October 11, 1979

Treatment room on the 4th floor of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies

A young man in his 20s was walking around anxiously. The young man has dazzling blond hair and dazzling green eyes.

On a bench on one side, two middle-aged couples and two girls sat silently. It can be seen from their behavior of looking towards the treatment room from time to time that they are as anxious as the young people.

William, please stop walking back and forth. It makes me dizzy. Can you please sit down honestly? said one of the middle-aged gentlemen.

Dad, Elena has been in there for so long, why isn't she healed yet?

She only went in for 10 minutes. When your mother gave birth to you, it took nearly 20 minutes. Why are you anxious?

William's father Aoun rolled his eyes, completely ignoring that he was even more anxious than William back then. He almost broke into the treatment room if someone hadn't stopped him.

William opened his mouth to say something when the door to the treatment room was suddenly opened violently.

Quick! Everyone is fine, please come and help, the baby's magic power is gone!

After being stunned for a moment, the three men immediately reacted, rushed into the treatment room, and stopped the four women from doing the same thing.

What's going on? How could the baby's magic power go berserk? I've never heard of anything like this!

Elena's mother, Clara, watched anxiously as the three people rushed into the treatment room. All the blood on their faces suddenly disappeared, and they could no longer stand still. The young lady on the side quickly supported her to prevent her from falling to the ground.

It will be okay, mom! Dad and brother-in-law will definitely handle it, and my sister and child will be fine.

Helena tried to comfort her mother, but her expression was really unconvincing.

The four of them stood outside the treatment room, listening to the noisy noises in the treatment room, feeling like their days were like years.

After what felt like an eternity, the three men finally emerged from the treatment room. Behind them, there was a hospital bed. A beautiful young lady was lying on it, and beside her, a newborn baby was sleeping.

How is Elena? Is the child okay?

Several people hurriedly walked over to check on the two people, one large and one small, on the hospital bed.

The question was answered by a therapist who followed shortly after walking out of the therapy room.

Both the adults and the children are safe, but they both fell asleep because of too much consumption. Now both mother and child need to rest, so please don't disturb them. Just leave one or two people to look after them.

Soon, a full two weeks had passed since the day the baby was born. Today, the Menethil family and the Jeslav family came to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies together again after a long absence. After knocking on the door, everyone opened the door of a ward.

In the ward, Elena was sitting on the bed, looking at the baby beside her, humming unknown music. However, it could be seen from her slightly frowning eyebrows that she was not in a great mood.

Dad, Mom, why are you here together today?

Elena turned her head and looked at the people entering the room strangely.

Normally, because the therapist does not recommend that too many people surround the baby, only 2 or 3 people come back to visit the mother and child every day. It was the first time since the day the child was born that everyone was present.

Bell hasn't woken up yet?

Elena's father, Durud, frowned and looked at the sleeping baby on the bed. Bel is the baby's name, full name Bel Menethil.

Yes, the therapist is not sure when Bell will wake up.

Elena sighed and shook her head.

They said that the magic power in Bell's body was too strong for the baby's fragile body to bear, so in order to protect himself from harm, his body instinctively fell into a deep sleep. However, while sleeping, the magic power in his body would automatically Strengthen his body so that it can withstand magic. This process is actually very good for him. However, the trouble is that after the body is strengthened by magic, it will produce more magic, making it more difficult for the magic in his body to control.

Then Bell will never wake up! Bell's sister-in-law Lina exclaimed.

The therapist said that Bell's body is strengthening faster than his magic power, so the situation is getting better. But as for when he will wake up, they have never seen a similar situation, so they can't be sure. Maybe It’s tomorrow, maybe a year or even years from now.”

Speaking of this, Elena's voice became a little choked. She couldn't imagine that her poor child had just been born and had to sleep for several years without even having a chance to see the world. That is really cruel!

After listening to Elena's explanation, everyone fell into silence. For a while, no one spoke in the ward.

By the way, why are you all here today?

Finally, Elena controlled her emotions and asked several people her original question.

We are here to say goodbye. After all, the family's property in the United States has just been purchased not long ago. Although we made arrangements when we came, we really did not expect it to be delayed for so long. There are already many problems accumulated, and we must return immediately. Go deal with it. So although it is regrettable, we cannot wait until Bell wakes up. When he wakes up, we must be notified as soon as possible, Aoun said.

That's it... there's nothing we can do about it. Don't worry, we will take good care of Bell. Elena said after being silent for a while.

She also has a certain understanding of the situation of the two families in the United States. Because they are outsiders, although the British are more popular in the United States, in the face of interests, brothers and sisters are still fighting against each other, so who cares which country you are from.

When Bell woke up again, a month had passed.

'who I am? where am I? What am I going to do? ’

He couldn't help asking three questions about life.

Ahem, okay, actually he just wanted to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere. After all, it was too unbelievable that he had traveled through time and became a baby or something.

Bell has a vague memory of the day he was born.

At first he felt that he was in a damp, warm, but cramped place. At first he felt comfortable, but gradually he felt a little out of breath. So he tried hard to get out of there and go to a wide place to get some air. He struggled to move his hands and feet, trying to find a position where he could get out, until he felt a push, so he followed the force and finally climbed out.

As soon as he tried hard to open his eyes to see where this place was, he felt a pain in his brain, and then lost consciousness again.

Bell looked at his little hands, then at his little feet, and let out a helpless sigh, and then the lightbulb on the roof exploded with a bang...


‘What, what’s going on? Terrorist attacks? ’

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