The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 590 What a night without opponents

Zhao Chuanxin was lying on a recliner, while Benjamin Goldberg, Zhao Yixian and Ganfan only had small bamboo stools, which looked not much bigger than a mazza.

A small square table was placed on the ground, with a clam cutting board that Zhao Chuanxin had soaked in sea water. Benjamin Goldberg was holding a kitchen knife and clumsily cutting beef on the left, while Zhao Yixian used another kitchen knife to cut it. vegetable.

The kettle on the charcoal stove was boiling, and Zhao Chuanxin took it out and made a pot of tea.

While cutting vegetables, Zhao Yixian said in plain language to Benjamin Goldberg: My little friend, even though I have wasted half my life in poverty, I have traveled to many places and seen a lot.

Speaking of this kitchen knife, it must belong to Cao Zhengxing.

People at that time said that Han Gao was full of gold, and it was easy to turn around when luck came. Salt beans, peanuts, wild ducks, half of the rich are poor.

In the last century, there was a man named Cao Yuehai in Caowan, Haojia Temple, Huangpi. When he was young, he went to Hankou to make a living. He saw that there were many blacksmiths here, and they could make a living by blacksmithing.

Then Cao Yuehai thought to himself that Mr. Cao had no skills, so why not make a living by doing so?

People in Hankou love delicious food, especially simmering soup, which is a must-have for cutting bones and meat.

This Cao Yuehai was a shrewd man, and he also made a living by doing business. Others only waited for customers to come to his door, but he sent the knife to the butcher's meat case.

Cao Yuehai has forged a lot of knives and has some experience with fire conditions. He actually forged a plate knife that is thin at the front and thick at the back, cutting at the front and cutting at the back. The marketing market was very popular for a while, and it developed in a few years... …”

Zhao Yixian was used to being suppressed by Zhao Chuanxin and usually kept silent. In fact, he is well-informed and eloquent.

Talking about the past and the present, and quoting from other sources, it also opened Zhao Chuanxin's horizons.

These things are usually not seen in newspapers. You have to go to the local area to experience life to know.

As he started talking, Zhao Yixian's dejected look disappeared and he continued: My friend, if you talk about Hankou, there are four must-sees that you must not miss - Su Hengtai Paper Umbrella, Wang Yuxia Pastry, Laojiu Like Comb Grate, and Cao Zhengxing’s kitchen knife. When we get to Hankou, I will buy them separately for you.

Benjamin Goldberg finally finished cutting the beef and started marinating it. He rolled his eyes when he heard this and said, Zhao Yixian, you are such a shameless beggar and you can't even spare ten bucks. How can you give me money? Shall I buy a gift?

Zhao Yixian quickly gathered the vegetables together with a kitchen knife and placed the grill pan on the charcoal stove.

He was thick-skinned, shook his head and said in a loud voice: Every time comes, heaven and earth work together, and heroes are not free to transport them. I just have bad luck, but when I learn the magic of immortality, just like Zhao Shenxian, won't the money be at your fingertips?

The ancient temple here was empty, and his voice carried far away and still had echoes.

Zhao Chuanxin cheerfully commented: If the person with the loudest voice becomes an immortal, there will be no ordinary donkeys in this world.

Zhao Yixian: ...

Damn, these masters and disciples are really nothing. They can curse people without using any curse words, and they can just as easily eat and drink water with them.

Benjamin Goldberg chuckled.

The corners of Qianfan's mouth curled up.

Zhao Yixian was a little creepy when he saw a dog laughing for the first time.

When the beef, potatoes and onions are put into the pot, they make a sizzling sound and the aroma suddenly fills the air.

Zhao Yixian mixed the sauce according to Zhao Chuanxin's recipe and divided it into three plates.

Zhao Chuanxin took out the sorghum wine, three wine cups and a bowl.

In the bowl is dandelion herbal tea, which is prepared for dry rice.

Zhao Chuanxin raised his glass and said, Come on, let's drink something to warm ourselves up first.

The three of them raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp, then finished the meal and licked the bowls.

One mouthful of it is like a thread of fire piercing your throat.

Zhao Chuanxin's face turned red.

Damn it, no matter how high your physical fitness is, your drinking capacity has only increased a little.

I grilled two or three Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs here, and the beef in the grill pan over there was also cooked.

Zhao Yixian ate with the master and apprentice, and already had some experience, so he wanted to grab it.

The three of them moved their chopsticks like flying, but Zhao Chuanxin was the better one.

Not only does he do it for himself, but he can also do it for others. He can do two jobs for one person and still not fall behind.

