The back of the glorious world is full of jealousy. Everyone can predict anything like that.

Hehe... Ladies?

You don't think I did anything to anticipate or take care of Zebrast when he told me he'd destroyed the side chamber?

The promise of a world full of entertainment is going to hold off, isn't it?

"Mizuki, are you the devil?"

"Terrible, Master Cain! Just get rid of our cute little Christina enemies beforehand."

"Stop calling me that.... No, that's fine. The way."

"A woman's jealousy is shady, isn't it? If they do, I'll do it back, this is common sense. We have to make sure we don't turn against the blade again."

I was demon-certified by Knight s shortly after I spoke of 'measures'.

You're being rude, you idiot, or you're gonna retaliate.

It should also be noted that the measures are meaningless if they have not been set up by the other side. It's worse to get your hands on it first.

"Ma, look. 'Cause we're definitely gonna settle this before we get into the venue."

Because these two stand out. And one of them obviously loves me.

As far as I'm concerned, it would be more convenient to stand out, but it would be harsh on Christina.

"Klaus. Me, am I wrong?

"Do it fully. Forgive me no matter what I do."

"That's very personal, isn't it?

"You must be a knight!?

…… Al, is there a problem?


The White Knight has agreed instead of stopping it.

You guys don't like the social world? You don't see them as human beings, do you?

... Tell me for yourself what.

Are you the Knight of Admiration?

"Well... Argent and Klaus."

"That's unusual."

"Who are the neighbors?

My gaze of animosity, curiosity and jealousy has been bizzing since before I entered the venue.

I knew it, I thought you were coming.

We're both dressed as nobles, so it would be very nice to keep quiet. Although the contents are freaks.

There's no way they're going to escort you to the spotlight.

This is it just by walking down the hall. I'm still saddened that they're so popular.

Come on, envy me fully!

All that gaze will be in our favor!

Note that Christina, who was worried, has not noticed such a gaze at all.

The ladies dressed in Ning Ro's clothes are making their eyes shine.

Is this child natural?

"Christina has something to swallow..."

I guess I really don't care because I heard Abel squeak.

Now you can rest assured of your mother's gift. Because I don't care about nasty slander, and even if I say disgust, it will go through naturally.

I'm only worried if it's harmful, but this is fine if I crush it.

... Look, quick.

[]/(n, vs) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)

"Yikes...... Ouch! Ugh..."

and the surrounding air froze. The gaze and whisper of curiosity lurk together and amaze me.

... you didn't think they'd do it back?

I lurk my eyebrows as I send a cold gaze to the very squatting and groaning warrant of pain.

"Oh, I wanted to be trampled because I was going out of my way to get my feet out."

"What... you bastard... I stepped on it on purpose!

"You think I'm walking around holding you? Obviously I was trying to get my legs out and let them fall."

"You're forgetting that we're knights. Or do you think you can't spot that much?"

Q: They put my legs out to make me fall! What will you do?

A: Keep stepping in the momentum of crushing the bones

* Covered fire from the knights

There is no choice to avoid it. It's a choice to step on!

I was stepping when either "Step and Break the Dress Hem" or "Hook Your Feet" came, but when they really did it, I was stunned.

If you step on it and break it, you'll be the bad guy, so you hooked your leg.

Oh, the shoes are well reinforced. Comfortable inside, but hard outside, so if you weigh in, beat the bone about easier.

Actually, I enhanced it to be okay to be trampled, but it helps in unexpected ways.

A glass shoe also appears in the magazine, I think the shoe is a fine weapon!

... Glass shoes are enough murder weapon if you step on them or miss them?

It hurts even if you kick it, and there is a good chance that it will be zaked in the missing part.

What a horrible thing to make you wear, wizard.

"If you want to tell me something, I'm not going down. You can say it without harassing me or anything, it's lame. Is this the taste of nobility?

"Terrible. It's a serious act for a lady."

"Yes. So ladies don't imitate this stupid, do they?


To the lovely knights: 'Ladies don't imitate like this!' If you say it all out.

