure transformed into a human form was also revealed.

Among them, the dragon that stood out the most was the one who held the title of ‘elder’, the second highest among the guardians.

“The Elder of the Guardian meets the Lord of the Legion.”

This dragon had beautiful flowing silver hair, and had a sculptural appearance that, if the elf were real, it would not be enough to smack the elf’s ears with a round and round.

As he approached to greet me, I had to hurriedly back away, feeling like a squid without realizing it.

It’s a bit more difficult when I’m standing close to Lee, because even such a trivial scene is broadcast live through the system for publicity.

“… … Oh, you did a good job.”

“Master, I just did what I was supposed to do.”

“ah… … That, yes.”

… … fuck.

Doesn’t this look too badly handsome?

“Um… … There will be a proper mission soon, so go wait and wait.”

“Yes, I understand. The elders of the guardians obey the ruler’s orders.”

“… … .”

A man so incredibly handsome that it would take your breath away when you look at it, no, the dragon of the Legion, even the way he greeted me was really unusually cool.

He bent one knee toward me in a very restrained motion, raised his fist to his chest, and lowered his head.

“hahahaha… … .”

“Then, I will wait for the ruler’s order.”

“Yes. Please.”

In this way, the guardian elder showed off his coolness even more and charmed players of all mankind, and then strode off to the area where the dragons were assigned, boasting long legs.

“… … Fuck.”

While looking at the filthy cool dragon elder of the legion, I briefly borrowed the sight of the ‘storm jellyfish’ walking around the residential area using my ESP ability.

In the hive consciousness confirmed through the storm, there was a human in sight, reminiscent of a screaming squid pulled out of the water.

“What do you look like?”

I don’t know if it’s because he’s a ruler who actually has a species resembling a squid among his subordinates, but his pale face and short legs and limping steps made him feel more like a squid today.

“I was also a guy who couldn’t be fooled anywhere… … .”

Apparently, sooner or later, I should put this incarnation into a culture medium to drastically increase my height and muscle mass and change my face shape.

I was a ‘god of genetic engineering’ who could freely manipulate my body, and if it didn’t work out, I would just have to undergo a major incarnation plastic surgery.

“… … .”

Anyway, two kind people who could naturally find comfort just by looking at me came to me after I was lost in this meaningless sense of shame.

“Hey, why are you making such a rotten expression?”

“Oops, did Woojae hyung-nim have another accident?”

A magician who was fiddling with insects and an active apostle suffering from the aftereffects of a drug overdose, their hairless heads emitted a far more dazzling light than the elders of the Guardians who had just passed away.

“… … It’s nothing. Apostle, what about hair transplant surgery?”

“… … .”

“… … Fuck.”

At my question, the wizard and the apostle’s expressions hardened.

“If there is a side effect of the new power, the transplant operation will not work… … Even if you drive it, it seems to fall out again soon… … .”

Well… … .

Sorry. I was wrong.

“… … Let’s go soon.”

* * *

Exposed to the Legion’s sight, the Demon Commander seemed very busy working silently while we watched, rebuilding the shattered fortress’s facilities and its lost troops.

The sight of the exterior walls and doors being reattached from the carpet bombardment by the guardians, and the flames of hell brightly illuminating the desert night that had become cooler after the sun had fallen, was like a painting in which even the solemnity of the demonic commander with his mouth shut was palpable.

“Old man. Let the operation begin.”

Oh, of course I wasn’t going to be comfortable letting the Demon Commander fix all the troops and fortifications.

The reason I did my best to keep him on the ground without stopping him is because this is the place that will soon become his grave.

Since I dared to covet and violate the homeland of mankind, which is guarded by me and the Mother Castle of the Corps, this time I was really determined to mobilize my full strength and not show mercy.

“The clock tower turned.”

“good. Get ready to move slowly.”

As the surrounding time accelerated rapidly with the power of the clock tower, the Legion’s hatcheries exploded from the outskirts of the desert.

The rough land was instantly covered with smooth slime, and newly born Legion units began pouring out in heaps in the sky and on the ground.

It was the moment when the Legion, which had been active only in the mother castle and the outer territories, finally planted its roots deep in this rough continent, the origin of mankind.

“Is everyone ready?”

Looking back, the people who had gathered to slay the demon commander expressed their determination with their glowing eyes shining.

“The hammer that will blow the pot is ready.”

“A new unit is also ready.”

“… … I have the legion and the soldiers of Horus.”