Taking another sip of wine, Zhao Yixian smacked the taste and said, As the saying goes, one person should not enter the temple, two people should not look into the well, and three people should not hug the tree. I don't know if there are bad guys and evil spirits in this ancient temple.

Zhao Chuanxin glanced at him, this bitch just wanted to stay in an inn in a roundabout way.

The two ghosts of Impermanence must bow their heads and die in vain. Who in the city is not afraid? What kind of evil people and evil ghosts have to retreat when they see Zhao.

Zhao Yixian sneered and continued eating meat.

Three people and one dog finished the four kilograms of beef first. Zhao Yixian didn't use his chopsticks much for the remaining potatoes and onions.

But Zhao Chuanxin and Benjamin Goldberg still had something to eat but continued to eat.

Zhao Chuanxin was not a good drinker, so he drank one cup, and Benjamin Goldberg, who was young, also drank one cup. Only Zhao Yixian drank a few more cups and couldn't help but blush.

After eating, Zhao Chuanxian asked them to wash the pots and dishes.

Seeing Benjamin Goldberg blowing air into his hands from the cold. After all, the weather at this time was much colder than in later generations. Zhao Chuanxin smiled, put away his things and said, Get in the car, let's go into the city.

Zhao Yixian was happy.

Zhao Chuanxin's main purpose of eating out was to train his apprentice's survival ability.

What he hates most is useless useless people.

It's not really to save money. He really doesn't need the money. Besides, he already has some plans to save money when he goes out this time.

The car entered the city and drove into Guanqian Street.

Although night has fallen, the lights in Suzhou city are still bright.

Outside the shops on the street are rows of telephone poles.

The streets are not spacious, and at this time, there are even rickshaws pulling people.

Zhao Chuanxin honked the horn hard, and passers-by looked at him angrily.

Zhao Chuanxin bared his teeth in amusement and opened the car window: You're blind, why don't you get out of the way quickly? Hey, who is that, get out of the way...

There was a flurry of excitement.

The streets are extremely bustling, not inferior to Shanghai. The lights are on in various shops, including Lao Changyi, Historical Collection of Fadui Jingzi, Jinlong Pharmacy, those selling silk, tea, and foreign goods...

Zhao Chuanxin drove and took the main road.

After a while, we arrived near the canal.

He found a place to park and the three of them got out.

Zhao Chuanxin said: Walking around, find an inn to stay.

Those inns are in small alleys and cannot be entered by car.

There are flower boats beside the canal, and there are many prostitutes in colorful clothes. They are not closed even in the cold weather, waving to the shore to attract customers.

Zhao Yixian had not slept last night, and had been drinking, so his eyes were drowsy, but here his eyes started to shine: Suzhou, the land of beauties. In the Tang Dynasty, there was Zhen Niang, in the Song Dynasty, there was Zhen Jinlian, in the Ming Dynasty, there was Xue Susu, and now there is Sai Jinhua, tsk tsk...

These are famous prostitutes in Suzhou from all eras. As for Sai Jinhua, she is no longer in Suzhou, but she was a household name in Suzhou back then.

As we got closer, the women on the flower boat waved their handkerchiefs. They were the most sensitive. When they saw Zhao Yixian's squinting look, they immediately began to solicit customers.

But when he saw Zhao Chuanxin again, he was tall and handsome, and he immediately changed his target.

A woman put on a feigned flattery and waved to Zhao Chuanxin: What a handsome man, why don't you come in for a drink?

Zhao Chuanxin was not doing much. Zhao Yixian was so excited that he almost jumped up. He was waiting for this woman to successfully attract Zhao Chuanxin. Then Zhao Shenxian could eat meat and he could drink soup as well.

Zhao Chuanxin saw the prostitute's big forehead exposed after shaving her forehead, and asked with a serious face: How much alcohol do you have?

The woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly: I didn't measure it. If I drink half a cup, I'm sure I'll fall drunk in your arms.

Zhao Chuanxin's eyes widened: You don't measure it? You don't measure what the hell you and I are drinking?

The woman was confused: ...

Zhao Yixian: ...

Zhao Chuanxin put his hands on his hands: Huh, what a night without an opponent!

The woman spat, with a disappointed look on her face: What a shame!

Zhao Yixian's spirit immediately dropped, and he followed Zhao Chuanxin in dismay.

Benjamin Goldberg whispered to him: My master's woman is very beautiful, but he can't stand the vulgarity.

Hey, not everyone is a god.