"Oh... right. I can't imitate that."

"What a shame"

You'll grow up.

This is what happens. The people around her mouthed something critical of her, as I recall.

As a 'fine' nobleman, you can never take her side.

I don't think you two want to be disappointed.

"Yeah. I don't like it when people say things, so I'll fix you up."

Tingle, and sound your fingers to cure a woman's legs while squatting. Does she realize that I used magic without chanting?

"Let's go. It took me a long time not to bother."

"Right, let's go"

The gaze of curiosity does not run out on us walking out. However, it is subtly different from earlier.

"That woman has no mercy", "If you put your hands on them, the knights will not shut up".

If these two points flow as new information, there will be a lot fewer people to set up. There are no ex-girlfriends or children to be hated by the lovely knights, only superficial parts must hide their malice.

If it's possible that the firepowder will descend, you just need to calm it down from the beginning. Even if it was temporary.

"Christina. Are you wearing the magic props I gave you?

"Huh? Yes, I wear it properly"

That's what I say. Touch the earrings. Of course, it can't be normal because I make it.

I think that's why you're gonna need this, Christina.

When you arrive at the venue, your gaze is even higher! It's still a little while before I can tell you what happened earlier.

You should stay with Christina as a shield for a while.

"What the hell does this do?

"Hmm? Reflection"


"You'll find out soon enough, won't you?

I've been staring at Christina for a while now. There are ladies out there.

Me? Of course, they're staring at me! However, in my case, there will be no more interference than is necessary because we are also known to be guardians.

It is Christina who will be targeted when that happens. If Al were to set it up with a hand he couldn't do anything about it......

Two ladies were approaching us thinking that way. That gaze is clearly not favorable.



"Oh, I'm sorry...... I have to!?

"Huh!? Yikes... what the hell!?

The ladies, who deliberately put wine on Christina's dress with mockery, were stunned and hardened at the next moment.

In her hand was an empty glass, and the wine was worn by herself.

"Oh, that's easy to understand frustration. I really didn't think anyone would do it."

"What the hell!? Is this your fault?

"No? You just bounced back because you put wine on her, didn't you? The glass is in your hands, and you apologized yourself."

"Oh... that's"

"And I should be thanked by you."

I will tell you the facts that I will keep with intimidation with my eyes.

Because I'm grateful to you for taking the ideal course of action, right?

Enough for a show.

"I'm really glad you didn't bother Master Christina. You must have been saddened by the fact that the Duchess of Blondell tried to defile that dress."

"She's as cute as her daughter."

In response to that Duchess' son's remarks, a shock runs around.

I'm really glad you didn't waste your dress, Miss. That guy's never gonna make it, is he?

I'm satisfied that you showed me your promised development.

"Then it's a phenomenon from earlier… it's the effect of my magic props. Return the targeted attack to the opponent as is, I suppose. You deserve it."

"This is what happened because you guys set it up," I told him in the dark, and he also helped me react around him and turned bright blue.

I didn't do anything to tarnish the dress, but I knew my bad intentions for Christina.

Naturally, you'll be in the Duchess' ear. Some people would leave for fear of the whole thing if there were rumors that it pissed off the Duchess, etc... is there a place to be married?

Well, that sounds like a lot of fun.

A beautiful woman calls out to chase her way there. The beautiful woman with the same color as Al would understand the situation, but she said it was a 'fun thing'.

And I laugh and tell the ladies who remain blue.

"These two are my sisters. What the hell are you doing?


"Al, shut up."

"Sister Charles"

"What is it, Mizuki?"

It reacts completely differently. Sister Charles, it's very easy to understand.

Oh, the people that Sister Charles took are protecting Christina from the sight of her surroundings. Christina looks like she's having fun talking to you, too, and you knew her?

"You've tried the demonic props with your own performance, that person"

"Oh, it looked nasty and harsh."

"You've become a clown... maybe"

'I'm not sheltering you! I'm pushing it down, absolutely!

I feel like I can hear my surrounding mind, but it's an illusion.

