The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 32: What will happen to each of them?

“…Ha…. he got it. Yes…”

“Hey, you’re depressing me!”

I was about to get a verbal assault from Zeonly when Dario, sitting in front of me, kicked him.

– The carriage was on its way back to inform Kunon that he was going to the magic school.

Milica was terribly depressed.

She couldn’t stop whining.

Or rather, she was crying.

I thought he could not have been more enthusiastic and encouraged to go to the magic school with a “this is nothing” look on his face.

….In fact, it was so painful that I could have fallen to my knees at any moment.

Gaining visibility through magic.

Kunon was busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but Milica had not forgotten it.

And she was thinking about the future.

What if Kunon could see?

Would they really be able to continue as they were?

Kunon was already ahead of Milica, but if he could see, would there be any reason for him to still choose Milica?

Perhaps he will see another woman than Milica.

You can get a much more respectable position and backing by marrying a duke’s daughter, rather than a ninth princess, a woman of delicate status and power who is barely royal.

I’m sure that Kunon could have her anytime if he wanted.

– They try to keep the involvement with Zeonly unknown, but Kunon will be behind Zeonly’s great strides as a magical engineer in recent years.

Zeonly’s achievements in the past two years have been amazing.

He has developed seven new magical tools alone, written five papers on new theories of magic, and created manuals for efficient magic experiments and demonstrations, making him a man of the hour who is now famous not only in the Kingdom of Huglia but throughout the world. He has become even more popular than before.

There was no way that Kunon, who had been working as Zeonly’s one-handed man, would not be appreciated.

In other words, he already has a good track record.

He has contributed so much that he could even receive a knighthood if he made his achievements known.

The same thing that Zeonly had told me two years ago was already happening.

I’m sure he’ll make a mark at the magic school anyway.

I’m sure the girls around him will not leave him alone.

Kunon is perfect except for his blindness.

If he looks flirty, it’s because he pretends to be.

Milica knows that he is actually a very serious person. If he wasn’t, he would have thrown away the paperwork that Zeonly was pushing on him long ago.

If Kunon went any further ahead, Milica might not be able to catch up with him anymore.

“Mr. Dario……”


“I can’t help but wish that Kunon wouldn’t see me like this……. I’m a miserable girl…….”

“Oh, you’re such a miserable girl……! That hurts!”

Dario’s eyes, which had given me the second hit, were cold to the bone.

“You can choose to shut up voluntarily, or I’ll shut you up.”

He's serious.

Zeonly clicked his tongue and turned to look out the window.

“-It’s all right, Her Highness. There is both light and darkness in the human heart. Please don’t deny the darkness. Don’t seek only the light. But don’t be consumed by either.

It must be more than just your body that you have been training for two years now.

No matter how lost and ugly your thoughts may be, you can always choose the right path. Don’t worry, if all you do is think, you’re just guessing.”

Just like Genie and Zeonly for Kunon:

For Milica, Dario is now her master of martial arts.

They may not be able to say that they are mentor and apprentice because of their position and status, but they have very similar feelings.

And Zeonly knows this.

“You’re too soft, aren’t you?”

“I think you’re too hard on me.”

There are as many apprentices as there are masters.

And a teacher-student relationship is a human relationship.

There is no right answer in human relationships, so the two of them are on a parallel track in their arguments. They both think they are right.

“But more importantly, Zeon, didn’t you say so before? You have no idea how to get Kunon’s vision.”

“Yes, I did say that.”

Can he…… do it?” Will Master Kunon be able to see?”

“I don’t know.”

It was not only Dario who was annoyed by this throwaway reply.

“You didn’t just say that, did you?”

Milica’s anger is even stronger. As strong as her feelings.

Just a moment ago, you complained that it would be better if he could not see, but when it comes down to it, you get angry like this.

Surely, your core is not distorted.

“I’ve never even heard of such a case, how would I know? I looked into it, but I couldn’t find any anecdotes about anything similar.

So it’s really up to Kunon from here on.”

Zeonly looked out the window again.

“In the end, only he knows exactly what he needs and what state he’s in.

It’s not something that the outside world can get involved in.”

His face was serious as he spoke.

“I’ve done all I can do. I don’t know how to make eyeballs, all I could do was teach him how to make a magic tool that could be used as a reference to make eyeballs and the logic behind it.

Well, it’s gonna happen.

It doesn’t make sense for the people around to be so serious when he’s not here.”

Of the three of us, Zeonly had the most serious face, but he didn’t even realize it.

“It’s Iko.”

That evening, the maidservant Iko had come to the main building of House Gurion to make a report.

She knocked at the office of the head of the Gurion family, and Arson gave her permission to open the door.

“It’s been a long time.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

In the past two years……, since Kunon has become the apprentice of mentor Zeonly, Iko came less and less to Arson to report to him.

It’s just that Kunon hasn’t been doing much.

He did paperwork every day, worked out physically, and trained in magic.

He had tea with Milica, who came once a week and worked with Zeonly on the development of magic tools.

It was really nothing but repetition.

“Let’s hear it.”

After putting away the papers in his hand, Arson looked at Iko standing in front of his desk.

“Mr. Zeonly has instructed him to go to the magic school. Mr. Kunon has accepted, and is aiming to enter the magic school next year.”

“It is decided?”

In fact, it was Arson who was chomping at the bit.

Kunon, who had been on the verge of becoming a successful sorcerer, had become obsessed with Zeonly’s work.

It seemed that he was putting Zeonly’s interests before his own and was simply devoting himself to his teacher. In fact, he was not wrong in that perception.

He wondered if he would continue his current life and not go to the magic school.

He was worried about that.

– That was one of his successes, but his father hoped that if he was good enough, he would aim to become a royal court magician.

For Arson, this was truly good news.

“I’ll have to make preparations then. I’ve already prepared the materials.”

While waiting patiently, Arson was already making his own preparations.

He was going to show the materials to Kunon at some point, but if he decided to go, it would be quicker.

He needs to be there by next summer, so I guess he only has about six months left.

Six months is a short time if you have a lot of things to do.

It won’t be a problem to show him the materials as soon as possible.

“Sir, I have one more thing to report.”

“What is it?”

While Arson was hurriedly pulling out materials about the magic school from a drawer and putting them together, Iko was speaking with him.

“They’re about to build the eyeballs.”

Arson’s hand stopped.

“……What? Can they do that?”

I know the reason why Kunon became so devoted to magic.

Two years ago, I had a faint hope that I could solve the problem by taking him to see the royal sorcerer, but it seems that was impossible.

Since then, I’ve tried not to think about it too much…….

“I can’t say for sure, but Master Zeonly said it could be done.

So, Mr. Kunon told me to stay away from him because he wants to focus on making eyeballs for a while……. Ah, Mr. Kunon is growing up, away from me……!”

Iko’s fake tears aside.

“Are you sure you’re ready to leave?”

“Yes, already a long time ago. The current Mr. Kunon will have no problem with it.”

– Because they knew Kunon before he became immersed in magic, they had decided that Kunon should never be left alone.

– If they left him alone, he might take his own life.

It was the kind of danger that Kunon was in at the time.

“…I’m sorry you had to go through so much trouble, Iko.”

“It’s been fun every day for the past couple of years. I want to have children of my own.”

“Who are you going to marry?”

"There is nobody yet.”

“May I introduce you to somebody? There’s a soldier from the royal castle who I’m thinking of taking over as our gatekeeper. I want you and your partner to support the Gurion family from now on.”

“Hmmm…… depending on the face, the look, salary, and personality?”

She is a maid with very high expectations.

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