The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 345 Chief Security Officer

This prayer was taught to him by Zhao Chuanxin.

Benjamin Goldberg's family, like Wilhelmina, are Christians.

But Zhao Chuanxin is not.

Zhao Chuanxin told Benjamin Goldberg that their sect had its own lineage, called the Chamber Pot Cult.

Wilhelmina opened her mouth, just about to speak.

Zhao Chuanxin, however, had already let go of her hand: Okay, stop talking nonsense and eat quickly.

As he said that, he started to move his chopsticks.

Wilhelmina could only pray again quietly in her heart.

and confessed her sins to her Lord.

Zhao Chuanxin respected their Western meal-sharing system and distributed the various dishes on the plate evenly to everyone's plates.

Marcus Nkrumah said in a loud voice: Master, I don't have enough to eat.

If you don't eat enough, just bear with it and lose weight.


The food cooked in a big pot was not delicious, so Zhao Chuanxin deliberately controlled the quantity.

There are many people in the manor, but there are also many cooks. Under the command of Miao Cuihua, two people fry a certain dish at the same time.

Of course, Marcus Nkrumah was a servant and did not sit with his master. But since Zhao Chuanxin came, he told him to eat freely.

This guy's appetite and size are growing day by day.

Wilhelmina took a bite. The spices were too strong, but the taste was quite unique.

It is said that Westerners like the original taste of ingredients, but in fact that is not the case.

The more she ate, the brighter her eyes became.

Except for her who chewed her food carefully and was very polite, the rest of the people at this table were all gluttons and gulped down their food.

Even Benjamin Goldberg has been developed into this habit by Zhao Chuanxin.

Zhao Chuanxin quickly ended the fight and threw the dinner plate with a clang: Ignore the ones who finish eating first, and wash the dishes after finishing the meal.

Benjamin Goldberg heard this and hurriedly swallowed the last piece of beef.

He has been washing dishes for two days.

Wilhelmina was tasting the food. When she looked up, the three of them were looking at her.


Ah what? Zhao Chuanxin pointed at her: You eat the slowest, you wash the dishes.

Benjamin Goldberg made a victory sign: Yes, I finally don't have to do the dishes.

Wilhelmina wanted to say that she had never washed the dishes.

But after looking around, it seemed like no one was pampering her here.

People are bound to be strong, so just be obedient and do as you are told.

At this time, it started to rain heavily outside.

Lightning flashed and thundered, and the light flashed across the sky, making the room brighter.

Zhao Chuanxin stood up: Don't forget to wash the dishes and make them clean. I'm going out for a while. If you guys are sleepy, go to bed.

With that said, he pushed open the door and walked out.

Wilhelmina still ate very slowly, grinding the food carefully between her lips and teeth, but she raised her head from time to time and looked out through the window, trying to spy on what the evil man was doing.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck.

The lightning fell from the sky to the ground, and the thunder was concentrated at one point.

Faintly in the lightning, she saw a tall figure.

The knife and fork dropped to the table in surprise.

Your master...

What happened to my master?

No, it's nothing...

Wilhelmina thought that it would be better to be struck to death by lightning, and she received her retribution.


As soon as he thought this, Zhao Chuanxin came back cursing.

Damn, it's raining so hard.

He raised his wrist and looked at it, and found that Thor's hammer was fully charged.

Take out a towel and wipe your wet hair.

Wilhelmina pointed at him, her eyes widened and said, You, weren't you struck to death by lightning?

Zhao Chuanxin said with a smile: I just had a thunder sauna, don't make a fuss. Okay, my beloved, it's time for you to wash the dishes. After you've finished, come over and go to bed.

Originally, Benjamin Goldberg and Marcus Nkrumah thought Wilhelmina was a female ghost. Now, Wilhelmina thinks Zhao Chuanxin is the ghost.

If it wasn't a ghost, how could it have survived being struck by lightning unscathed?

Wilhelmina had clearly never washed the dishes before, but she still pretended to be good at it. She folded the plates and tried to carry them into the kitchen.

She felt that she could not let these people look down upon her.

But because there were too many plates, it was wobbly and unstable.

She quickly put the tableware against her stomach.

In this way, it is inevitable that oil stains will be stained on the clothes.

She secretly blamed herself, why are she so stupid?

Even Benjamin Goldberg shook his head.

In the small town of Kurdex, even if there is wind and rain, there is lightning and thunder.

However, a group of people braved the rain and came to the mayor's office.

The leader was broad and fat, with a sinewy face. He wore a suit and leather shoes, a top hat, and held a civilized staff.

He got off the carriage, and his men held an umbrella for him diligently.

He held a cigar in his mouth and squinted his triangular eyes to look at his surroundings before strolling to the mayor's office.

When the mayor saw this uninvited guest, he couldn't help but get up: Frank Hogani, what are you doing here?

Frank Hojani, Standard Oil's chief security officer, was a retired New York Police Department detective.

This man was ruthless, dropped bombs, set fires, killed people, and helped Standard Oil do many evil things.

It is said that the accumulation of capital is full of blood, and Frank Horgani is the blood of Standard Oil.