It's the difference between being hit by a coalition of Sister Charles & the Duchess of Blondell or being pushed down on me.

Looks like you forgot about that, huh?

You're not apologizing, are you? The apology was just for your mouth, and it doesn't count, does it?

"Christina is safe from the results, and they seem to be doing their best to keep away from her in the future."

"Oh, Mizuki wants that, doesn't she?


She sensed my intentions when she grinned and nodded at Sister Shall, and snorted deeper with a grin.

It's a boulder, have you noticed?

"Okay. Is that okay with you guys?


"Shh... excuse me"

They would have come back if they had listened to the conversation that followed, too, as they left in a hurry.

"'Don't come any closer in the future' also means' don't give me a place to apologize ', right?

"Yes, because I never show my willingness to apologize for harassing you. Do you need an escape route?

"You don't have to. I didn't say a word about" I'm gonna do something I didn't. "

"Wouldn't the Duchess of Blondell be angry, too? If I hadn't handed you the magic kit, you'd have lost your dress."

"Right! Heh heh, that's great."

People around them were stunned and frightened by the conversation they were having, but there was no problem.

Oh, my God, I'm the Wizard of the Demon King, right? That's about all the information, isn't it?

We're going to use the promised expansion to silence our enemies, right?

You can't complain about being retaliated against more than you can apologize for. Apologizing doesn't necessarily make you forgiven.

Christina's dress is a little calm based on pale greenery.

When I think of pink and other gorgeous colors, I am unexpectedly summed up as an adult.

Mr. Colette said

"Master Ariel chose this color because he wanted to stretch his back a little when he was a debutant. She had her own vibe and she was a little childish."

I hear it's the color of the memories.

It seems that Christina decided to wear the same color with joy in her mother's memorabilia.

The dress looks very good on Christina. You can see Mr. Colette's seriousness from this too.

... I don't think you'll be safe, the guy who tried to tarnish such a temperamental dress.

"Dear Mizuki, we will protect Christina. Go ahead, do your job, will you?


Today, when I looked back at Sister Charles, I smiled like a prank and looked back at the people surrounding Christina.

"We are the knights who protect the poor princess today. You wouldn't rely on Al alone, would you?

"Sister... you've been meaning to do that since the beginning?

"We want to be part of this! It's sloppy, all of you."

Sister Charles says back to Al, who sighs in disgust.

When I turned my gaze to people like Sister Shall's friends, I smiled and said, 'It's okay!' He just nodded at me.

Do you know what's going on and you can help me? It's a corner, so it's sweet, right?

Actually, Al wasn't worried about leaving it to one person.

Al stands out. Some ladies like you just did, not just Miss Amelia, who will surely set you up.

It's not that I didn't think Al was going to make enemies the more he sheltered, but for now, he made it a priority to get through today.

"May I ask my sisters?

"Yes, of course! Instead, why don't you join the tea party? They're looking forward to it."

"Okay. I'll make you some tea treats."

"Promise? The other day" Taru "was delicious and I hope so."

You feel kindness around here that will alleviate our apologies by offering us a reward dispute.

There's something about Miss Amelia, and will you be honest with me here?

Leave it to your sisters, Charles, and you'll be fine. Christina also has something to learn from her predecessors for the future.

"Oh man...... maybe this doesn't make my turn"

"Isn't that nice?... Dear Mizuki, are you still okay?

"Looks like he hasn't come yet. You will definitely come to us."

"Yes, you're definitely coming"

It was the way I let it have the 'you did something' content in the dark.

Yeah, I did. About six months ago. Tonight is todome.

"Let's talk for a while, shall we?... by the way"

Here, and turn your gaze behind my back, and your eyes will be as raw and warm as your friends'.

You all know the circumstances, understand and above all.

"You look happy...... Klaus is"

"Does it look that way after all"

"Whoever sees you just seems to be drowning. The Duke and his wife will be delighted."

Please don't tell Christina to do this.

I'm sure you'd be happier not to notice.

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