The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 785: The night before the mating ceremony (2)

"Good solution," Lilac said, but at the same time she wondered whether Jedrek would get angry at her if she went out of the castle now and disobeyed his order.

It would be nice if he got angry.

If Lilac kissed him, would his anger melt away as well? She pondered about it in her subconscious.

"Right, problem solved, let's go!" Hope circled her hands around Raine's arm. "Just like what Calleb said, you just need to kiss him to appease him. Easy. Moreover, we are taking Calleb with us, and nothing will happen when the city is packed with so many people. Not to mention that no one knows our faces. So it will be safe, right?" Hope turned to Calleb for support.

"Right!" Calleb was beyond excited to the prospect of going out from this room and Raine could see that the Gamma would agree to everything, literally.

"Kace will be angry at you," Raine was still trying to convince them that they shouldn't go out, yet she knew it was a futile attempt. If she wasn't even capable of making Calleb stay, what more could she do to make the other two guardian angels, who were always very vocal with what they wanted to do.

"Nah, don't worry," Hope said while waving her hand casually. "I know how to handle him."

"What about Jedrek?" Raine looked at Lilac, who was walking in front of them with Calleb, both of them were talking about which tavern that they should visit first.

"The best thing he would do was glare," Lilac shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.

For now, they were walking along the corridor and a few guards were staring at them with curiosity, but no one was daring enough to question them when they walked toward the north gates.

Only after they walked past all the guards and the gates, could Raine sigh deeply, she hoped nothing would happen to them in the city.


"We will call it a day," Jedrek said and ended the meeting for the day. The sky had already turned dark three hours ago, but the city was still alive, even more alive than the nights before. His people knew how to celebrate tomorrow's event.

However, here Jedrek was, with his two brothers and their trusted people, holding a meeting about what moves they should take or on the new information that they got their hands on.

Apparently, nowadays, something weird was happening in many places in human realm and the crime cases were increasing along with the strange weather.

Not many people were aware of this and thought it was only a natural phenomena, but they knew it was not.

"Where are you going?" Kace asked Jedrek when he noticed that his older brother was about to leave the tent. All the people had left and it was only the three of them now.

"Back to the castle," Jedrek replied, in a tone as if he was asking; what kind of question was that?

"Why do you want to go back to the castle?" Kace frowned and stopped Jedrek by standing in front of him. "Tomorrow is your mating ceremony, we should celebrate it."

Indeed, mates think alike. In a different place, Hope suggested the same thing to her fellow guardian angels, and now here Kace was, trying to throw a small party for Jedrek. "I know some good taverns around the city."

"So do I," Jedrek said. Of course he knew, this was his city after all. He knew every inch of this place.

"Let's go then," Kace waved his hand, gesturing for Torak and Jedrek to follow him.

"I don't want to go," Torak said, but Kace wrapped his arm around Torak's shoulder when he was about to walk past him.

"Why don't you want to go?" Kace asked.

"I want to be with my mate," Torak said while freeing himself from Kace.

"This is just for an hour. Raine will not mind waiting for one or two more hours. You should give her time with the other guardian angels, so they can build a good understanding of each other." Kace tried to persuade him.

Since Jedrek said everything to them yesterday in the dungeon, no one wanted to talk about it again, they needed time to adjust themselves, and now they chose to act as if nothing had happened.

It was kind of awkward at first, but during the meeting, the tension of planning something big together brought them to an understanding.

And here, Kace was trying to ease the situation between them even further.

"Let's go! This is a bachelor party!" Kace beat Torak to it when he was about to protest. "I will ask the other people to come too!"

"Bachelor party is for someone who is getting married. Jedrek is just going to have a matting ceremony," Torak retorted.

"It's the same," Kace shrugged his shoulders. "We need to relax for a while after these hard days and before the days that will come."


"I want to take a walk in the city," Lana said from her bed. She felt a little bit better, but her boredom was almost unbearable. She was used to roam around a different place every day, therefore, being stuck inside this room for days irritated her.

Raphael walked over to her and sat on the edge of her bed. He didn't know what to do with his high- spirited mate. Lana had been whining the whole day because Raphael wouldn't let her go and helped her in every small thing.

It felt sweet at first, but Lana soon found it quite annoying. Raphael didn't even let her pick up a glass and fed her every time he could.

Well, Lana didn't mind when he fed her, because she started to feel hungry most of the time. However, she still hadn't told Raphael what Serefina had told her about the baby.

Usually, Raphael would sense it if there was something different with Lana, but maybe it was still in the early stages, therefore the Beta was still clueless about this and adding that to the medicine Lana had to take, thus even if her scent changed slightly, Raphael wouldn't realize it immediately.

"I want to go out," Lana sulked.

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