The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 390: Roubaozi beats the dog and never comes back

It can't be said that the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, but at least Zhao Chuanxin was full.

After the meal, he stood up and said goodbye: Arthur, don't forget to help me find Charles Baker!

Arthur Gompers hesitated: You won't get me into trouble, will you?

Believe me, my friendship is worth more than your troubles.

Margaret Gompers leaned at the door of her house and waved to Zhao Chuanxin: Goodbye, sir, remember to come see me.

Left the house of Arthur Gompers.

On the way, Zhao Chuanxin said to Abraham Cohen: Tomorrow, take your people to the Cotton Nightclub in Harlem, and we will meet there. Don't be clever, or your cousin in Sing Sing Prison will not be able to save you.

Abraham Cohen grimaced: But, Mr. Chen, it's easy to ask them to come, but it's difficult to ask them to do their best.

Don't worry, I already have some ideas that will solve their employment problem.

Abraham Cohen did not look happy.

These days, even Arthur Gompers, the prince of the Federation of Labor, can't do anything. What can Zhao Chuanxin do?

Edith Roosevelt was restless.

When she and Zhao Chuanxin reached an agreement to join forces, they did so without telling Da Luo.

Zhao Chuanxin's subsequent performance made her feel that she was trapped in a quagmire, and her ties to Zhao Chuanxin were getting tighter and tighter.

She asked the chief Secret Service agent, Did you find him?

The chief secret service agent shook his head: Ma'am, we went to Ethan Manor and were told that he went back and left again.

Where's Charles Baker? Any news about him?

No, madam, New York City is too big. Finding a hider is like finding a needle in a haystack. And we can't investigate blatantly.

Hey, I hope there won't be a big mess!

The chief secret service agent hesitated: Ma'am, I found out something else.

Edith Roosevelt was stunned: What's the matter?

A man named Jesse Livermore and a man named Thomas W. Lawson on Wall Street seem to be working for Zhao Chuanxin. They are manipulating the stock market and promoting the market...

Edith Roosevelt suddenly felt betrayed and angry.

Zhao Chuanxin kept saying Edie Edie and being affectionate, so how could he do something to deceive her?

Didn't we agree to form an alliance?

She took a deep breath and said, I want you to keep this matter secret from everyone, including my husband. Can you do this? You have to know that I will never forget friendship.

Secret service agents, whose clients include big bosses and their families.

But in general, it is to serve the big boss.

The Chief Secret Service agent struggled internally. He had heard about Edith Roosevelt's influence on Ronaldo.

Then this commitment will be more weighty.

He gritted his teeth and said: Madam, I promise you...

Zhao Chuanxin took Marcus Nkrumah to stay one night in a hotel in Brooks.

The next day, he came to Cotton Nightclub.

Isaiah waited a long time.

Zhao Chuanxin paid for it and asked him to buy lunch for forty people.

There were more and more people in the private room. Abraham Cohen's Jewish gang and the Smith brothers' helpers gathered here.

A group of big-bodied men puffed away after a hearty meal, and the private room seemed like a fairyland.

There will inevitably be friction among people of all races.

Not long after, a Jew and a black man had a quarrel and became tense.

Fake, you have to apologize to me!

Nigger, why should I apologize to you?

I am going to kill you……

The quarrel caused by the two people then involved two groups with a clear distinction between black and white, and a melee was about to break out.

At this moment.

There was a regular click and click sound in the room.

Everyone was attracted by the sound and turned their heads.

Zhao Chuanxin was sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a three-piece gray herringbone dark pattern tweed suit. His hair was combed back, revealing his neat forehead and hairline.

He leaned forward, his eyes flickering in the smoke.

He rested his chin with his left hand, and held a horse brand in his right hand. He pulled the barrel of the gun with one hand, making a click, click, click sound.

Seeing him take out a gun, everyone's voices were suppressed unconsciously.

When Zhao Chuanxin caught their attention, he sat up straight and pressed a row of bullets on the table into the magazine.

He pushed the magazine in smoothly, pulled the gun again, and pulled the trigger toward the ceiling.




Three shots in a row!

Everyone was startled, and the room became audible.

Zhao Chuanxin walked around coldly for a week, then took out a cigar and held it in his mouth.

Isaiah lit him with a match as diligently as a dog.

Zhao Chuanxin held his cigar between his arms, leaned back and crossed his legs.

He spoke slowly and in a non-arrogant tone: I'm telling you this, the more people who don't have enough to eat, the more they like to make blind noises.

A tall, thin Jew wearing a newsboy cap was unconvinced and said to Abraham Cohen: Who is he? Who is he to tell me this?

The Smith brothers and Isaiah both looked at Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin is good at magic!

Abraham Cohen hurriedly said: This is Mr. Chen Yigeng!

Newsboy Cap's expression changed, but he still frowned.

Zhao Chuanxin stood up, fastened the buttons on his chest, and came to the newsboy hat.

With a height of about 1.78 meters in a newsboy hat, he was considered tall at this time, but he still had to raise his head to be at eye level with Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin held the redemption scepter and put it against the chin of the newsboy hat: I can see that you have a bad temper, but who can compare with that score. Even Abraham's cousin dare not talk to me like you.

Newsboy Cap swallowed his saliva and said dryly: With all due respect, Cousin Abraham can make us eat well, but why should we listen to you?

You don't call it a full meal, that's called a hungry meal. Zhao Chuanxin took back the redemption scepter. “Teaching people how to fish is worse than teaching them how to fish, but I can make your livelihood worry-free in the future!”

A group of Jews looked at each other.

Someone said: Sir, our casinos and women have been divided up by the Eastman Gang and the Purple Gang, what else can we do?