Seeing his stubbornness, Benjamin Goldberg said bluntly: You still want to go whore if you don't have money?

Zhao Yixian got a little drunk after drinking some wine: You, you are such a sharp-tongued foreign brat!

Benjamin Goldberg was not to be outdone: You are such a bad old man who is drunk, lustful and trying to become a god!

While the two were bickering, they arrived at an inn called Mingyuan.

The innkeeper, wearing reading glasses, was doing his abacus behind the counter. When he saw three people and a dog coming in, he put down his reading glasses and said, How many of you want to stay in the hotel?

Two upper rooms, one with a suite, preferably two rooms inside. Zhao Chuanxin paid.

Inside the inn is a three-entry courtyard, estimated to be seven or eight hundred square meters, with small bridges and flowing water, which is quite elegant.

The shopkeeper nodded, this was not a problem for him, he collected the money and led the way.

When he arrived at the room, Zhao Chuanxin stretched out and said, Benjamin, you and Ganfan will stay in the suite with me tonight.

Back in the room, Zhao Chuanxin quickly washed up, moved boxes and cabinets, blocked the door, and then told Benjamin Goldberg: Something may happen as a teacher at night, maybe it's okay.

If something happens, don’t panic, just check my master’s breathing first…”

Benjamin Goldberg's eyes widened: Master, are you afraid that you will become an immortal in advance? You still have so many magical weapons and spells that you have not taught me...

Hot! Zhao Chuanxin slapped him on the back of the head: You can't fucking hope for the good of your teacher, right? If something goes wrong, you should find a way to save your teacher.

Oh. Benjamin Goldberg nodded: That's actually what I mean.

Zhao Chuanxin said: You and I will sleep together when you are done.

Ganfan: Woof woof woof...

Zhao Chuanxin prepared a quilt for Qianfan, and after he got in, he got on the bed, took off his clothes, and took out the Code of the Old Gods.

Ganfan: Woof woof woof...

Zhao Chuanxin glanced at it: I only sleep on the same bed with women, and it's not easy for anyone else.

It seems that Benjamin Goldberg puts it to bed every day.

Open the Codex of the Old Gods.

I took over the mission before and went to the Shadow Forest to prevent the war between the nine tribes.

In fact, I arrived at the Shadow Forest while on the boat.

But Zhao Chuanxin discovered that the Old God Altar had some unexplainable connection with the Old God Code. When he opened the Old God Code and opened the Holy Light Channel, it seemed that his body and mind were being sucked into the Old God Code. The same as in the Code.

The past few days have been uneventful, and I haven't dared to experiment. Before I was about to arrive at the forest elf territory, Zhao Chuanxin suppressed the progress.

[I took my brother and sister to the territory of the forest elves. 】

[It is still colorful here, and the large lanterns and flowers shine like stars. 】

At this moment, Zhao Chuanxin opened the Holy Light Channel.

Suddenly, the suction force appeared again.

Zhao Chuanxin felt that his vision began to deform, and the Old God Code in front of him was distorted, and his soul seemed to be absorbed into it.

This feeling does not make him feel painful.

If I had to say what it felt like, it would be like going bungee jumping. It is similar to falling from a high altitude. The difference is that bungee jumping is a physical fall, but this time it is a soul fall.

In fact, this process is very fast.

Zhao Chuanxin felt his soul tremble, and then a new vision appeared in front of his eyes.

A large area of ​​moss and twisted vines appeared before my eyes. It seems that they should be in darkness, because the canopy of trees above them blocks the sky and the sun cannot penetrate at all.

But on the ground in front are countless glowing lantern flowers, and countless huge bugs and moths are attracted, like candle dragons, flies and fireflies surrounding them.

At this time, in front of Zhao Chuanxin, or in front of his eyes, stood a group of dwarfs less than knee-high, with strange faces but strong bodies.

Zhao Chuanxin can be sure that he is not here, he is more like a ray of consciousness placed on me.

Nor can he control my body.

At this time, it was more like the anchor point was triggered, and consciousness made a special appearance.

The leading dwarf said: Fearless Pioneer, welcome to the territory of the forest elves again.

This is like saying it directly to Zhao Chuanxin, but in fact it is said to me. The leader of the forest elves can't see Zhao Chuanxin at all.

At this point, Zhao Chuanxin's vision began to distort.


Zhao Chuanxin looked at the Old God Codex in his hand and was stunned.

His consciousness returned to the inn.

Ganfan whispered: Woof woof woof...

Haha, I'm not dead yet. Zhao Chuanxin said, It's okay, you can go to sleep.

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