The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 353 The first person to dance on the battlefield

The wolf cave was very hidden. Zhao Chuanxin got out of the leaves at the entrance of the cave, and the two mercenaries outside did not notice him.

In order not to alert the enemy, he did not use a gun, but raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning came along.

Hit one person and chain to the second person.

The modified Thor's Hammer is so easy to use. The power of this arrow-shaped lightning is only half of the original, but at close range, it is easy to chain two people.

They fell silently, their clothes scorched, and the air was mixed with the smell of moss and burning wood after the rain.

Zhao Chuanxin walked over to check it out, and took away their weapons and ammunition, as well as a little money.

When she returned to the wolf den, Wilhelmina was so frightened that she shivered.

They left?

Yes, they left. They were very peaceful and quite mature. Zhao Chuanxin said cheerfully: Get dressed, we are going back.

When she heard that she was leaving, Wilhelmina paused.

The shabby and simple wolf den holds too many happy memories.

Here, it should still be dangerous outside.

Zhao Chuanxin pretended not to understand: Yes, if they have a sixth sense, they should feel that the crisis is coming.


Wilhelmina gritted her teeth and slapped his chest: You did it on purpose, right?

Haha... Zhao Chuanxin said with a playful smile: Damn it, if Lu Bu doesn't do it, no one will dare to be the best in the world. It's time to show off his real skills.

After Wilhelmina had no choice but to put on her clothes, Zhao Chuanxin took her hand and walked out of the wolf den.

When Wilhelmina saw the two charred corpses on the ground, she understood what Zhao Chuanxin's medium rare meant.

She walked around fearfully.

Louis Verweide exhausted all his patience in the endless search on rainy days.

He held the gun, chewed tobacco leaves, and spat a mouthful of dark yellow liquid on the ground, which looked disgusting.

Others ducked for fear of being out of reach.

Damn, this cowboy is as timid as a mouse and doesn't know which hole he's hiding in.

Colonel Wellweed, I think he must have fled north, maybe to Canada.

Fart! I was shot twice, how can I not know? Even if he is not dead, he will shed his skin at this time, let alone travel a long distance. They are all trash. There are more than 40 people, but they can't catch a single person. .”

The man didn't dare to reply.

But when he turned his head, he curled his lips, obviously disapproving of his mysterious confidence.

Walking in the forest after the rain is very painful. There is a lot of dew. If you are not careful, you will touch the trunk of a tree, and there will be a crash, and dense water drops will fall down and pour all over you.

Suddenly, a man ran back: Colonel, two of our people died. Their bodies were charred and they were injured by unknown weapons.

Louis Welweide immediately thought of the scene when he was repeatedly bombarded by Zhao Chuanxin's lightning that day.

He cheered up: It's a very powerful weapon that can discharge electricity. It must be him. He's nearby. Let's chase him.

Zhao Chuanxin took Wilhelmina out of the forest and came to the pasture.

He said: The enemy is most likely to appear behind you, so you walk in front.

Wilhelmina ran ahead obediently.

The direction Zhao Chuanxin headed was Old Wesley's dilapidated house.

He said he wanted his apprentice to live or die, but in fact he was very concerned about it.

Wilhelmina also roughly understood what he was thinking, and persuaded: We should go to the town. I haven't told you yet, but I came with Mrs. Edith Roosevelt.

Who? Zhao Chuanxin didn't recognize him. Your bestie?

What best friend? You don't know the first lady?

Zhao Chuanxin was stunned.

Da Luo's wife?

Haha, last time I wished her husband a Merry Christmas in advance, but I don't know if I received it.

This is an enemy.

I think it will be safer if we go to the town. I will find a way to send people to find your apprentice.

You idiot, why don't you understand? If you were the real queen, things would have escalated by now. But you can't even see a ghost here, why can't you figure it out?

Wilhelmina was stunned: You mean? These people are so brave that they killed Edith Roosevelt? This is too terrible!

Zhao Chuanxin doesn't care about her life or death.

He shrugged: Maybe, but I guess these fanatics have at least sealed off the surrounding area so that the news cannot get out and cannot get in.

Wilhelmina was horrified.

She couldn't understand how Americans could be so bold.

No matter what hatred he had towards Zhao Chuanxin, sealing off a town was too exaggerated.

She obviously doesn't know how cold-blooded the capitalists are.

Let alone blockading a town, for the sake of wealth, they would not hesitate to start a war, causing rivers of blood to flow.

at this time,


Zhao Chuanxin was shocked.

Get down quickly.

Without his reminding, Wilhelmina lay down skillfully.

Over there, Luis Verve pulled the bolt and loaded the gun again.

He smiled ferociously and said: Look, I just said I can catch up with him. Let him bleed some more.

However, everyone looked around and found that Zhao Chuanxin, who was standing in the grass, had not fallen down.

Instead, he turned around and started dancing a dance they had never seen before.

There are many war dances in the world.

The Viking war dance, the Brazilian war dance, the Maori haka dance, the Kanaka hula war dance, the Bayu dance in ancient China...but this is obviously not any of them.

What is he doing?

