"How is the Virgin?

"I'm tired and asleep. Well, I kept going all night, naturally."

A simple camp where a carriage was placed in a slightly pioneered area of the woods where morning mist could set off and set fire to it.

Sirtina and Uto sat down and talked by the river a little further away from it.

"What about Al and the others?

"Al, you're looking at the clams. Kihato, you and Sarshra are going grocery shopping. Renard, you're in training with Tedra."

"Yes, Mr. Renard is quite well looked after, isn't he?"

"Right. Even though your face is pretty strong, people don't see it, do they? …… here you are."

Sirtina smiles as she holds Kreutz as a cat on her lap and indulges in its soft furrows.

The painted paper of the magic formations that Ut had in her hand, nodding at her words like that, lit up pale.

Releasing more light the paper flew to a point a little further away and stopped slightly floating off the ground.

"Camina, this is a regular report from you."


A video magic (magic vision) unfolds and a person appears above the magic formation at the end of the gaze of the two staring at the magic formation.

"It's been a long time, both of you"

Both say hello to the person who waves flirtatiously.

"Long time no see, Camina."

"How are you?

"I'm fine. What about you?

"We're fine too."

"The Virgin remains the same,"


The golden eyes narrowed slightly except from under the brown cat hair, and a slight but grin appeared on his expressionless face.

Kamina Rulans. With two names: "General of Intelligence" in the Mercenary Alliance Twin Wings Sword, he is now attacking the Kingdom of Lydylan with the army of the Kingdom of Lulan.

"Camina, you were certainly assigned to the second guerrilla unit in the Kingdom of Lulan, weren't you? How's it going?

"Lakayan, fall tomorrow. After that, especially... all the weak ones. Boring. '

The two smile bitterly at the words leaked in dissatisfaction.

"Well, let me tell you something, most of you will be weak."

"Besides, Camina, this time it doesn't seem like she's motivated. Ku said so."

"Naturally. The guy who hurt Silty, he's not gonna cut it."

"Yes…… thank you"


"By the way, Al, your Miss Till brought information that the King of the Kingdom of Lydylan tried to flee, is that true?

'Fact. Yesterday, I took a few people away. For once, the tracking unit is out. "

"Yeah, it's true. That was fast."

There was definitely a mixture of disdain and contempt in the words spoken out in a voice that sounded distorted.

"It's true, it's frightening. Head of State, without his consciousness'

"I've known for quite some time that he wasn't the right man to be in charge, but when you get here, you can't save him anymore."

Silently exhaled Sirtina, the two silently eyes each other.

That said, I asked her about this country only once.

That was just when she was the Duke of Barratona.

On a day when she was rarely on her knees bent when she was terribly depressed by the "future" informed by Clarina and looked straight ahead at all times, stories were heard by those close in age, starting with Kamina and Uto, without any concern.

'What kind of people are so important that you're depressed about them?

Now I want to hold my head to what a cruel question I am asking right after I was informed of "the future of being betrayed by those people," but it is horrible with children. You can hear it flat, without any offense, just out of curiosity.

But she answered her own question, which was not strange to be beaten so carelessly and rudely.

With a slightly trembling voice, sadly stained eyes, he still spoke proudly, lovingly, joyfully.

About those people...

'I'm sure that person is not fit to stand on people and move things around. He doesn't seem to know how to take responsibility... yes, if I say so, he's a "child". Still, my father said he was a pathetic person who had to sit on the throne because of many inevitable "reasons". From my point of view, I do think the King is too ignorant, shallow and stupid to sit in that position....... but he is a hard worker. We are trying to make the Kingdom of Lydylan a little better. Well, my father is the one who thinks and executes most of it... but that's why I love him, and I love the country that he loves better.'

I do remember saying that about the King of the Kingdom of Lydylan.

There are other things about the family, about the First Prince, about school friends, about the people...

There was "love" in every word, and she believed in all of them, and she said after they betrayed her.

Proudly, lovingly, happily told me about those people, with a voice that had no emotion whatsoever, very smug eyes, just one word.

'That's enough,' he said.

That was all it was, but that was everything.

Enough. I don't love you anymore. I don't believe it anymore. I can't rub it anymore. I won't ask for it anymore. I don't need it anymore.

We didn't even cry. That one word of hers sounded terrible on our own chests.



A few years ago, she is now just frightened and pitied at those who were even trying to accept and make up for its shortcomings.

The difference is needless to compare to the opposite pole.

"Hmm? What's wrong with both of you shutting up?

"Anything, nothing"

"Never mind."

Sirtina tilted her neck at the two who were temporarily silent remembering the old days.

"Let's continue with the report."


"? Yeah, right."

They stroked their hearts down to Sirtina, who followed her, wondering at Uto, who returned to fix it.

As we are, the past is never a happy memory for her.

Then there is no need to remind them of it.

From then on, we exchanged information that we could have with each other, and by the time I finished reporting on the recent situation, the morning fog was completely clear and the sun was rising.

"If we arrive in Manlinia in the next three days, and the Kings are on their way to Manlinia, as Cu said, they will come with little rest and horses, and then we will have the quickest five days from Lacayan to Manlinia. If you left Lacayan yesterday, you'll be in Manrinia in four days... Wow. Just as Jin calculated."

"Sometimes I wonder if he's out there."

After having such a conversation, the two returned to the camp and discovered the clams roaring around the carriage in a restless manner.

"Acari? What's wrong?


Akali rushes over and hugs her when she finds the figure of the uto she spoke to.

I won't forget to look at Sirtina, who was next door.

"Where have you been!?

"I was going around with Mr. Sirtina. What's the matter with you so hastily than that?

"When I wake up, I don't have you... don't leave me alone"

"I'm sorry. It's pathetic to wake you up because you were asleep... I'll call you next time."

"Yeah. And you can't be alone with a woman other than me. Ute has me."

"…… well, I'll be careful next time."


I could see that Uto's expression was slightly drawn to Akali's words.

Sirtina thinks.

We're pretty "crazy", but the clams are equally "ecstasy."

Maybe it was us who did it.


"It's you who drove me crazy again, Virgin."

Overflowing words do not reach the acari.

Siltina closed her eyes quietly, wondering if this had happened to her because she had not arrived.

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