Liu Yuanshan is a very special Sichuan girl.

When she learned about Zhao Chuanxin's identity for the first time, she called him Mr.

Later, she realized that Zhao Chuanxin was very interesting, so she called her Brother Charcoal Burner, and Zhao Chuanxin called her Brother Mei.

More than twenty days.

Zhao Chuanxin said, leaning against the railing.

Then he took out a few pieces of chocolate and distributed them to everyone.

Miao Cuihua doesn’t want it.

Ning An and Li Shutong took it and stuffed it into their mouths.

Liu Yuanshan took a piece, looked at the dark clod-like thing against the blue sky, and asked, What is this?

Chocolate is quite sweet.

Liu Yuanshan broke off a piece and handed it to the dry rice.

Gan Fan roared angrily.

Liu Yuanshan was startled.

Zhao Chuanxin said happily: Dogs will suffer from epilepsy if they eat chocolate, and they will die if it is severe. I know better than you what you can and can't eat.

Because Zhao Chuanxin told Ganfan to reduce the number of matings and births, otherwise his lifespan would be shortened.

Ganfan is not an ordinary dog. He started his health care career by following the good deeds.

What I usually eat is very particular and must be nutritious. When you go out for a run, you will never exercise too much, exercise moderately, and take a nap at noon.

Drink soup before meals, trim your nails regularly, never drink dirty water, fight insects regularly, etc...

Not to mention substances that are toxic to it.

Ganfan: Woof woof woof...

Zhao Chuanxin translated: It said it would live with me for a few more years.

Liu Yuanshan ate the chocolate himself.

She was so dazzled that her cheeks bulged like a hamster.

In this day and age, most girls wouldn't eat like her.

Zhao Chuanxin felt very cordial instead.

So, after she finished eating, Zhao Chuanxin said: I forgot to tell you, the raw material of chocolate, cocoa beans, are mostly produced in Africa, and a few are produced in South America. The climate in these places is hot, so when making chocolate, every pound of chocolate contains , a few also have half a tael of small insect arms and legs mixed in.


Liu Yuanshan, Li Shutong and Ning An were stunned.


Miao Cuihua's branches trembled with laughter.

Zhao Chuanxin glanced secretly out of the corner of his eye.

When peeking at such things, Zhao Chuanxin always looked from the bottom up.

When he looked up, he found that Miao Cuihua was also looking at him sideways.

Zhao Chuanxin quickly straightened his head and behaved like a gentleman.

Li Shutong said angrily: Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Zhao Chuanxin said innocently: For the sake of you, I asked you to eat more meat to replenish your health.


For a young man like Li Shutong, even if he is in despair, knowing that he has eaten an insect is nothing less than bad news.

Ning An was okay, he retched twice and recovered.

From this point, Zhao Chuanxin inferred that his family background was far inferior to that of Li Shutong.

In fact, Ning An escaped secretly.

He was sent to the temple by his family. The temple monk learned that he was leaving with the God of War team, and he did not dare to let out a fart.

Zhao Chuanxin had an indifferent attitude.

So this is a beautiful misunderstanding.

After Li Shutong vomited some bitterness, Zhao Chuanxin took out his cigarette and lit it: When you get to the United States, I will send you to further your studies.

This kind of thing is about tossing.

After enough tossing, those inexplicable thoughts will fade away.

Li Shutong wiped his mouth, shook his head and said, I can't trouble you anymore. I haven't paid back the original money.

Haha, the more you care about someone's emotions, the more you become their slave.

Li Shutong, Liu Yuanshan and Ning An were stunned.

There is something Zen about this sentence.

Li Shutong frowned: You can't say that.

Zhao Chuanxin said cheerfully: You have become the slave of your late mother, the slave of your best friend Yang Cuixi, the slave of that Japanese girl, and now you are going to be my slave again. If the burden is more, you will want to become a monk. , running away from everything because you can’t afford it.”

Li Shutong was silent.