“Well… … Can I take the dragons and bomb them all the time?”

“The defense specialist will be in charge of the colony of the corps.”

A woman holding a sparking hammer, a guardian lord hiding among sculpted handsome men, a wizard holding an unusual caterpillar in her hand, a cook holding a holy relic, and an active apostle who are the core of the defense operation, everyone is doing their best to protect their hometown. had been prepared for

And in front of them, there was someone who hoped to stand out as the vanguard.

“Damn it, bro, now you’re free.”

The old man actually possessed a weapon that far exceeded the category of a swordsman, but he said that he was bored with going out with his bare hands, and he retrieved the [Holy Sword] he handed to his junior and held it in his hand.

“Why don’t you take a little more rest?”

“Hey, even if I’m a little weak, isn’t it a chance to avoid such trivial things?”

“… … Well, do whatever you want.”

Of course, to help the weak manager, an additional strong support group joined through this contact network.

“It’s been a while since I saw the Son of Heaven who liked dumplings.”

“No, what if I don’t bring my favorite dumplings and come empty-handed?”

Gangho Choi Kang-ja, a middle-aged woman with an impressively virtuous figure and a dress that looks like she is still making dumplings at a restaurant, also came out for a long time.

“… … Am I steaming dumplings with this jjambab?”

“Then what are you going to use that big steel pot for?”

“Oh, this pot? This is it. There is a buzzword that people here often stop by and spread in Gangho… … .”

If you get to know this lady, she is a monster no less than the elderly.

“I heard you broke the earthen pot? I brought it here to try it out.”

“… … .”

The reason why I can’t pass this up is that the lady who makes delicious dumplings is the one who broke the demon peacock earthenware pot with just one pot.

“Jiu, the clock tower has 20 minutes left.”

“Okay, let the operation begin.”

Now, the full-scale ‘Devil Commander Ttukbaegi Operation’ has begun.

【Maternal legion queens send additional troops.】

The moment my order was given, a number of huge, swirling portals opened in the sky to replenish troops.

―Queen Zaira of the Nemesis Legion, I obey the command of the ruler.

―The Queen of the Mother Corps, Chimera, obeys the ruler’s command.

―Legion Queen Arachne, obey the ruler’s order and dominate all forces first. May the Legion’s future be full of glory.

In fact, the troops of the corps were densely packed like ants, which are said to be the most prosperous creatures on earth, to the extent that there would be no problem in carrying out the operation without using the clock tower here.

There were as many as two mother cities that would send troops directly to this place without having to skip through the portal several times, and the troops pouring in from here were like a storm that could not be counted.

“Come on, let’s finish it off.”

Given the situation, it didn’t matter if I didn’t have to use the power of the Clock Tower, but since I seized the opportunity, I even mobilized my cheat key to see the end, to put an end to one of the 72 demons.

In a situation where it is difficult even for me to predict what variables will appear, it is always better to prepare for battle in excess than insufficient.

【All forces, attack begins.】

Demon Commander, you fell behind today.

Hyung, it’s been a while since I took a rally point.

* * *

On a night when the flames of hell lit up the fortress, Legion units came rushing in from all directions like worker ants that found their prey.

It was reminiscent of a storm, the army of jellyfish covering the sky and the bombardment of venom from the shooter spiders flying in from afar, reminiscent of the heavy rain pouring from the storm.

There was no such thing as an empty defense for the Legion’s attack.

A handful of insects mixed here and there sprayed powerful corrosive range magic, and crabs and mammoths the size of a small mountain struck the fortress’ outer walls and gates one after another.

The creepy tentacles that pierced the high clouds and the warrior spiders that were sprayed from the sky plunged deep into the fortress, tying up the demon soldiers and disrupting the catapult.

“… … Great.”

Even underground, spiders were burrowing and crawling up, and with the overwhelming number of troops coming in rather than the legion troops dying from the attacks of hellfires and catapults, the demon commander’s fortress was like a lonely island trapped alone in the storm.

In this situation, there was only one command that even the most seasoned demon commander could give.

“All troops, make sure to defend the fort no matter what.”

At the desperate moment when the fortress was about to be stranded by the waves of the Legion, the Demon Commander, who silently cut down the Legion units attacking him, could see a ray of hope.

“Are you a reinforcement?”

A huge portal that felt the power of destruction appeared in the sky and began to whirl, and unexpected forces began to join the battlefield.

“It looks like someone opened the door and came out.”

The strong scent of the demon lord began to waft across the battlefield.

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