The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 48 Learning the Fire Curse

On Sunday morning, Bell got some exercise after not moving much all week. After sweating all over, I just felt refreshed. After a brief rest, Bell came to the magic training room again.

Pushing open the door to the training room, you can see three house elves busy inside.

Kersha, how are the preparations going? Bell asked the house elf closest to him.

These three house elves came here in place of Lim. After Bale was discharged from hospital last Sunday, Lim returned home to receive his punishment.

The final confirmation is in progress, Master. It will take about 5 minutes. Kesha said excitedly.

He never thought that one day he would be able to serve Master Bell himself. You must know that among the house elves of the Menethil family, serving Master Bell is recognized as the most glorious job by all elves, and Lim has always been the envy of all elves.

When they learned that Lim was punished by Master Bell and might change his job, many elves were excited and gearing up. And these three temporary quotas made the house elves even more overwhelmed. After all, if you can look familiar in front of Master Bell, or even be praised by Master Bell, then even if you cannot become Master Bell's exclusive house elf, you can greatly increase the possibility of contacting Master Bell in the future.

Kelsha is considered an outstanding member of the house elves of the Menethil family. But even so, he spent a lot of effort to get one of these three places.

Soon, 5 minutes passed. Everything was ready, and Bell was about to start improving the Fire Spell.

Bell walked to the center of the training ground, closed his eyes slightly, and ran Occlumency in his brain with all his strength, slowly recalling the angry feeling during the last experiment. Anger began to burn in his heart, and Bell carefully controlled his emotions to prevent him from playing with fire and burning himself.

After a few minutes, Bell felt that he was almost done, so he opened his eyes suddenly, raised his wand and pointed at the target in the distance.

Fire is raging!

A green flame shot out from the tip of Bell's staff. After flying about 20 meters, it was extinguished without even touching the target.

Obviously, Bell failed. He couldn't even ignite the real fire.

Because some spells require the infusion of emotions when casting, some spells can reflect part of the wizard's own characteristics. The most famous ones are the Patronus Curse and Animagus Transformation. The same spell will appear in different forms when cast by different wizards.

The same is true for the Fierce Fire Curse. The colors of the fire lit by different wizards are different. The green fire is the fire of Grindelwald in Bell's impression. So the flame just now was just an imitation of Grindelwald's fierce fire.

The failure of the first cast did not discourage Bell. He did not think that he could simply succeed.

Bell closed his eyes again, this time taking longer to prepare. The raging anger grew stronger and stronger in Bell's heart, and he didn't stop until the Occlumency was teetering on the verge of losing control.

Fire is raging!

The fiercely burning black-red flames instantly crossed a distance of 50 meters, and with a bang, the target was enveloped. In the blink of an eye, the target that had been specially strengthened and engraved with anti-magic patterns was reduced to ashes.

The black-red flames did not extinguish, but quickly spread to the surrounding areas. It can be seen from the speed of the flame spread that if it is not stopped, the space inside the box will collapse in less than a minute.

Quick! Do it! Kesha shouted.

The three house elves waved their wands at the same time, and the magic patterns engraved on the walls, floors and ceilings were activated, forming a 'sphere where all curses end'.

The barrier surrounded Bell's fierce fire, and then shrank inward little by little. But the process was not smooth. In order to successfully cast the Fire Spell, Bell really pushed himself to the limit this time. Therefore, when the curse was finally formed, he accidentally used too much magic power, which resulted in the power of the Fire Spell. Big increase.

The barrier and Li Huo were in a stalemate, tug-of-war, which lasted for about 10 minutes. Only then did Li Huo, who was powerless, finally show its decline and was gradually extinguished.

Seeing that the fierce fire was extinguished, Bell's heart was finally relieved and he sat down on the ground.

After all, this was the first time he faced real Li Huo, and he was really afraid that he might accidentally lose control. If the entire Hogwarts was burned down, then Lao Deng would have to fight him to the death.

Master! Are you okay?

The house elves ran over in panic and helped Belle up.

It's okay. I accidentally lost some strength. Just rest for a while. You guys should clean up over there and put on a new target.

After walking to the sofa in the rest area and sitting down, Bell looked at the elves and asked, How much magic power did you consume just now? Is it still enough?

I'm sorry, Master. We have consumed about half of our magic power just now. Considering the possible accidents, the magic power is no longer enough. We are so useless! Master, please punish us!

Don't worry, you just did a good job. Safety is the first priority. It seems I can rest a little longer.

Bell waved his hand casually and began to think about the problem he had just encountered.

His top priority problem now is to find the minimum anger value required to cast Severe Fire, and to increase the casting speed of Severe Fire. Of course, the issue of casting speed cannot be rushed and requires long-term training and habituation. The determination of anger value is relatively simple. It only requires constant experimentation, and the rest depends on luck.

After resting, Bell began to continue the experiment. This time he chose to increase the anger value bit by bit from low to high. In this way, the pressure on himself and the house elves was reduced a lot.

The reason why Bell directly pushed himself to the limit before was actually to determine whether his current ability was really enough to cast real fierce fire. And after it's determined, there's no need to work so hard.

The time of concentration always passed quickly. After Keersha reminded him loudly, Bell realized that it was almost evening.

The day passed in the blink of an eye, but Bell was a little dissatisfied with the results of today's experiment. He found that the problem he needed to solve most now was: 'The level of Occlumency is not enough'.

Bell had always thought that he was already very proficient in Occlumency. Although he is still far away from being a master of Occlumency like Snape, he does not need to be a double agent, and no one will use Legilimency to spy on his brain when they are idle. , so it should be basically enough.

But when he conducted the experiment today, he found that it took too long to adjust his emotions and the accuracy was too low. Especially at the end, Bell felt like he was about to have a schizophrenia when he switched between anger and calmness many times.

Feeling that he was about to reach his limit, Bell decisively stopped today's experiment and decided to go back and have a good sleep. If he had any questions, he would discuss them tomorrow.

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