Incompetent, furious, and passive and withdrawn from the world, no matter what kind of person, the mind is extremely serious.

At first I thought I could take on everything, but when I found I couldn't support myself, I either got angry or broke down.

The scepter of salvation was waved in Zhao Chuanxin's hand in a bored manner.

He said: If you are unwilling to continue to study art, I will help you contact a geologist, Thomas Chamberlain. This old man studies geology. If you do not have the feeling of helping the world and want to save all sentient beings, then you can study Geology, protecting the environment in the future, caring for small animals and so on.

Zhao Chuanxin's words made Liu Yuanshan envious.

The charity provided her with a sum of money. Although it was not much, it was enough for travel expenses and room and board for the first month.

When boarding the ship, Zhao Chuanxin bought her a ticket and saved her a fortune on the transoceanic voyage.

In this way, you can survive for two more months.

If someone could think about her like this, she would laugh out of her dreams.

However, as soon as he thought of this, Zhao Chuanxin looked at her: Brother Mei, what do you want to learn when you arrive in the United States?

Liu Yuanshan's heart skipped a beat.

He blurted out: I want to study engineering.

Engineering? Zhao Chuanxin was slightly surprised. At this time, most domestic students, regardless of gender, had to study liberal arts.

In the next era, there will be as many liberal arts students as dogs.

Pens and guns save and strengthen the country.

Some people say that the upper class fights, the middle class participates, and the lower class watches the theater, so there is a lack of science students; some people say that the country is semi-colonial and semi-feudal, and if you want to make guns, you have to ask for the consent of the master, so there is a shortage of science students.

Zhao Chuanxin doesn't think so.

Even if the sky is falling, it is not a reason not to develop.

Yes, I want to study engineering. Liu Yuanshan said firmly.

There are many types of engineering, including chemistry, civil engineering, mechanics, and electrical. Which one do you want to study specifically?

Liu Yuanshan was a little dumbfounded.

She only had a rough idea in her head, no concrete concept.

Zhao Chuanxin thought for a while and said, You go and study materials. When you are successful in your studies, you can help me with work. When the time comes, we two brothers will join forces to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory.

It is true that Liu Yuanshan wants to be strong, but she also knows how to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of every opportunity. She will never be shy at this moment. She simply said: Brother Charcoal Burner, if you have the ability, I have learned martial arts and I will have no problem selling the goods to your family. Yes. But you also have to help me.

Zhao Chuanxin admired this girl very much.

Silly, bold, and aggressive.

Okay, come with me when you get to the United States, and I'll ask the butler to contact the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for you.

Then I really sold my future to you!

Liu Yuanshan was overjoyed.

Zhao Chuanxin was thinking that maybe he was short of money now, but when he made money, he could recruit more international students and train a group of science students.

When I return to China in the future, I will also play with steel, making guns, cannons, airplanes, cars, and tanks.


Seeing this, Miao Cuihua came closer and asked in a low voice: Are you hungry? Can I go back and feed you?

Zhao Chuanxin saw her holding out her chest and raising her head,

I couldn't help but stand at attention and salute.

Haha, how could it be? Didn't you just finish your meal? Zhao Chuanxin wiped his saliva. I just thought about steel.

You're too strong-willed, right? I have a way to resolve it.

Miao Cuihua turned around and faced the sea, leaning on the railing. The wind blew her skirt close to her body, revealing her beautiful pleated curves.

She has two of Zhao Chuanxin's favorite links.

Good guy, don't underestimate him!

Li Shutong and Ning An hid far away.

In fact, they didn't quite understand what Zhao Chuanxin and Miao Cuihua were talking about.


They could almost see the invisible sparks of collision in the air.

Zhao Chuanxin looked at the two people hiding away and Liu Yuanshan who was stupid and confused, and thought to himself who is not a bachelor these days.

He changed the subject: Here, let me teach you how to speak English.

Liu Yuanshan applauded: Okay, I have a vocabulary book. I have been carrying it every day for a few days until I have a headache. I still can't remember it. It's too difficult.