The mayor knew this very well and was inevitably a little uneasy.

Frank Hogani licked his lips, clicked his lips, and took another puff of his cigar: Mayor, I heard from my men that you are not willing to sell Putnam Lake and the pasture to us?

Facing this person, the mayor felt quite pressured: It's not that I don't want to sell it to you, it's that I've already sold it to someone else.

Frank Hojani grinned, his face trembling, and it looked like he was smiling but not smiling at all.

His subordinates pulled a chair for him, he unbuttoned his suit, sat down leisurely and carelessly, and crossed his legs: Sir, can you tell me who sold that land to?

The mayor's expression changed, and you could almost guess with your toes what this man's intentions were.

He just kept silent.

Frank Hojani shook his head: Sir, you have to understand that Standard Oil is bound to get that land.

Damn it! The mayor felt aggrieved: You will turn Kurdex into a barren land.

Then I can't control it. I'm just a security officer. I don't seek political advice if I'm not in my position. Frank Hogani held his civilized staff, lowered his legs, leaned forward, and stared at the mayor: I just want to know, Who did you sell that piece of land to?

The mayor felt like he was being stared at by the most dangerous beast and would fall into its bloody maw in the next second.

He backed away in shock and was blocked by the desk.

He said angrily: I advise you to give up. Putnam Lake, the pasture, including the house of poor old Wesley's family, have been sold to a group of brave people. They are powerful, but it is not like People who will be threatened by you!

Old Wesley was the family that was killed by wolves.

Frank Hogani stood up, refastened the buttons of his unbuttoned suit, wiped the rain off his shoulders, pointed at the mayor and smiled and said: Sir, you should have heard of one of my employees, his name is Louis. Wellweed. He has a bad temper, you must know that.

The mayor gasped.

If Frank Horgani was Standard Oil's chief dog, Louis Verweide was the lunatic of Standard Oil's security department.

This man was a colonel in the U.S. Army. After retiring, he went a little crazy. If Frank Hogani's bad record was due to attacking his opponents, then Louis Verweide's murder may just be because of a whim.

Moreover, the most important thing is that his marksmanship is like a god, and it is said that his bullets are perfect.

There are too many dead souls under the gun.

The mayor said in horror: Don't mess around.

Frank Hogany sneered and said: Mayor, if anything bad happens, you should be responsible and guilty.

With that said, he turned and left.

When he arrived at the door, he turned around and added: Tomorrow, no later than tomorrow, if these people can still breathe, they will come to you and cry to terminate the contract. By then, it will be the best time for us to cooperate. .”

The mayor was in a state of confusion. When they disappeared under the rain, he came to the door in despair.

Hey, damn capitalists, God bless those cowboys.

Wilhelmina was sweating from washing the dishes.

Washing the dishes is an easy task, but it takes a lot of energy and energy to take care of whether the clothes are stained, be careful not to splash water on the body, and hesitate when the hands are stained with oil.

It was hard to finish brushing.

She wiped off the obvious oil stains on her body and carefully cleaned the greasy layer on her hands before returning to the restaurant.

However, the place was deserted.

She looked struggling and looked at the dining table which was still not clean. It was uninhabitable.

She came to the door of the master bedroom, which was ajar.

She pushed the door open tentatively and went in to see that Zhao Chuanxin was already lying on the bed. There was also a new set of quilts on the bed, which isolated the dusty bed.

The horse lamp is on the bedside table, emitting a soft light, dim but warm, in sharp contrast with the heavy rain outside.

She continued to look around and found that there was no longer any place to rest in the bedroom.

Zhao Chuanxin, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, said, Come and sleep quickly. It's been a tiring day. Oops, I feel better than lying down. It's so comfortable.

The bed was just an ordinary wooden bed, crude, rough, and squeaky.

But Zhao Chuanxin's bed was so thick that his body sank into it, and he seemed really comfortable.

Wilhelmina felt even more exhausted after riding a horse for a day.

Can you come down and sleep on the floor?


Because I want to go to bed.


Zhao Chuanxin could not even open his eyes, let alone go to the ground.

Seeing this, Wilhelmina was silent for a moment and then asked: Then give me some bedding, and I will sleep on the floor.

No distinction.


Fake, come up quickly. Do you want to grind your teeth with me until dawn?

Wilhelmina clasped her hands together, twisted, and spun in circles. She just stood stupidly at the door.

She had a tired look on her face, but she was unwilling to bow her head.

He actually stood like this for about ten minutes.

Zhao Chuanxin opened his eyes and saw that the fool was still standing there. He immediately said angrily: Are you short-sighted?

With that said, he jumped out of bed, and there were slippers next to the bed.

He pulled on his slippers and came to Wilhelmina's side in three and two steps.

Wilhelmina felt an irresistible force and picked her up, seemingly roughly but actually very gently throwing her on the bed.

Before she could scream, she heard the evil man say: She is no longer a young girl, she is so confused.

After that, he also returned to bed.

Take off your clothes, you are too dirty.

Wilhelmina nibbled her teeth: I haven't taken a shower yet.

Don't pay attention to those details. A moment of spring is worth a thousand pieces of gold. Hurry up.


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