Louis Welweide even forgot to chew tobacco leaves and his eyes widened: Others call me crazy. I think this cowboy is crazier than me. I have never seen anyone dancing on the battlefield.

He didn't believe in evil, so he raised his gun and took aim.


This shot, he was sure to hit the target, but he didn't even interrupt the opponent's dance.


Keep dancing.


Finally stopped jumping.

This was beyond Louis Verweide's common sense.

He said in disbelief: This is impossible, he should be dead.

Others were also shocked: Oh my God, what on earth is he doing? Is he immortal?

Everyone saw that the man suddenly had a gun in his hand.

For a moment, Louis Wellweide felt that the hair on his hair stood on end, which was a sign of danger.

He immediately lowered his head and hid behind the cover.


A mercenary nearby was shot in the head and his skull was overturned.

Louis Verweide's pupils contracted sharply.

Only then did he realize that the person he ambushed, suppressed and beat was actually a sharpshooter!

The rest of the people acted like cowards.

There was a person who did not believe in evil and wanted to take a quick look up.

The head just emerged from the cover.


Fall down.

Louis Verweide gasped.

This kind of shooting is more powerful than him!

He also took out a small mirror, wrapped it around a branch, and slowly raised it to look at it.

He saw the man running towards where they were.

Crazy, this person is an out-and-out lunatic!

Louis Verweide shouted: Get up and shoot him together!

With that said, he stood up first and fired a shot.

Seeing that he was fine, others stood up and fired.

For a time, there was a loud sound of gunfire and a dense concentration of projectiles.

But that man was as arrogant, heroic and fearless as a heavily armored rhinoceros on the grassland, and most importantly, he couldn't be killed.

Wilhelmina was also watching secretly.

At first, when I saw Zhao Chuanxin dancing a war dance at this time, I couldn't laugh or cry, and I was very worried.

She was dumbfounded when she saw that Zhao Chuanxin was rushing towards the enemy instead.

Charged in the hail of bullets, but still stood firm.

While running, Zhao Chuanxin was unable to shoot. He raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning instantly sparked.


The four mercenaries were connected in series by chain lightning and were instantly scorched by electricity.

The others were shocked and backed away.

He can do magic, he can do magic...

Luis Verweide is a perfect example of a bad guy who sticks his nose in the wall.

He hid behind a big tree and shouted: Think about your commission. If anyone can kill him, the reward will be doubled!

Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

One of the mercenaries returned to the bunker and continued shooting.

Zhao Chuanxin raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning came in an instant, and the heroic mercenary was burned out on the spot.

Finally, Zhao Chuanxin was tired from running and his pace slowed down.

He took out the Maxim heavy machine gun, set it up in the grass, adjusted the elevation, and pulled the trigger.

Tata Tata...

The mercenary side was once again overwhelmed with people.

The tree trunk was hit by the 7.92*57 heavy machine gun bullet, and the bark splashed out, hitting Louis Verweide's cheek, and immediately opened a gash.

He swallowed the pain and spit out the tobacco leaves in his mouth, full of doubts: Damn, how can he have a heavy machine gun?

This makes absolutely no sense.

When he ran just now, he didn't even have the rifle in his hand, and he thought he had thrown it away.

Now, let alone fight back, these people don't even dare to show their heads.

Zhao Chuanxin was in a state of excitement.

The dance just now was not random, he was prepared.

Because the wound has not healed yet, the section of the balancing technique just now stimulates blood energy and can temporarily resist the pain.

The bullet supply plate was quickly finished, Zhao Chuanxin put away Maxim and continued to charge.

This group of mercenaries has completely lost their will to fight.

When the enemy cannot be defeated, retreat or surrender is the only way out.

Even though the metal frenzy of heavy machine guns had stopped, they were still frightened, but they did not dare to escape immediately.

But someone looked up at Louis Wellweide and found that the old boy was gone.

Farke, Wellweed has escaped.

Everyone took a look, and it turned out to be true.

At this time, everyone could no longer hide and got up and fled the scene.

When Zhao Chuanxin saw them showing up and running away, he took out his rifle and started shooting at the moving target.





Missless shots.

A mercenary was so frightened that he peed when he saw his companions falling down one after another.

His knees weakened and he knelt down directly.

When Zhao Chuanxin ran over panting, he saw people kneeling on the ground and corpses on the ground.

He held his knees and said, Mugwort, I'm really exhausted.

Maybe it was because he played too hard in the past two days, and some of the vitality he had just replenished with the balancing technique was consumed on another battlefield.

A bit weak.

A little dizzy.

He raised his leg and kicked a mercenary on the head: You idiot, why didn't you run away?

I surrender, I surrender...

Vote, vote? Get up and fight again!

What a surrender!

Get the fuck up, you have become my prisoners.

Zhao Chuanxin was worried about his apprentice's life, and the current situation was so treacherous that he wanted to understand the situation first.

As long as I don't kill, anything will do.

Zhao Chuanxin took a deep breath and grabbed someone's collar: Whose people are you? Who wants to deal with me? How many others are there?

I wish everyone a happy May Day, don’t be internally consumed and have fun.

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