The two gangs he mentioned are also Jewish groups.

After cousin Abraham Cohen was imprisoned in Sing Sing Prison, his territory was divided up.

Zhao Chuanxin smiled: Food car!

Abraham Cohen’s head was full of questions: “What food truck?”

In the coming economic crisis, a large number of workers will be laid off, a large number of factories will close down, and some middle-class people will have their wallets depleted, and even live on the streets penniless.

At this time, what industries can survive or even make money?

In terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, only food is the most important.

Zhao Chuanxin thought about it for half a night last night before he came up with an idea.

He said: I will invest in a company that focuses on affordable food. It will appear in the form of a mobile food truck, so there is no decoration, no investment in plates, tables and chairs, etc., and no store rental costs, so the price is low, and it is dedicated to supplying workers and workers. tribe, and the poor.”

Just like in the subsequent economic crisis, other books could not be sold, but cheap and portable pocket books became popular and made huge profits.

Special times call for special actions.

Abraham Cohen's mind was flexible, and his eyes lit up: Sir, I roughly understand what a food truck is. It's just like the food truck prepared by the large farmer Charles Goodnight when he migrated from Texas to New Mexico in the last century. That kind of kitchen on a carriage, right? This idea is so genius...

In the earliest days of dining trucks, most of them were supplied to the army.

For example, in 1853, Canter Lambford of Bavaria, Germany put boilers and other equipment on a four-wheeled carriage. From then on, the military equipment included cooking carts. This is the ancestor of the modern cooking cart.

During the Russo-Japanese War, Zhao Chuanxin also saw Maozi using a single-axle cart as a cooking cart. It was small and flexible, and could be regarded as the first generation of field kitchen in the world.

Last year, the Prussian army switched to single-axle trailer-type field kitchens. The advantages of trailer-type kitchens were obviously spread rapidly, and this matter was even published in the newspapers.

Now it's just that Zhao Chuanxian wants to put the mobile kitchen into commercial operation and insert it into the big city.

It is not groundbreaking, but the thinking is ahead of its time.

Through Abraham Cohen's explanation, everyone also understood, and the look they looked at Zhao Chuanxin had something else.

Interest is always the most direct means to bind people's hearts.

Big Smith has some business acumen. He asked: But will this cost a lot of money?

I will take care of the money matter. Zhao Chuanxin sat back on the sofa: Now, let me ask you, do you want to earn this respectable, reasonable and legal money?

Some people were put off because it was out of their previous livelihood.

But more people are eager to give it a try.

Living on the streets, except for those at the top, others are just making ends meet.

Just like Isaiah, as long as he takes care of the food, he is willing to work for Zhao Chuanxin.

Isaiah beat his chest and shouted, I do!

Abraham Cohen also jumped out: You don't have to be looked down upon, and you don't have to worry about the police coming to arrest you at any time. What else is there not to like?

The key is that Zhao Chuanxin promised to invest, which borne the financial risk and burden for them.

There were some who were hesitant, but when they saw that most people were in favor, they unconsciously chose to take sides.

Zhao Chuanxin flicked the cigarette ashes: Now, I ask you to go to the streets and use your best method to find me Charles Baker, the New York police detective!

After a combination of kindness and power, no one had any objections.

The blacks were led by the Smith brothers, and the whites were led by Abraham Cohen.

Before leaving, Abraham Cohen called the loser Isaiah aside and whispered: You should pay more attention to see if Mr. Chen can really get money, it is related to our jobs, brother, don't be a villain in vain!

He was reminding Isaiah not to snitch.

Isaiah gave him a reassuring look.

In the blink of an eye, the private room was empty.

Only Zhao Chuanxin, Isaiah, and Marcus Nkrumah were left.

Zhao Chuanxin said: Isaiah, take me to send a telegram.

Zhao Chuanxin sent a telegram to Dahu.

When he was at Tianjin Wei, the future big boss of the United States, Hu (Hoover, I can't write his full name, you all know), still owed him five thousand dollars.

Da Hu was in San Francisco at this time, where he established his own engineering company, helping to mine underground resources and engage in mining consulting around the world.

This guy is unique in mining, has superb professional skills, and is even known as the good doctor for sick mines.

Last time, he was severely ripped off by Zhao Chuanxin, but he soon made a comeback.

After he received the telegram from Zhao Chuanxin, he was shocked.

His wife Lou Henry saw his face pale and cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, and asked in surprise: Dear, what happened?

Da Hu took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat: It's a telegram from Zhao Chuanxin!

At this time, Henry Lu’s face also turned pale.

What happened at Tianjin Weili Shunde Hotel was like a nightmare to them.

This couple personally experienced the cruelty of the Butcher of the Far East!

Lou Henry stammered and asked, What is he going to do?

Da Hu smiled bitterly: He is here to collect debts. He wants me to pay him back five thousand yuan and borrow another five thousand yuan...

It seemed that his arm, which had been broken, was aching again.

The way Zhao Chuanxin killed people in the Lishunde Hotel without batting an eyelid was a nightmare that would linger in their lives.

When Lou Henry heard the amount, he felt as painful as a piece of flesh being cut out of his heart.

She hesitated: If we don't give it, is it okay?

You want money rather than life, right? Da Hu didn't want to provoke Zhao Chuanxin again: Don't think that we are safe in the United States.

Lu Henry remembered that Zhao Chuanxin once fought from west to east in the United States, and shuddered, and said in frustration: Then give it to him, we are still young, and we can still make money if the money is gone! But, if we borrow five thousand US dollars, he will Return it?

I think the meat bun should be beating the dog, and there will be no return!

While Zhao Chuanxin was collecting debts and borrowing money, Abraham Cohen ran into trouble...

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