Li Shutong heard that he was going to teach English and came to join in the fun.

Zhao Chuanxin is always tireless in teaching, but his actual teaching can only destroy others.

Come and go, come and go, nod yes and shake your head, Bulu is blue, Waite is white...

Li Shutong's eyes widened at the side: Zhuan Xin, although your teaching method is novel, I don't think it is reliable. My English teacher was Mr. Cai Yuanpei. He once told me that if you want to learn English, you must not Just rely on translation.”

Zhao Chuanxin was not convinced. Many people had grown up listening to this stuff.

Then what do you think we should do?

You see, when we were children, we spoke Chinese, but did anyone translate? You see, foreigners spoke English, and Japanese spoke Japanese, but did anyone translate?

Zhao Chuanxin made way and said, Come on, you can go ahead.

Li Shutong did not come, but trotted back to his cabin, and soon came back with an original copy of The Complete Works of Shakespeare.

He just held the book but did not read it. He just blurted out: And the sunlight clasps the earth, And the moonbeams kiss the sea... What are all these kissings worth, If thou kiss not me...

Zhao Chuanxin spat: Bah, it's a hug, it's a kiss, it's obscene, it's obscene, don't let me hear such disgusting words.

Li Shutong: ...

When Liu Yuanshan heard that these were obscene words, Xiafei's cheeks felt a little embarrassed.

Ning An's eyes flickered, showing great interest.

Miao Cuihua asked casually: Brother, please translate, what is this talking about?

It is reasonable for Li Shutong to be called talented. In addition to his artistic attainments, he was even proficient in both English and Japanese languages.

Under the pseudonym Li Guangping, he translated Book of Legal Studies and Private International Law.

If you can perform a play on stage, you can imagine how high your speaking skills can be.

He translated it, and when everyone heard it, it turned out that it was a very ordinary poem, not as bad as Zhao Chuanxin said.

Miao Cuihua said disappointedly: What did you think it was...

Liu Yuanshan said: It's a beautiful poem.

Li Shutong opened the book at this time: When learning English, you can't just learn semantics, you must combine the context and apply what you learn. For example, if you learn the words today, you can recite poetry tomorrow, so you can learn quickly...

Zhao Chuanxin was actually very convinced.

This guy's personality is a bit weak, but his talent is indeed not something to be underestimated. This lesson only lasts one afternoon.

Miao Cuihua, Ning An and Liu Yuanshan became more and more enthusiastic as they learned.

It's mainly Shakespeare's stuff, which has distinctive characters, vivid and rich plots, and occasionally conveys some philosophy, which is very interesting to learn.

When the sea surface is thickly coated with deep blue and when the morning star rises into the sky, Zhao Chuanxin looks up to the sky.

Ning An asked him: Sir, are you observing the sky?

Yes. Zhao Chuanxin clasped his hands behind his back, his expression indifferent.

Everyone was attracted to him and looked at him.

Miao Cuihua asked: What did you observe?

Zhao Chuanxin's eyes were deep: The crape myrtle is rushing towards the Big Dipper, the white tiger is sitting in the palace, and there is a red light piercing the southeast corner! Oh no, something bad is going to happen!

Liu Yuanshan's little face became nervous: Brother Charcoal Burner, what's wrong? Is there a bloody disaster?

Zhao Chuanxin pinched his fingers and said: I calculated this way, there is no bloody disaster, but I should be hungry, we should eat!


Several people wanted to beat him.

But only Miao Cuihua touched his lower back with her soft hands.

Zhao Chuanxin laughed and took them to eat.

After eating, Zhao Chuanxin returned to the cabin early and took out his diary.

It’s a long journey, and this voyage, in conjunction with the diary journey, is the time to complete the task as early as possible.

[The four of us rested for two nights on the way and finally walked out of the Shadow Forest. 】

[The store outside the Shadow Forest still exists. 】

[I said: Let’s go in and take a look. 】

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